The first study devoted to the history of the inscriptions of Aphrodisias was a small volume by J. M. R. Cormack, Notes on the History of the Inscribed Monuments of Aphrodisias (Reading, 1955), written while he was preparing the inscriptions recorded by his teacher, William Calder, for publication (as MAMA 8). The relevance of such material was illuminated by the work of Louis Robert; this was reflected in the discussion of visitors to Caria in J. and L. Robert, La Carie II, and to Aphrodisias in Hellenica 13, 109-16; the background to one group of texts was set out by J. M. Reynolds, A&R Appendix II, 147-8. Since then, new material has emerged; what follows is an account of the current state of our knowledge.

In the Byzantine period, probably in the ninth century, at least two, possibly three epigrams inscribed at the site were included in the Greek Anthology (Anthologia Palatina 9.704, 16.35, and perhaps 7.690); see H. Beckby, Anthologia Graeca (Munich, 1957) I.2, 75 ff. They may may have been transcribed from the stone by a Byzantine copyist; but it is also possible that they circulated separately within the literary tradition.


William Sherard (See DNB entry), while British Consul at Smyrna, visited the site on two occasions; his own and related notebooks are in the British Library, bound as BL Add. 10101-2. Understanding of his copies has been transformed by the work of Michael Crawford; see: M. H. Crawford, Diocletian's jigsaw puzzles: autopsy and progress, in T. P. Wiseman (ed.), Classics in Progress (London: The British Academy, 2002), 145-163 and M. H. Crawford, William Sherard and the Prices Edict, Revue Numismatique 159 (2003), 83-107.

1705, 19 to 23 August

Sherard visited several sites, including Geira/Aphrodisias, accompanied by Rev. John Tisser, Mr. Cutts Lockwood, Mr. John Lethieullier and Dr. Antonio Picenini. Picenini kept a diary (BL Add. 6269, ff 38-49) and made copies (BL Add. 10102, ff. 12-53; Aphrodisias 13-36); he also transcribed the copies made by Tisser (10102, ff. 53-81, Aphrodisias 53-56v, 61v-68, 71-77). Sherard made some copies of his own (BL Add. 10101 ff 9-21, Aphrodisias 9-16v); he also transcribed the copies made by Picenini (ff. 22-67, Aphrodisias 24-48v). The resultant MS (BL Add. 10101, ff. 9-78v), is referred to by Boeckh as Cod. Ask 1. Picenini also gave a copy of the inscriptions he had copied to E. Spanheim, the Prussian Ambassador to London, and this is now in the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin (MS Spanhem. 11); this was also consulted by Boeckh in the preparation of Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum II.2.


Sherard went on an expedition around June 20 with Rev. Dr. S. Lisle, (BL Add. 10101 ff. 68-78); he did not visit Aphrodisias. He set off on a second expedition, from 5-25 July, with Dr. Lisle, Mr. Vandervecht, and J.C., probably Jos. Clotterboke (10101, 119-131v, Cod. Ask. 3) as well as Bernard Mould (whose diary is BL Add. 65412); this took him to Aphrodisias on 6 July, and almost all the inscriptions copied on that expedition are from there (10101, 120-131).

Picenini's and Sherard's copies were used by E. Chishull, Antiquitates Asiaticae Christianam Aeram antecedentes (London, 1728). Sherard's papers were consulted in London by Karl Müller on behalf of Boeckh, for the preparation of Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum II.2: see K. Müller, Briefwechsel zwischen August Boeckh und Karl Otfried Müller (Leipzig, 1883).

1750, 1-3 October

Robert 'Palmyra' Wood (See DNB entry) visited the site and copied some twenty texts; these copies were never published, but are all of texts which have been published elsewhere. The papers are now in the possession of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, who kindly allowed us to study and copy them. See C. A. Hutton, The travels of Palmyra Wood in 1750-51, Journal of Hellenic Studies 30 (1927), 102-128, 119; L. Robert, Hellenica 13, 114.


