1.187. Honours for [...] daughter of ...]lianos
- Description:
- Three joining fragments of a white marble statue base (together 0.51 × 1.38 × 0.47) with moulded panels on all four sides.
- Text:
- Inscribed within the front panel; the text must have begun on a crowning feature.
- Letters:
- 0.02-0.0225. Ligatures: ΜΝ, l.8; ΝΗ, l. 9; ΜΕ, l.12; ΤΗΝ, l.13; ΤΗ, ll. 14, 18, 19; ΜΗ, ll. 21, 29; ΝΤ l. 25; in l. 14 final iota squeezed in.
- Date:
- Second quarter third century A.D. (reign)
- Findspot:
- Temple/Church: re-used in the south side of the chancel-rail, ?second base from east.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- History of discovery:
- Recorded by Gaudin (91: 'inscription Bonnet') when the stone was still complete; recorded in 3 fragments by the MAMA expedition, by the NYU expedition (SBI 93).
- Bibliography:
- Published by Reinach, from Gaudin's squeeze, REG 19, 1906, 147-149, no. 80; published by Cormack, from the MAMA records, MAMA 8, no. 514, whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 342
- Text constituted from:
- Publications; Gaudin; Preliminary transcription (Reynolds) This edition Roueché and Bodard (2007).
- 0·· ? ··]-
- 1λιανοῦ γυναῖκα
- 2Σεπτιμίου Χάρη-
- 3τος Αἰνείου ἀξι-
- 4ώματι καὶ γένει
- 5διενενκοῦσαν
- 6 προγόνων ἀρχιε-
- 7ρέων πολλῶν γυ-
- 8μνασιάρχων στεφ[α]-
- 9 ν ηφόρων καὶ τῶ̣ν
- 10σ̣υνκτισάντω[ν τὴ]ν
- 11 πόλιν καὶ πρώτων
- 12π̣ιστευσα μένων δι-
- 13 α γ̣ένους̣ τ ὴν ἱερωσ̣ ύ-
- 14[νη]ν τὴς θεοῦ Ἀφροδεί-
- 15 της ἀ[π]όγονον Φλ(αουίου) Δι-
- 16 ογένου̣ς Ὑψήλου ἀρ-
- 17 χιερέω ς καὶ ἱερέως
- 18[τῆ]ς θεοῦ ἀρετῇ καὶ σε-
- 19[μν]ότ̣ητι καὶ φιλανδρί-
- 20ᾳ τὸ προγονικὸν ἐ-
- 21πικοσμήσασαν ἀξί-
- 22ωμα θυγατέρα πό-
- 23λεως ἀνθηφόρον
- 24 τῆς θεοῦ διὰ τὸ με-
- 25γαλεῖον τοῦ γένους
- 26 καὶ τὴν ἀνυπέρ-
- 27βλητον τοῦ βίου
- 28 σεμνότητα τει-
- 29μηθεῖσαν ὑπὸ θε-
- 30οῦ Ἀλεξάνδρου
- 31 ματρώνης [[σ̣τ̣ο̣λ̣ῇ̣]]
- 0 - - - ]
- 9[·]ΗΦΟΡΩΝΚΑΙΤ·[·]
- 10·ΥΝΚΤΙΣΑΝΤΩ[···][·]
- 11ΠΟΛΙΝΚΑΙΠΡ[····]
- 12·ΙΣΤΕΥΣΑ[·····][··]
- 13[·]·ΕΝΟΥ·[·]ΗΝΙΕΡΩ·[·
- 14[··][·][···]ΘΕΟΥΑΦΡΟΔΕΙ
- 15[···][·][·]ΟΓΟΝΟΝΦΛΔΙ
- 16[·····]·ΣΥΨΗΛΟΥΑΡ
- 17[······]ΣΚΑΙΙΕΡΕΩΣ
- 31ΜΑΤΡΩΝΗΣ[[·····]]
The inscription broke, and was damaged, after Gaudin recorded it; letters highlighted were recorded by Gaudin, but not seen subsequently.
12-13: πιστευσαμένων δι|ὰ γένους Reinach; MAMA reports reading πιστευσαμένων ἐκ| γένους but the MAMA photograph shows πιστευσα[ . . . . . . . .]| [·] γένους, which is still what can be read.
It is not clear why the last word in the last line was erased, unless as part of the re-use of the stone.
·· ? ··] daughter of –lianos, wife of Septimius Chares Aeneias, outstanding in worth and family, with many ancestors who were high priests, stephanephoroi and among those who joined in the foundation of the city and were the first to be entrusted with the priesthood of the goddess Aphrodite as a family, descendent of Flavius Diogenes Hypselos, high priest and priest of the goddess; by her virtue, distinction, and love for her husband she enhanced the reputation of her family, was daughter of the city and flower-bearer of the goddess; she was honoured on account of the greatness of her family and the unsurpassed distinction of her life by the god Alexander with a matron's stola.
- Commentary:
- No commentary yet (2007).
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