11.110. Honours for the father of Marcus Aurelius Polychronios, who established a foundation
- Description:
- Large statue base, broken above
- Text:
- Inscribed on the face.
- Letters:
- No description.
- Date:
- Probably third century A.D. (nomenclature).
- Findspot:
- City, North-east: re-used in a ruined house near the Stadium—apparently near 12.204 (=MAMA 448) and 12.215 (=MAMA 521), which are built into the NE city wall. In the same wall as 11.18 (= P&H 7)
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot (1885)
- History of discovery:
- Recorded by Paris and Holleaux; not reported subsequently.
- Bibliography:
- Published by Paris and Holleaux, BCH 9 (1885), 76-7, no. 6, whence Ziebarth no. 61, Laum no. 12, Robert in Holleaux, Et. d'épig. VI 7, no. 6 (l. 2), BE 1969.542, McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 27
- Text constituted from:
- Publications. This edition Roueché and Bodard (2007).
- 1[·· c. 10 ··]Ι̣Σ̣Λ̣
- 2[·· δαπα]νήσαντα
- 3 ἀπὸ (δηνάρια) μυρίων εἰ-
- 4ρηναρχήσαντα πα-
- 5ραφυλάξαντα καὶ
- 6 τὰς ἄλλας ἀρχὰς
- 7 καὶ λιτουργίας scroll
- 8 καὶ συνεισδόσεις
- 9 τῇ πατρίδι καὶ πα-
- 10ρὰ δύναμιν πλη-
- 11ρώσαντα ὑπέρ τε
- 12 αὑτοῦ καὶ stop Μ(άρκου) stop Αὐρ(ηλίου)
- 13Πολυχρονίου τοῦ
- 14 υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ ἀνα-
- 15θὲντα δὲ καὶ τῇ
- 16 κρατίστῃ βουλῇ
- 17 εἰς αἰωνίους κλή-
- 18ρους (δηνάρια) ͵αχο´ γει-
- 19νομένου τοῦ
- 20 κλήρου πρὸς τῷ
- 21 ἀνδριάντι αὐ-
- 22τοῦ ἑκάστου ἔ-
- 23τους μηνὶ ι´ ὀνο-
- 24μάτων σ´ λαμβα-
- 25νοντος ἑκάστ[ου]
- 26 τῶν λαχόντω̣[ν (δηνάρια)]
- 27Ϛ´ κατθὰ κα[ὶ διὰ]
- 28 τῆς ἀνα[θέσε]-
- 29ως δηλ[οῦται ···]
- 30ΤΕΙΜ[·· c. 8 ··]
- 30a[·· ? ··
- 1[··········]···
- 2[······]ΝΗΣΑΝΤΑ
- 3ΑΠΟ denarius ΜΥΡΙΩΝΕΙ
- 12ΑΥΤΟΥΚΑΙ stop Μ stop ΑΥΡ
- 18ΡΟΥΣ denarius ΑΧΟΓΕΙ
- 26ΤΩΝΛΑΧΟΝΤ·[········]
- 27ϚΚΑΤΘΑΚΑ[· ···]
- 28ΤΗΣΑΝΑ[····]
- 29ΩΣΔΗΛ[····· ···]
- 30ΤΕΙΜ[········]
- 30a[·· ? ··
[·· ? ··] having spent [a sum amounting to] 10 000 denarii; he was eirenarch and paraphylax and carried out all the other magistracies and liturgies and the contributions to his country even beyond his means; and on his own behalf and that of his son, M(arcus) Aur(elius) Polychronios he dedicated to the most excellent Council for lotteries to be held permanently 1670 denarii, the lottery taking place beside his statue every year in the 10th month, there being 200 names, each of those winning receiving 6 denarii, as was also made clear in the dedication [·· ? ··]
The honorand is not certainly identifiable and while his son was a Roman citizen it is not certain that he was. We are not well informed of the civic cursus honorum owing to the tendency to use generalising formulae as in l. 6, but should note the policing functions indicated in ll. 3-5, one no doubt in the city and the second in its territory. Also interesting is the importance of financial contributions to the city in a man's career. In the later second century and the third, gifts to finance distributions of cash by lotteries (as in ll. 14ff) figure alongside, perhaps more frequently than, gifts for public building and the like—the small size of lots to be won (l. 27) are worthy of note.
- Photographs:
- none.
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