Domenico Sestini spent three days at Aphrodisias; his copies were published, Sestini , Viaggi e opusculi diversi di Domenico Sestini (Berlin, 1807), and used by Boeckh in Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum II.2.


J-P. Gandy-Deering (See DNB entry), an architect employed by the Society of Dilettanti, visited Aphrodisias. His copies were published by William Leake, Inscriptions from Aphrodisias, Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature (1843), 232-45, 288-303, and republished by W. H. Waddington, Inscriptions grecques et latines (LBW) We are very grateful to the late Madame Jeanne Robert for the gift of Deering's copies, which can now be consulted on the web at /notebooks/deering/


Otto von Richter visited the site; see the edition of his papers by J. P. G. Ewers, Wallfahrten in Morgenlande (Berlin, 1822). His epigraphic copies were published by J. V. Francke, Griechische und lateinische Inscriften, gesammelt von Otto Fr.Richter (Berlin, 1830), and used by Boeckh in Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum II.2. See L.Robert, Hellenica 13, 113.


H.P. Borrell (See DNB entry), resident in Smyrna, obtained an inscription from Aphrodisias, a copy of which he sent to Boeckh: see D. Whitehead, From Smyrna to Stewartstown: a numismatist's epigraphic notebook, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 99c (1999), 73-117, 104-5


C.-F. M. Texier copied inscriptions, incidentally to his surveying and drawing of buildings at Aphrodisias; these were published in volume III of Texier , Description de l'Asie Mineure faite par ordre du Gouvernement Français, de 1833 à 1837, et publiée par le Ministère de l'Instruction publique. Ouvrage Dédié au Roi (Paris, 1839-49).


A. Boeckh used copies by Picenini, Sherard, Sestini, von Richter, H. P. Borrell, and others sent by D. Raoul-Rochette (see L. Robert, Hellenica 13, 131) and some unnamed correspondents in publishing the inscriptions of Aphrodisias in volume II.2 of A. Boeckh et al., Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (Berlin, 1835).


Sir Charles Fellows (See DNB entry) visited Aphrodisias; his copies tend to be unreliable compared, for example, to those of Sherard. He published them very promptly, in C. Fellows, An Account of Discoveries in Lycia (London, 1841); they were used in the addenda published in CIG II.3. Of these a page is preserved among the papers of Samuel kept in the Greek and Roman Department of the British Museum (to whom I am grateful for access). Page 515 has been annotated (in pencil), 'The hand of Sir C. Fellows'. It contains the transcriptions of two texts headed 'Priene' (P.Le Bas, W.H.Waddington, Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie Mineure, fait pendant les années 1834 et 1844 (Paris 1847-1877) 205, Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum 2904), and then the heading 'Aphrodisias', followed by the transcriptions of MAMA 8, 550 and 564 (published by Fellows as nos. 48, 47).


H. Loew, naturalist (see J. and L. Robert, La Carie II, 59) visited the site. His copies were edited and published by J. Franz, Inscriptiones Graecae, Annali dell'Istituto di Correspondenza Archeologica 19 (1847), 105-31, referred to in CIG IV in 1856, and and republished by W. H. Waddington, LBW, in 1870.


J. K. Bailie (See DNB entry) visited the site. In an account of his visit, J. K. Bailie, Researches amongst the inscribed monuments of the Graeco-Roman Era in certain ancient sites of Asia Minor, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 21 (1843), 11-65, with 76-86, 32, he states clearly that he copied 'only fifteen or twenty of these records'; of the forty-one inscriptions which he subsequently published, J. K. Bailie, Fasciculus Inscriptionum Graecarum (London and Dublin, 1846), at least twenty are clearly from earlier publications; for his unreliability, see L. Robert, Hellenica 13, 152-4. He also used copies supplied to him by H. P. Borrell; see D. Whitehead, From Smyrna to Stewartstown: a numismatist's epigraphic notebook, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 99c (1999), 73-117.


A. Boeckh republished the inscriptions found by Fellows in volume II.3 of A. Boeckh et al., Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (Berlin, 1843).


Philippe Le Bas copied inscriptions, published in 1870 by W. H. Waddington, as Le Bas and Waddington, Inscriptions grecques et latines .

