5.5. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors
- Description:
- 28 pieces, complete or fragmentary, of white marble architrave blocks.
- Text:
- Inscribed in a single line on one fascia.
- Letters:
- 'Grandes lettres à apices de 0m,072 profond et soigneusement gravées' (text i); 0.085 (text ii); i.b. standard forms; 0.08
- Date:
- A.D. 117/138 (reign)
- Findspot:
- In the east court of the Hadrianic Baths
- Original Location:
- From the entablature of the west portico (i) and the east portico (ii a and b) of the East court of the Hadrianic Baths: i. 'Elle est gravée une seule fois et sous une forme abrégée sur le portique de l'Ouest, interrompu par le grand arc'; ii. "Elle est rejetée sur les 2. sect. du portique E. de part et d'autre de la porte centrale"
- Last recorded location:
- In various locations in the east court of the Hadrianic Baths
- History of discovery:
- Excavated by the French expeditions in 1904, 1905 and 1913. Boulanger published fragmentary versions, but gives a fuller account in his notebook, put together after Mendel's publication: "M. Mendel qui n'avait pu rapprocher sur le terrain les fragments de l'architrave du portique E., n'a transcrit seulement la 1ere partie du texte de la dédicace" (CRAI 1906 p. 167). Several blocks or fragments (indicated by highlighting) have been found again by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
- partially published by Mendel, CRAI 1906, 167 , whence cited by Marshall, CR 20, 1906, p. 381; by Boulanger, CRAI 1914, 49, note 2, whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 111, 132.
- Text constituted from:
- Preliminary transcription (Reynolds); Boulanger; publications. This edition Roueché and Bodard (2007).
- i
- (The text which follows is transcribed from the notebook, with annotations)
- a
- 1 ἡ Ἀφ | ροδείτη Α | ὐτοκράτορι | Καίσαρι Τραι | [α]νῷ Ἁδριαν | ῷ Σεβαστῷ Ὀλυ | [μπ]ίῳ Παν | [ελ]λη | νίῳ καὶ τῷ Δ | ήμῳ τὸν ἐπιφερ | όμενον τ | οῖς κειοσιν κα | [·· ? ··] | εφαλα | ις λε[·· ? ··]θον κόσ[μ]ον πα[·· ? ··]
- b
- (To this, at the end, Boulanger wanted to add the architrave block, although it is inscribed on two fasciae (0.265 x 0.85 x 0.495: these are the regular measurements for architraves in the North Portico) found by him, and again in 1992 in the North Portico of the Portico of Tiberius (and now in situ):)
- 1[·· ? ·· κατ]αλειφθέντων αὐ̣[τῇ ·· ? ··]
- 2 [·· ? ··]τ̣οῦ Διοσκουριδο̣[υ ·· ? ··]
- ii
- (Portique de l'Est, section S. 10 blocs ou fragments.)
- 1 fleuron ἡ Ἀφρο | δείτη Αὐ | [·· c. 30 ··]ασ[···]ῳ Ὀλυ | [·· c. 21 ··] | μῳ τὸν ἐπιφερόμε | [·· ? ··] | ς κείοσι|ν καὶ ταῖς κεφαλαῖς λ|ευκό|λιθον κόσμον | [·· c. 60 ··] | ἀνέθηκεν scroll vac.
- iii
- 1 [·· ? ··]Α̣ΡΑΤΟ̣[·· ? ··]ΚΑΙ[·· ? ·· κ]αὶ τῷ | Δήμῳ fleuron
- iv
- (Portique O, section N. 8 blocs ou fragments)
- 1 vac. κόσμ | ὸν πάντα ἐκ τῶν ἰ|δίων καὶ ἐ|κ τῶν κατ[αλειφθέν]|των αὐτ[ῇ] ὑπὸ Ἐπιγ[όνου] | τοῦ Διοσκορίδου (sic) ἀν|έθηκεν scroll
- i
- (The text which follows is transcribed from the notebook, with annotations)
- a
- b
- (To this, at the end, Boulanger wanted to add the architrave block, although it is inscribed on two fasciae (0.265 x 0.85 x 0.495: these are the regular measurements for architraves in the North Portico) found by him, and again in 1992 in the North Portico of the Portico of Tiberius (and now in situ):)
- 1[ - - - ···]ΑΛΕΙΦΘΕΝΤΩΝΑ·[·· - - - ]
- 2[ - - - ]·ΟΥΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΙΔ·[· - - - ]
- ii
- (Portique de l'Est, section S. 10 blocs ou fragments.)
- 1 fleuron ΗΑΦΡΟΔΕΙΤΗΑΥ[······························]ΑΣ[···]ΩΟΛΥ[·····················]ΜΩΤΟΝΕΠΙΦΕΡΟΜΕ[ - - - ]ΣΚΕΙΟΣΙΝΚΑΙΤΑΙΣΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΣΛΕΥΚΟΛΙΘΟΝΚΟΣΜΟΝ[····························································]ΑΝΕΘΗΚΕΝ scroll
- iii
- 1[ - - - ]·ΡΑΤ·[ - - - ]ΚΑΙ[ - - - ·]ΑΙΤΩΔΗΜΩ fleuron
- iv
- (Portique O, section N. 8 blocs ou fragments)
Blocks or fragments found again by the NYU expedition are highlighted.
iv. ΚΑΤ| . . . . . . . . |ΤΩΝ ΑΥΤ| . | Boulanger; κατ[αλειφθέν]|των αὐτ[ῇ] Robert
As Boulanger points out, this adds up to three copies (two on the east side of the east court and one on the west) of one text: ἡ Ἀφροδείτη Αὐτοκράτορι Καίσαρι Τραιανῷ Ἁδριανῷ Σεβαστῷ Ὀλυμπίῳ Πανελληνίῳ καὶ τῷ Δήμῳ τὸν ἐπιφερόμενον τοῖς κείοσιν καὶ ταῖς κεφαλαῖς λευκόλιθον κόσμο̣ν πάντα ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων καὶ ἐκ τῶν καταλειφθέντων αὐτ[ῇ] ὑπὸ Ἐπιγ[όνου] τοῦ Διοσκουρίδου ἀνέθηκεν.
- Translation:
- No translation yet (2007).
- Commentary:
- No commentary yet (2007).
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