1.182. Honours for Meliton, kitharist
- Description:
- 18 fragments of a white marble statue base shaft with moulded panels on at least three sides (approximate H. H. 1.14, W. W. 0.55, D.D. 0.55),
- Text:
- Inscribed on two adjacent sides. Line 1 is cut on the upper moulding of Face a; the opening phrases must have been inscribed on a crowning feature
- Letters:
- Letters 0.025-0.027; circle for stop; apices on ΙΕΡ (l.5), ΔΙΑ (l.9); ligatures: HN, l.5; second HN, l.6; MN, TH, l.9; NH, MH, l.34; NN, MH, l.38; NT l.41. In l.8, ΤΡΟ was written over an erased ΤΡΟΠ
- Date:
- Εarly third century A.D. (contests)
- Findspot:
- Temple/Church: area
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Museum (1988)
- History of discovery:
- A fragment from the upper left side of face a recorded by Kubitschek and Reichel (unpublished, K.V.18c, Abklatsch 13); recorded with a further fragment by Gaudin (40, 45). The upper of those fragments recorded by the NYU expedition, as well as seventeen further fragments, twelve of which join (inv. no. 86.43, Temple 17, Temple 29, and unnumbered)
- Bibliography:
- Published, from Gaudin's squeeze, by Reinach, no. 148bis, whence (in part) Robert, 'Études d'épigraphie grecque', 29-30 (= OMS II, 1129-30), McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 301. Full text published by Roueché, PPA 69.
- Text constituted from:
- Publications; transcriptions (Reynolds, Roueché) This edition Roueché (2007).
- a
- 0 [(e.g) ἡ βουλὴ καὶ ὁ δῆμος καὶ ἡ]
- 1 [γερουσία] ἐ̣τείμη̣[?σαν ·· c. 5 ··]
- 2 Μελίτωνα Μελίτωνος
- 3 τὸν καὶ Ἀγροίταν
- 4 πυθικὸν̣ καὶ κύκλιον
- 5 κιθα̣ριστὴ ν ἱερονεί-
- 6 κὴν πλειστονείκην
- 7 παράδοξο̣ν ἄνδρα
- 8 εὐγενείᾳ κ̣αὶ v. τρό- v.
- 9 που σεμν ότητι δια-
- 10 φέροντα κα ὶ ἐπὶ τού-
- 11 τῳ μάλιστα θ̣αυμα-
- 12 σθέντα κα [ὶ τ]ειμη -
- 13 θεντα ὑ [πὸ το]ῦ̣ κυρί-
- 14 ου ἡ[μῶν αὐτ]ο̣κρά-
- 15 τ [ορος ·· c. 6 ··]ου v.
- 16 [·· c. 11 ··]ΑΙ v.
- 17 [·· c. 12 ··]Υ
- 18 [·· c. 12 ··]Υ
- 19 [·· c. 12 ··]Υ
- 20 [·· c. 12 ··]Υ
- 21Μ[·· c. 11 ··]Ι̣
- 22ΤΩ̣Ι̣ [·· c. 4 ··]ΣΙ [ν]ει-
- 23κήσα̣[ντα] stop [Ἄ]κτια
- 26 ἐν Νεικοπόλει vac.
- 27 Ἐφέσηα ἐν Ἐ̣[φέσ]ῳ
- b
- 28 Π̣ύ̣[θια ἐν Ἱε]ραπόλει
- 29 Ἄκτι[α ἐν Ἱερα]π̣ό̣λ̣ει
- 30 Ἄκτι[α ἐν ·· c. 6 ··] vac.