1844, Summer

Edward Falkener (See DNB entry) copied inscriptions, which were published by W. Henzen, Inscriptiones Graecae, Annali dell'Istituto di Correspondenza Archeologica 24 (1852), 115-37.


W. H. Waddington copied inscriptions: the copies made by him and by Le Bas in 1843 were published by Waddington in 1870 in LBW.


E. Curtius and A. Kirchhoff published Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum IV, (Berlin, 1856), including material from Aphrodisias copied by Loew


W. H. Waddington published inscriptions copied by himself and Philippe Le Bas as Le Bas and Waddington, Inscriptions grecques et latines receuillies en Grèce et en Asie Mineure (Paris, 1870); he also republished inscriptions not included in CIG IV, published by Franz, Bailie, Henzen and Leake.


K. G. Anthopoulos recorded four texts formerly from Aphrodisias but by then at Pirlibey, and published them, Anthopoulos , Homeros III (1875), 80; it was presumably he who sent a squeeze of one of these texts to A. Papadopoulos-Kerameus, who published it in Athenische Mitteilungen 5 (1880), 340, no. 12.


G. Hirschfeld copied inscriptions; one was published by J. M. R. Cormack in 1964. On Hirschfeld see J. and L. Robert, La Carie II, 65.


Auguste Choisy, an architect and engineer, copied inscriptions, which were published by Georges Perrot, Inscriptions de Carie, Revue Archeologique 32 (1876), 39-42, no.45.


W. M. Ramsay (See DNB entry) copied inscriptions, and published them in Ramsay , Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia (Oxford, 1897)


J. R. S. Sterrett copied inscriptions, and published them: Sterrett , Papers of the American School at Athens 2 (1883-4, published 1888), 11-13.

1884, November

P. Paris and M. Holleaux copied inscriptions, and published them: Paris and Holleaux, Inscriptions de Carie. I. Aphrodisias, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 9 (1885), 324-48.


G. Radet copied inscriptions, and published them: Radet , Inscriptions de Carie, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 14 (1890), 236-8.

1887 Early summer

G. Doublet and G. Deschamps spent four hours at Aphrodisias copied inscriptions, and published them: Doublet and Deschamps, Inscriptions de Carie, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 14 (1890), 610-14; see G. Deschamps, Sur les routes de l'Asie (Paris, 1894), and J and L Robert, La Carie II, 66-7.


O. Liermann republished a substantial group of inscriptions from the site in Analecta epigraphica et agonistica, Dissertationes Philologicae Halenses X (Halle, 1889).


W. Kubitschek and W. Reichel spent sixteen days at Aphrodisias, and also recorded texts at Bingeç and Pirlibey. They published sixteen of the c. 200 texts which they copied and or squeezed, Kubitschek and Reichel , Inscriptiones Graecae, Anzeiger der kaiserlicher Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien (1893), 100-3. Some of their copies were used by L. Robert, Les gladiateurs dans l'Orient grec nos. 158, 159, 160, 161. J. M. R. Cormack published a further selection, Inscriptions from Aphrodisias , in 1964. Cormack also used their notebooks in his preparation of MAMA 8. Their notebooks (one by Reichel and two by Kubitschek) and squeezes are kept by the Kleinasiatische Kommission in Vienna, to whom we are most grateful for access.


W. R. Paton (See DNB entry) visited the site with a grant from the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies; he published the texts which he copied in the area in an article W. R. Paton, Sites in Eastern Karia and South Lydia, Journal of Hellenic Studies 20 (1900), 57-80.


P. Gaudin excavated at Aphrodisias; see M. Collignon, Notes sur les fouilles executées à Aphrodisias par M. Paul Gaudin, Comptes rendus des séances de l’année de l’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (1904), 703-11. Gaudin copied and squeezed over 200 inscriptions; these were published from his records by T. Reinach, Inscriptions d'Aphrodisias, Revue des Etudes Grecques 19 (1906), 79-150, 205-98; Reinach also consulted the Kubitschek and Reichel records. Gaudin's squeezes are now in the possession of the Sorbonne, to whom we are very grateful for access and photographs.


