1.4. Column dedication by Eumachos and Amias
- Description:
- White marble tabella ansata (W. 0.71 × H. 0.42) cut on fluted column.
- Text:
- Cut on the second drum from the base of the column.
- Letters:
- 0.02-0.03
- Date:
- Early first century A.D. (lettering, context, prosopography)
- Findspot:
- Temple/Church: 7th column from west end of north colonnade
- Original Location:
- Temple/Church findspot.
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- History of discovery:
- Noted in 1705 by Picenini (10102, 20) and Sherard (10101, 12); copied by Deering (8, no.33); copied by Bailie; copied by Le Bas; recorded by K&R (no notebook entry); recorded by Gaudin (181); recorded by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
- Published by Bailie, 68; by Waddington, from Le Bas, LBW 590; by Reinach, from Gaudin, 123; by Cormack, from the MAMA records, 437, whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 108.
- Text constituted from:
- Preliminary transcription (Reynolds); publications; Gaudin's squeeze This edition Roueché and Bodard (2007).
- 1Εὔμαχος Ἀθηναγό-
- 2ρου τοῦ Ἀθηναγόρου
- 3 τοῦ Εὐμάχου Διογένη-
- 4ς Φιλόκαισαρ καὶ Ἀμιὰς v.
- 5Διονυσίου φύσι δὲ Ἀδρά<σ>του
- 6 τοῦ Μόλωνος Ὀλυνπιὰς
- 7 τὸν κίονα θεᾷ Ἀφροδίτῃ
- 8 καὶ τῷ Δήμῳ vacat
Eumachos Diogenes son of Athenagoras the son of Athenagoras the son of Eumachos, (entitled) Friend of Caesar, and Amias Olympias, daughter of Dionysios, by birth of Adrastos, the son of Molon (dedicated) the column for the goddess Aphrodite and the People.
One of the group of column dedications from the Temple of Aphrodite: 1.4 (=MAMA 437), 1.5 (=MAMA 438), 1.6 (=Reinach 122), 1.7 (=MAMA 450), 1.8 (=KRC 37+); discussed by Reynolds, 'Inscriptions and the Building of the Temple', Aphrodisias Papers (Ann Arbor, 1990), 37-40, 38; see also Reynolds, 'The first known Aphrodisian to hold a procuratorship', Steine und Wege (Vienna, 1999), 327-334, 334, C.1.
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