- 31 Ἄκτι[α ἐν ·· ? ·· Δα]μα-
- 32σκῷ stop [?Ἄκτια ἐν] Και-
- 33[σ]α̣ρε[ίᾳ τῆς Στρ]άτω-
- 34[νο]ς̣ stop Π[ύθια ἐν] Λαο-
- 35[δικε]ί̣ᾳ [?Συρία]ς̣ stop κοι
- 36[νὰ Κ]α̣ππ̣[αδο]κῶν
- 37 [ἐν Κ]αισα[ρείᾳ ? stop ] Ἡρα
- 38[κλ]εία stop Κομ̣[μόδ]εια
- 39 ἐν Τύρῳ stop κοιν̣ὰ Βει-
- 40θυνίας ἐν Νεικομη -
- 41δείᾳ stop Αὐγούστεια
- 42 ἐν Τράλλεσιν̣ stop κοι
- 43νὰ Ἀσ̣[ί]α̣ς β´ stop ἐν Τράλ-
- 33λεσ[ιν ? stop ]] Δεῖα [Ἅλ]εια β´ ἐν
- 45 Φι̣λ̣α̣[δ]ελ[φείᾳ stop κ]οι-
- 46νὰ Ἀσ̣ίας [ stop ἐν Φι]λα-
- 47δ̣ε[λφ]είᾳ v. Ι̣[·· c. 4 ··]Ε̣Ι
- 48[·] ΟΜ̣ [·· c. 10 ··]Α
- 49 ΜΥ [·] Ι̣Ι̣ [··]Ι̣ [·· c. 4 ··]Α
- 50 vac. πολε̣[ιτείᾳ ? vac. ]
- 51 πόλεων vac. ἐ̣[νδό]-
- 52ξων κα̣[ὶ] ΝΑΙΙ̣[·· βου]-
- 53λῇ stop καὶ π[?ροεδρίᾳ]
- 54 vac. τειμηθέ̣[ντα vac. ]
- a
- 0[·····························]
- 1[········]·ΤΕΙΜ·[··· ·····]
- 5ΚΙΘ·[·····]ΝΙΕΡΟΝΕΙ
- 6[···[·····]ΤΟΝΕΙΚΗΝ
- 7[·······]·ΝΑΝΔΡΑ
- 8[········]·ΑΙ ΤΡΟ
- 9[···][····]ΟΤΗΤΙΔΙΑ
- 10[·······][··]ΙΕΠΙΤΟΥ
- 11[··][·······]·ΑΥΜΑ
- 12[······[··][··]ΕΙΜΗ
- 13[·····][·][····]·ΚΥΡΙ
- 14[··][·][······]·ΚΡΑ
- 15[·[··········]ΟΥ
- 16[···········]ΑΙ
- 17[············]Υ
- 18[············]Υ
- 19[············]Υ
- 20[············]Υ
- 21Μ[···········]·
- 22Τ··[····]ΣΙ[·]ΕΙ
- 23ΚΗΣ·[···] stop [·]ΚΤΙΑ
- 27ΕΦΕΣΗΑΕΝ·[···]Ω
- b
- 28··[·······]ΡΑΠΟΛΕΙ
- 29ΑΚΤΙ[·······]···ΕΙ
- 30ΑΚΤΙ[··· ······]
- 31ΑΚΤΙ[··· - - - ··]ΜΑ
- 32ΣΚΩ stop [·······]ΚΑΙ
- 33[·]·ΡΕ[········]ΑΤΩ
- 34[··]· stop Π[······]ΛΑΟ
- 35[····]·Α[·····]· stop ΚΟΙ
- 36[···]·Π·[···]ΚΩΝ
- 37[···]ΑΙΣΑ[···· ··]ΗΡΑ
- 38[··]ΕΙΑ stop ΚΟ·[···]ΕΙΑ
- 43ΝΑΑ·[·]·ΣΒ stop ΕΝΤΡΑΛ
- 33ΛΕΣ[·· ··]]ΔΕΙΑ[··]ΕΙΑΒΕΝ
- 45Φ···[·]ΕΛ[···· ···]ΟΙ
- 46ΝΑΑ·ΙΑΣ[······]ΛΑ
- 47·Ε[··]ΕΙΑ ·[····]·Ι
- 48[·]Ο·[··········]Α
- 49ΜΥ[·]··[··]·[····]Α
- 50 ΠΟΛ·[····· ···]
- 51ΠΟΛΕΩΝ ·[···]
- 52ΞΩΝΚ·[·]ΝΑΙ·[·····]
- 53ΛΗ stop ΚΑΙΠ[·······]
- 54 ΤΕΙΜΗΘ·[··· ···]
The letters read by Reinach but not by us have been highlighted.
[The Council and the People and the Gerousia] honoured Meliton son of Meliton, also known as Agroitas, pythic and cyclic kithara-player, sacred victor, frequent victor, extraordinary, a man distinguished by good birth and dignity of conduct, and for this very much admired and honoured by our lord emperor [... 6 lines ...], who won Actia at Nicopolis, Ephesea at Ephesus, Pythia at Hierapolis, Actia at Hierapolis, Actia [ at ...], Actia at Damascus, [? Actia at ] Caesarea Stratonos, P[ythia] at [?Syrian] Laodiceia, the provincial festival of the Cappadocians at Caesarea, Heracleia Commodeia at Tyre, the provincial festival of Bithynia at Nicomedia, Augusteia at Tralles, the provincial festival of Asia twice at Tralles, [?Deia Hal]eia twice at Philadelphia, the provincial festival of Asia [at Phi]ladelphia, [...2 lines ...] , honoured with ? citizenship of distinguished ?and [? ...] cities, and [?(membership of the) Council] and [? honorific seating].
For Meliton see Stephanis, Διονυσιακοὶ τεχνῖται 1634. For discussion see Roueché, PPA 69.
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