First Gaudin, and, after he was called away, G. Mendel excavated at Aphrodisias; see Mendel , Seconde note sur les fouilles executées à Aphrodisias par M. Paul Gaudin. Campagne de 1905, Comptes rendus des séances de l’année de l’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (1906), 158-84, and M. Collignon, Les fouilles d'Aphrodisias, Revue de l’art ancien et moderne 19 (1906), 33-50. Mendel published two inscriptions with his publication of statues found at Aphrodisias, Mendel , Musées Imperiaux Ottomans. Catalogue des sculptures grecques, romaines et byzantines (Constantinople, 1914), and passed several more on to H. Grégoire who published them as well as other, previously published, texts, in Recueil des inscriptions grecques-chrétiennes d'Asie Mineure (Paris, 1922).


A. Boulanger excavated at Aphrodisias, principally in the area of the Hadrianic Baths; see A. Boulanger, Notes sur les fouilles executées en 1913 à Aphrodisias, Comptes rendus des séances de l’année de l’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (1914), 33-50. He left two notebooks; one, A, contains, pp 1-9, inscriptions copied and mostly already published, by Mendel; pp 39-47 transcriptions of 12 inscriptions from the Baths already published by Reinach; pp. 49-65 copies, by Boulanger, of 29 inscriptions discovered by Mendel in 1905; pp. 67-78 26 texts found in 1913, with the date of each find. B contains fair copies of the inscriptions found in 1905 and 1913, clearly prepared with a view to publication. We are very grateful to the late Madame Jeanne Robert for the gift of these notebooks. One text was published from these by B. Haussoullier, Revue de Philologie 44 (1920), 72-74. More texts were published from Boulanger's notebooks by L. Robert: Inscriptions grecques d'Asie Mineure. II. Inscription d'Aphrodisias, Anatolian Studies Buckler (Manchester, 1939), 227-48 (= L.Robert, Opera Minora Selecta, I-VII (Amsterdam 1969-1990) I, 611-32) and Épigrammes d'Aphrodisias in Hellenica 4, 127-135. Robert also cited others in: Robert , Études Anatoliennes (Paris, 1937), 542 n. 2; Robert , Hellenica 1 (Paris, 1940), 51; Inscriptions d'Aphrodisias, (1966), 394, n. 1, and 417.


B. Laum republished several inscriptions from the site, Stiftungen in der griechische und römischen Antike (Leipzig-Berlin, 1914)


A. Salač published Inscriptions de Kyme de Eolide, de Phocee, de Tralles et de quelques autres villes d'Asie Mineure, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 51 (1927), 374-400


W. M. Calder, with L. I. Higby and A. B. Birnie, recorded inscriptions at Aphrodisias as part of the Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua project. A second expedition, by W.H. Buckler and L. Robert, was planned for 1935, but was prevented by the political situation. One text was published by Calder , Silius Italicus in Asia, Classical Review 49 (1935), 216-7; one was sent to L. Robert by W. H. Buckler, and published in Les gladiateurs dans l'Orient grec , no. 156; another was published by J. M. R. Cormack, Epigraphic evidence for the water supply of Aphrodisias, The Annual of the British School at Athens 49 (1954), 9-10. All the texts which the 1934 expedition copied were eventually published, after the deaths of Buckler and Calder, by J. M. R. Cormack.


An Italian expedition directed by G. Jacopi, excavated at Aphrodisias. G. Jacopi's publication, Gli scavi della missione archeologica italiana in Afrodisiade, Monumenti antichi. 38 (1939-40), 85ff includes the inscriptions they found.


L. Robert published Les gladiateurs dans l'Orient grec (Limoges, 1940), including unpublished material from copies by Kubitschek and Reichel, and from the MAMA expedition.


