12.19. a: Funerary inscription and b: consolatory decree
- Description:
- White marble block (W. 1.37 × H. 0.60 × D. 1.37) complete on all sides.
- Text:
- a: is inscribed at the left side of the stone, and must have continued from an adjacent block; b: is inscribed to the right and must have continued onto the next block. Both texts must have begun on upper blocks.
- Letters:
- a: 0.02-0.025; b: 0.02-0.025. Ligatures: ΜΝ, l.2; ΗΝ l.7; ΜΗ l.10
- Date:
- Second to third centuries A.D. (lettering)
- Findspot:
- Walls, North: at the west end of the Stadium
- Original Location:
- Probably west or north Necropolis
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot (1973)
- History of discovery:
- Copied in 1705 by Picenini (10102, 13v and 53) and by Sherard, (10101, 24); by Fellows; by Waddington in 1850; by K&R (no notebook entry); recorded by Gaudin (130); recorded by the MAMA expedition.
- Bibliography:
- Published by Boeckh, from Sherard, CIG 2836 and 2776; by Fellows no. 52 and 28, whence CIG p. 1111, (b) Bailie, no. 55; Waddington, LBW 1633a and 1633b, whence discussed by Buresch, 'Die griechische Trostbeschlüsse', RhM 49, 1894, 424-460, 428-429, by O.Gottwald, 'Zu den gr. Trostbeschlüssen,', Commentationes Vindobonenses 3 (1937), 5-18, 10, by L. Robert, Ét. Anat. 102; mentioned by Reinach, from Gaudin's squeeze, no. 11a and 11b; published by Cormack, from the MAMA records, nos. 541 (a) and 409 (b), whence L. Robert, Hellenica 13, 208, 231 (b ll. 3-4, 9), BE 1966.383, McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 427 and 22.
- Text constituted from:
- Preliminary transcription (Reynolds); publications. This edition Roueché and Bodard (2007).
- 1 [·· c. 14 ··]ΟΥΚΑΙΤΗΟΙΝΙΑ κατὰ τὰς δοθείσας
- 2[αὐτῷ ὑπὸ ·· c. 10 ·· τετράκ]ι τοῦ Ὑψικλέους τῶν τόπων συνχω-
- 3[ρήσεις διὰ τοῦ χρεοφυλακίο]υ ὧν ἐν μὲν τῇ σορῷ τέθαπται Ἀρισ-
- 4[τοκλῆς Ἀριστοκλέους τοῦ] Ζήνωνος τοῦ Θεαιτήτου ὁ υἱὸς αὐ-
- 5[ τοῦ ταφήσονται δὲ Ἀρι]στοκλῆς ὁ καὶ Ζήνων καὶ Ἄπφιον Ἀ-
- 6[ ̣·· c. 15 ·· τοῦ] Ἡρώδου ἡ γυνὴ αὐτοῦ ἐν δὲ ταῖς
- 7[εἰσώσταις ταφήσονται Μέ]νιππός τεἈριστοκλέους τοῦ Ζή-
- 8[ νωνος τοῦ Θεαιτήτου] καὶ οὓς ἂν Ζήνων ὁ καὶ Ἀριστοκλῆς
- 9[καὶ Μένιππος ὁ προδ]ηλούμενος βουληθῶσιν leaf
- 10[ταύτης τῆς ἐπιγραφῆ]ς ἀπετέθη ἀντίγραφον εἰς τὸ
- 11[ χρεοφυλάκιον ἐπὶ στε]φανηφόρου τὸ δ´ Τι(βερίου) Κλ(αυδίου) Ὑψικλέ-
- 12[ους ·· c. 14 ·· μ]ηνὸς Ἰουλιήου vac.
- 12a vac.
