5.10. i. Honours for Marcus Antonius Popillius Andronikos; ii. Fl. Photios gives a gameboard
- Description:
- A rectangular white marble statue base shaft (W. 0.57 × H. 1.20 × D. 0.55) with panels within moulded edges on all four sides; the upper left corner of face i., including most of text ii., has been broken off, but survives.
- Text:
- i. Inscribed on the front panel; the text must have begun on a crowning feature now lost. ii. On the opposite face, upside down to i., is a gameboard (type 3Rows.4, H. 0.47 × W. 0.97, carefully cut, with circles 0.03, central rosettes in circles 0.085); the text is on the lower moulding, which is now broken away.
- Letters:
- i. 0.025. Ligatures: l. 1, ΝΤ; l.9, ΝΚ; l. 12, ΗΝ; l. 14, ΤΗ; l. 16, ΗΝ; the final letters of ll. 4, 8 are cut on the moulding. ii. Av. 0.025, 0, 0.005, first 1, 0.027; irregular; scroll and letter above line for abbreviations.
- Date:
- i. Probably late second to third centuries A.D. (lettering); ii. Late fifth/sixth century (titulature).
- Findspot:
- Hadrianic Baths: at the northern entrance; 'Thermes, porte d'accès côté du Temple. Dégagé par les travaux' (Reinach)
- Original Location:
- Hadrianic Baths.
- Last recorded location:
- Museum (1993)
- History of discovery:
- Recorded, complete, by Gaudin (i. 111, ii. 109); by the NYU expedition in two fragments.
- Bibliography:
- i. Published from Gaudin's squeeze by Reinach, 71, whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 71; cited from Reinach by Oikonomos, Arch Delt 1921/22, 294. ii. Published by Reinach, no. 213, from Gaudin, whence Grégoire, IGC 264; cited by Roueché (1979), 176, ad no. 1, whence SEG 1979.1071, BE 1980.473; published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 68 and plate xvii, whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 622; republished by Roueché , Gameboards, no. 2.i.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Roueché); Gaudin's squeeze; publications. This edition Roueché (2007).
- i
- 0·· ? ··]
- 1Μᾶρκον Ἀντώνι-
- 2ον Ποπίλλιον
- 3Ἀγελάου ἀρχιε-
- 4ρέως υἱὸν Ἀνδρό-
- 5νεικον Φλαβια-
- 6 νόν ἔγγονον
- 7Ἀσίας ἀρχιερέ-
- 8ων καὶ ἀρχιερέων
- 9ἀνεψιὸν συνκλη-
- 10τικῶν καὶ ὑπατι-
- 11κῶν καὶ τῶν συν-
- 12κτισάντων τὴν
- 13πόλιν τὸν ἀρχι-
- 14νεωποιὸν τῆς θε-
- 15οῦ Ἀφροδείτης
- 16καὶ εὐεργέτην
- ii
- 1 cross ἐπὶ Φλ(αβίου) Φωτίου σχο(λαστικοῦ) cross
- i
- 0·· ? ··]
- ii
- 1 cross ΕΠΙΦΛΦΩΤΙΟΥΣΧΟ cross
ii. l. 1, The first cross, which is very abraded, was not read by Reinach.
i. [?The city honoured] Marcus Antonius Popillius Andronikos Flavianos, son of Agelaos the high priest, descendant of high priests of Asia and of high priests (i.e. at Aphrodisias), cousin of senators and consulars, and (i.e. descendant) of those who joined in the foundation of the city, the chief of the temple-builders of the goddess Aphrodite and a benefactor.
ii. Under Flavius Photios, scholasticus.
i. The honouring body or bodies were presumably named on a base capital.
ii. This is the first of the gameboards given by Flavius Photios; see 5.14, 5.15, and discussion at ala2004 V.44 and ala2004 V.47.
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