M. Squarciapino republished a series of inscriptions of Aphrodisian sculptors from Aphrodisias and elsewhere, La Scuola di Afrodisia (Rome, 1943)

1946 and 1947

J. and L. Robert copied inscriptions at Aphrodisias, which were published, together with some copied by Boulanger, in L. Robert, Hellenica 4 (Paris, 1948)


J. and L. Robert published La Carie II: Le Plateau de Tabai (Paris, 1954), drawing extensively on Aphrodisian material.


Sculptural and inscribed fragments found during building works were published by A. Giuliano, Rilievo da Aphrodisias in onore di Zoilos, AnnScuolArchAth 38-9 (1959-60), 389-401


All the texts which the 1934 MAMA expedition had copied were published, after the deaths of Buckler and Calder, by J. M. R. Cormack, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, VIII (Manchester, 1962). For a full and critical analysis of this volume see L. Robert, Hellenica 13 (Paris, 1965), esp. 109-238.


An inscription from Aphrodisias now in the Vienna Museum was published by Rudolf Noll, Die griechischen und lateinischen Inschriften der Wiener Antikensammlung, Vienna (1962, republished 1986).


J. M. R. Cormack transcribed copies made by Hirschfeld, Kubitschek and Reichel from the archives in Vienna, as Cormack , Inscriptions from Aphrodisias, The Annual of the British School at Athens 59 (1964), 16-29; this provoked a very full analysis by L. Robert, Inscriptions d'Aphrodisias, Antiquité Classique 36 (1966), 337-432 (= L. Robert, Opera Minora Selecta, VI, 1-56).

The Current Excavations

The New York University excavation began in 1961. Reports on the excavations appeared in the American Journal of Archaeology, Anatolian Studies, Fasti archaeologici, the Illustrated London News and Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi. A full bibliography up to 1986 was published in

J. de la Genière et K. T. Erim edd., Aphrodisias de Carie: Colloque Lille 1985 (Paris 1987), 159-165

This was supplemented by further bibliographies in

C. Roueché and K. T. Erim edd, Aphrodisias Papers, Journal of Roman Archaeology Monograph 1 (Ann Arbor, 1990)

K. T. Erim  and R. R. R. Smith edd., Aphrodisias Papers 2 Journal of Roman Archaeology Monograph 2 (Ann Arbor, 1991)

C. Roueché, and R. R. R. Smith edd., Aphrodisias Papers 3, Journal of Roman Archaeology Monograph 20 (Ann Arbor, 1996)

There have been regular reports, since 1990, in the Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi, published annually in Ankara and, since 1995, in the American Journal of Archaeology. A bibliography can be found at the excavation website

