Inscriptions of Aphrodisias
This is the first edition of the online corpus of the inscriptions of Aphrodisias recorded up to 1994. The editions, translations and commentary are by Joyce Reynolds, Charlotte Roueché and Gabriel Bodard.
Inscriptions are marked-up using the EpiDoc electronic editorial conventions developed by Tom Elliott and others. The website and the supporting materials were developed by the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London.
This corpus contains:
The full bibliographical description of this publication:
Joyce Reynolds, Charlotte Roueché, Gabriel Bodard, Inscriptions of Aphrodisias (2007), available </iaph2007>, ISBN 978-1-897747-19-3.
This should be abbreviated to IAph2007 .
E.g. to cite:
Inscription no. 1.26 | IAph2007 1.26 |