Tiberius Fulvius Asticus, v.p.,
sent an edict, recommending its display, with the copy of the Price Edict which
is inscribed at Aezani in Phrygia; he is attested on milestones at Alabanda,
Mylasa, Halicarnassus, and at Keramos, which is the first inscription to give
his praenomen. Aezani: M. H. Crawford
and J. M. Reynolds, JRS 65 (1975)
160-3, and N. Lewis, The Governor's edict at Aezanoi, Hellenika 42 (1991-2), 15-20; Alabanda: CIL III.480, whence PLRE
I, Asticus; Mylasa: I.Mylasa 36;
Halicarnassus: D. H. French, Milestones of Pontus, Galatia, Phrygia and
Lycia, ZPapEpig 43 (1981), 149-74, 16.i,
and a second, unpublished, reported by C. Foss; Keramos: E. Varinlioglu and D.
H. French, Four Milestones from Ceramus, REA 93 (1991), 123-37, 3.1, whence SEG