Epigraphic Bibliography of the current excavations

  • K. T. Erim, 'De Aphrodisiade', AJA 71 (1967), 233-243
  • I. Sevcenko, An epigram honoring the praeses of Caria, Oikoumenios, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 21 (1967), 285-6
  • J. M. Reynolds, in A. Alföldi, K. T. Erim, J. Inan, Roman and early Byzantine portait sculpture in Asia Minor. Supplement I, Belleten 32 (1968), 1-24, 21-24
  • I. Sevcenko, A late epigram and the so-called Elder Magistrate from Aphrodisias, Synthronon, Art et archéologie de la fin de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Age, recueil d'études par André Grabar et un groupe de ses disciples (Paris, 1968), 29-41
  • K. T. Erim, Two inscriptions from Aphrodisias, Papers of the British School at Rome 37 (1969), 92-5
  • K. T. Erim and J. M. Reynolds, A letter of Gordian III from Aphrodisias in Caria (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 59 (1969), 56-58
  • D. de Solla Price, Portable sundials in antiquity, including an account of a new example from Aphrodisias, Centaurus 14 (1969), 242-66
  • O. Carruba, A Lydian inscription from Aphrodisias in Caria (Jstor), Journal of Hellenic Studies 90 (1970), 195-6
  • J. Kubinska, Les tombeaux d'Aphrodisias d'apres les inscriptions, Etudes et travaux du centre d'archeologie mediterraneenne de l'academie polonaise des sciences (1970), 114-18
  • K. T. Erim and J. M. Reynolds, The copy of Diocletian's Edict on Maximum Prices from Aphrodisias in Caria (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 60 (1970), 120-140
  • K. T. Erim, J. M. Reynolds and M. H. Crawford, Diocletian's Currency Reform, a new inscription from Aphrodisias (Jstor),Journal of Roman Studies 61 (1971), 171-77
  • T. Drew-Bear, Deux inscriptions a Aphrodisias, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 8 (1971), 285-8
  • T. Drew-Bear, Deux décrets Héllenistiques d'Asie Mineure, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 96 (1972), 435-471
  • J. M. Reynolds in K. T. Erim, A portait sculpture of Domitian from Aphrodisias, Opuscula Romana 9 (1973), 135-42
  • K. T. Erim and J. M. Reynolds, The Aphrodisias copy of Diocletian's Price Edict (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 63 (1973), 99-110
  • J. M. Reynolds, Aphrodisias, a free and federate city, Vestigia 17 (1973), 115-122
  • F. Millar, Triumvirate and Principate (Jstor),Journal of Roman Studies 63 (1973), at 50-58
  • Alan Cameron, Appendix B in Circus Factions: Blues and Greens at Rome and Byzantium (Oxford, 1976), 314-7
  • David MacDonald Greek and Roman Coins from Aphrodisias, (Oxford, 1976)
  • V. Nutton, Archiatri and the medical profession, Papers of the British School at Rome 45 (1977), 191-226, nos 1-3
  • J. M. Reynolds, The inscriptions of Aphrodisias, Proceedings of the tenth International Congress of Classical Archaeology (Ankara, 1978), II, 627-34
  • K. T. Erim and J. M. Reynolds, in J. Inan and E. Alföldi, Römische und frühbyzantinische Porträtplastik aus der Turkei (Mainz, 1979), nos. 173-209
  • J. M. Reynolds, The Aphrodisias copy of Diocletian's Edict on Maximum Prices, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 34 (1979), 46
  • J. M. Reynolds, Zoilos: the epigraphic evidence in A. Alföldi, Aion at Mérida and Aphrodisias (Mainz, 1979), 35-40
  • C. Roueché, A new inscription from Aphrodisias and the title pater tes poleos , Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 20 (1979), 173-85
  • J. M. Reynolds, The Origins and Beginnings of Imperial Cult at Aphrodisias, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 206 (1980), 70-84
  • C. P. Jones, Two inscriptions from Aphrodisias (Jstor), Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 85 (1981), 107-29.
  • P. Pattenden, A Late Sundial at Aphrodisias (Jstor), Journal of Hellenic Studies 101 (1981), 101-112
  • J. M. Reynolds, Diocletian's Edict on Maximum Prices: the chapter on wool, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 42 (1981), 283
  • J. M. Reynolds, New evidence for imperial cult in Julio-Claudian Aphrodisias, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 43 (1981), 317-27
