Epigraphic Conventions
The inscriptions in IAph are presented following the standard epigraphic conventions recommended by Leiden, with a few modifications for the benefit of web display.
In general we have not included punctuation in the epigraphic text, except in some cases where the text is in verse or a literary prose style.
αβγ | Text clearly read and interpreted |
ΑΒΓ | Text clearly read but not resolved by the editor |
α(βγ) | Expansion of an abbreviation |
[αβγ] | Text lost due to damage and restored by the editor |
[ .. c. 4 .. ] | A number of characters lost due to damage that cannot be restored |
[ .. ? .. ] | An unknown number of characters lost due to damage |
<αβγ> | Characters erroneously omitted by the cutter |
`αβγ´ | Text added to the text in antiquity (by the original or a second scribe) |
⌜αβγ⌝ | Text corrected by the editor |
{αβγ} | Superfluous letters removed by the editor |
α̣β̣γ̣ | Characters partially damaged, tentatively restored by the editor |
αβγ | Characters seen by the editors in an otherwise largely lost text |
αβγ | Characters seen by a previous editor now lost due to further damage |