Part of the philosophy of the Inscriptions of Aphrodisias publications—and the EpiDoc conventions that we use to encode the inscriptions—is that we are able to share the XML files (which are the source code behind the online editions, the indices and other reference materials) with other projects and colleagues. Accordingly the EpiDoc XML files have been released under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK. Scholars are free to download these files, modify them, process them, recirculate them, publish the results in a database, website, or other environment, so long as they give us credit for the original files, and do not attribute to us anything that they have added or modified. They must also make clear to others the license terms of this work.

We have also made all of the XML files available online at this website via a direct URL /iaph2007/xml/ followed by the inscription filename in the form iAph+6-digit number+.xml. You may download these files, or point your database or XML processor directly to them and generate the results elsewhere. These files validate to the EpiDoc DTD version 5, which is online both at the Stoa and on this site.

Since this is an innovation, we would very much like to be informed of ways in which users have been able to exploit the XML.