  • C. Roueché, Rome, Asia and Aphrodisias in the Third Century (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 71 (1981), 103-20
  • K. T. Erim, A relief showing Claudius and Britannia from Aphrodisias, Britannia 13 (1982), 277-81
  • C. Roueché and K. T. Erim, Sculptors from Aphrodisias: some new inscriptions, Papers of the British School at Rome 50 (1982), 102-15
  • J. M. Reynolds, Aphrodisias and Rome, Journal of Roman Studies monograph 1, (London, 1982) A&R
  • C. Roueché, Acclamations in the later Roman empire: new evidence from Aphrodisias (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 74 (1984), 181-99
  • J. M. Reynolds, The politeia of Plarasa and Aphrodisias, Revue des Etudes Anciennes 87 (1985), 213-8
  • J. M. Reynolds, Further information on imperial cult at Aphrodisias, Festschrift Pippidi, Studii Clasici 24 (1986), 109-17
  • J. M. Reynolds and M. Speidel, A veteran of Legio I Parthica from Carian Aphrodisias, Epigraphica Anatolica 5 (1985), 31-5
  • J. M. Reynolds, The inscriptions, in Aphrodisias de Carie (Colloque Lille 1985) (1987), 81-5
  • J. M. Reynolds, New evidence for the social history of Aphrodisias, in Sociétés urbaines, sociétés rurales: Colloque Strasbourg 1985, éd. E. Frézouls, Strasbourg 1987, 107-13
  • J. M. Reynolds and R. F. Tannenbaum, Jews and Godfearers at Aphrodisias, (Cambridge Philological Society Supplementary Volume 12, (Cambridge, 1987) J&G
  • C. Roueché, L'histoire d'Aphrodisias après 250, d'après les inscriptions in Aphrodisias de Carie (Colloque Lille 1985) , (1987), 155-8
  • R. R. R. Smith, The imperial reliefs from the Sebasteion at Aphrodisias (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 77 (1987) 88-138
  • R. R. R. Smith, Simulacra gentium: The Ethne from the Sebasteion at Aphrodisias (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 78 (1988) 50-77
  • C. Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity, Journal of Roman Studies Monograph 5 (London, 1989) ALA
  • J. M. Reynolds, Inscriptions and the building of the Temple of Aphrodite, in Aphrodisias Papers (1990), 37-40.
  • R. R. R. Smith, Late Roman Philosopher portraits from Aphrodisias (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 80 (1990) 127-155
  • A. S. Tulay, Kabalar kurtama kasısı 1989, Müze Kurtama Kazıları Semineri I (Ankara 1990), 25-39.
  • J. M. Reynolds, Epigraphic evidence for the construction of the theatre: 1st c. B.C. to mid 3rd c. A.D., in Aphrodisias Papers 2 (1991), 15-28, whence Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 1991.910-917
  • J. M. Reynolds, The first known Aphrodisian to hold a procuratorship, in P. Scherrer et al. edd. Steine und Wege (Vienna, 1999), 327-334,
  • C. M. Roueché, Inscriptions and the later history of the Theatre, in Aphrodisias Papers 2 (1991), 99-108
  • K. T. Erim, and J. M. Reynolds, Sculptors of Aphrodisias in the inscriptions of the city, Festschrift J. Inan (Istanbul, 1989, appeared 1991), 517-538.
  • C. Roueché, Les spectacles dans la cité romaine et post romaine, Cahiers Glotz 3 (1992), 157-61
  • C. Roueché, Performers and Partisans at Aphrodisias, Journal of Roman Studies Monograph 6 (London, 1993) PPA
  • R. R. R. Smith, Aphrodisias I. The Monument of C. Julius Zoilos (Mainz, 1993)
  • J. M. Reynolds, L. Egnatius Victor Lollianus and Carian Aphrodisias, Festschrift M. Le Glay ed. Y. Le Bohec (Brussels, 1994), 675-80
  • C. P. Jones and R. R. R. Smith, Two inscribed monuments of Aphrodisias, Archaeologischer Anzeiger (1994), 455-72
  • R. R. R. Smith, Aphrodisias 1992, Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi, XV-2 (1994), 355, whence Bulletin Épigraphique in Revue des Études Grecques 1996.385
  • J. M. Reynolds, Diocletian's Prices Edict: new fragments of the copy at Aphrodisias, in R. Frei-Stolba and M. A. Speidel edd., Roemische Inschriften - Neufunde, Neulesungen und Neuinterpretationen. Festschrift fuer Hans Lieb (Basel, 1995), 17-28
  • C. Roueché, Aurarii in the auditorium (ZPE online), Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 105 (1995), 37-50
  • Donald McCabe republished virtually all published inscriptions from the site: Corpus of Aphrodisian inscriptions (1995) on Cornell Greek Epigraphy Project CD of Greek Inscriptions (Packard Humanities Institute, edition 7. PHI
  • J. M. Reynolds, Honouring benefactors at Aphrodisias: a new inscription, in Aphrodisias Papers 3, (1996), 121-126, whence Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 46 (1996) 1393
  • J. M. Reynolds, Ruler-cult at Aphrodisias in the late Republic and under the Julio-Claudian Emperors, A. Small ed., Subject and Ruler (Ann Arbor, 1996), 41-50
  • J. M. Reynolds and C. Roueché, The funeral of Tatia Attalis of Aphrodisias, Ktema 17 (1992, publ. 1996), 153-60
  • C. Roueché, A new governor of Caria-Phrygia: P. Aelius Septimius Mannus, Splendidissima Civitas: études d'histoire romaine en hommage à Francois Jacques, edd. André Chastagnol, Ségolène Demougin, Claude Lepelley (Paris, 1996), 231-9, whence Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 46 (1996) 1394
  • C. P. Jones, Epigrams from Hierapolis and Aphrodisias, Hermes 125 (1997), 203-314.
  • J. M. Reynolds, The dedication of a Bath Building at Carian Aphrodisias, Studien in honorem Georgii Mihailov, (Sofia, 1997), 397-402
  • J. M. Reynolds, The Linen-Market of Aphrodisias in Caria, Arculiana: Recueil d'hommages offerts a H. Boegli (1997), 523-8
  • J. M. Reynolds, Sculpture in bronze: an inscription from Aphrodisias, Archeologia Classica 69 (1997), 423-8
  • J. M. Reynolds, An ordinary Aphrodisian family: the message of a stone, in G. Schmeling ed., Qui miscuit utile dulci: Festschrift essays for Paul Lachlan MacKendrick (Waucunda, Illinois, 1998), 287-97
  • R. R. R. Smith, Cultural choice and political identity in honorific portrait statues in the Greek East in the second century A.D. (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 88 (1998), 56-93
  • Reinhold Merkelbach and Josef Stauber republished a considerable number of verse texts in Steinepigramme aus dem Griechischen Osten I (Stuttgart, 1998)
  • J. M. Reynolds, The first known Aphrodisian to hold a procuratorship, in P. Scherrer et al. edd., Steine und Wege (Vienna 1999), 327-334
  • R. R. R. Smith, Late Antique Portraits in a Public Context: Honorific Statuary at Aphrodisias in Caria, A.D. 300-600 (Jstor), Journal of Roman Studies 89 (1999), 155-189
  • J. M. Reynolds, New letters from Hadrian to Aphrodisias: trials, taxes, gladiators and an aqueduct, Journal of Roman Archaeology 13 (2000), 5-20
  • R. R. R. Smith, A portrait monument for Julian and Theodosius at Aphrodisias, Griechenland in der Kaiserzeit:Kolloquium zum sechzigsten Geburtstag von Prof. Dietrich Willers, C. Reusser ed (Bern, 2001), 125-136
  • Angelos Chaniotis, The Jews of Aphrodisias: New Evidence and Old Problems, Scripta Classica Israelica 21 (2002), 209-42
  • J. M.Reynolds, in Paul McKechnie ed., A New Inscription from Carian Aphrodisias, Thinking Like a Lawyer, Essays for John Crook (Leiden, 2002), 247-251
  • R. R. R. Smith, The Statue Monument of Oecumenius: A New Portrait of a Late Antique Governor from Aphrodisias, Journal of Roman Studies 92 (2002), 134-156
  • Angelos Chaniotis, Epigraphic evidence for the philosopher Alexander of Aphrodisias, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 47 (2004), 79-81
  • Angelos Chaniotis, New inscriptions from Aphrodisias (1995-2001) (AJA online), American Journal of Archaeology 108 (2004), 377-416.
  • C. Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity,electronic second edition (London, 2004) /ala2004
  • R. R. R. Smith, Roman Portrait Statuary from Aphrodisias, (Mainz, 2006)
  • C. Roueché, Gameboards and pavement markings at Aphrodisias in I. Finkel ed., Ancient Board Games in Perspective: Papers from the 1990 British Museum Colloquium, with additional papers (British Museum Press, London, 2007)
  • J. M. Reynolds, The inscriptions, in F. Isik's publication of the garland sarcophagi (forthcoming 2007)
  • C. Roueché, From Aphrodisias to Stauropolis in J.. Drnkwater and R. S. Salway edd., From Aphrodisias to Stauropolis’ (London, 2007), 183-192.