- 0·· ? ··]
- 1 τ̣οῦ Γ̣ορτ̣υνίου τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ Ἀ̣ρ̣ι̣σ̣τ̣οκ[λέους
- 2 ἤθει καὶ σεμνότητι βίου ὑπε[ρβεβληκὼς πρὸ ὥρας ἄρτι]
- 3 τετελεύτηκεν προσήκει δ[ὲ τοὺς συνγενεῖς ?τῶν τετε]-
- 4λευτηκότων παραμυθεῖσθαι̣ [···]
- 5 φιλτάτων ἀποβολῆς stop διὰ ταῦτ̣[α δεδόχθαι τετειμῆσ]-
- 6θαι μὲν καὶ μετηλλακχότα τα[ῖς πρώταις τειμαῖς Ἀριστο]-
- 7κ<λέ>α Ἀριστοκλέους τοῦ [Ζήνω̣νος τοῦ Θεαιτήτου] [παραμυ]-
- 8θήσασθαι δὲ τὸν πατέρα αὐ̣[τοῦ Ἀριστοκλέα ἐπὶ ταῖς]
- 9 τῆς τύχης συμφοραῖς ταῖς τελ[?εσθείσαις]
- 10 Γονεὺς Μητροδόρου τοῦ Γο[νέως] [πρῶτος ἄρχων]
- 11 Μ(ᾶρκος) Ἰούλιος Πύρρου γραμμα̣[τεὺς δήμου ·]
- 11a vac.
- 2[·······················]ΙΤΟΥΥΨΙΚΛΕΟΥΣΤΩΝΤΟΠΩΝΣΥΝΧΩ
- 3[······ ·················]ΥΩΝΕΝΜΕΝΤΗΣΟΡΩΤΕΘΑΠΤΑΙΑΡΙΣ
- 4[·················· ···]ΖΗΝΩΝΟΣΤΟΥΘΕΑΙΤΗΤΟΥΟΥΙΟΣΑΥ
- 7[·····················]ΝΙΠΠΟΣΤΕΑΡΙΣΤΟΚΛΕΟΥΣΤΟΥΖΗ
- 9[················]ΗΛΟΥΜΕΝΟΣΒΟΥΛΗΘΩΣΙΝ leaf
- 10[·················]ΣΑΠΕΤΕΘΗΑΝΤΙΓΡΑΦΟΝΕΙΣΤΟ
- 11[··················]ΦΑΝΗΦΟΡΟΥΤΟΔ´ΤΙΚΛΥΨΙΚΛΕ
- 12[··················]ΗΝΟΣΙΟΥΛΙΗΟΥ
- 12a
- 0·· ? ··]
- 1·ΟΥ·ΟΡ·ΥΝΙΟΥ········ΟΚ[·····
- 2ΗΘΕΙΚΑΙΣΕΜΝΟΤΗΤΙΒΙΟΥΥΠΕ[····················]
- 3ΤΕΤΕΛΕΥΤΗΚΕΝΠΡΟΣΗΚΕΙΔ[·····················]
- 5ΦΙΛΤΑΤΩΝΑΠΟΒΟΛΗΣ stop ΔΙΑΤΑΥ·[·················]
- 6ΘΑΙΜΕΝΚΑΙΜΕΤΗΛΛΑΚΧΟΤΑΤΑ[·· ····················]
- 7ΚΑΑΡΙΣΤΟΚΛΕΟΥΣΤΟΥ[······· ············][······]
- 8ΘΗΣΑΣΘΑΙΔΕΤΟΝΠΑΤΕΡΑΑ·[················ ····]
- 10ΓΟΝΕΥΣΜΗΤΡΟΔΟΡΟΥΤΟΥΓΟ[····][···········]
- 11a
a: l. 1, ... Ο.ΗΙΑΚΑΤΑ Waddington
b: l. 7, ΚΕΛΑ lapis
b l. 9, at end, ΤΕ Sherard, Fellows, Kubitschek, Buresch; ΓΕ Waddington, Cormack; ΤΕΛ Reinach
a: [...] in accordance with the areas ceded [to him by ..?.. son of ..?.., fourth of the name from Hypsikles and recorded in the Property-archive. Of these, Aris[tokles son of Aristokles the] son of Zenon the son of Theaitetos, his son, has been buried in the sarcophagus and [in it also shall be buried Ari]stokles son of Zenon and Apphion daughter of A[..?.. the son of ..?.. the son of] Herodes, his wife; and in the [subsisiary burial places shall be buried Me]nippos son of Aristokles the son of Ze[non the son of Theaitetos] and whomsoever Zenon and Aristokles and the afore]mentioned Menippos wish. A copy [of this inscription was deposited in the Property-Archive in the] fourth stephanephorate of Tiberius Claudius Hypsikles [ ..?..] in the month of July.
b: [... ?the son] of Gortynios the son of Aristokles [..?..] out[standing in character and respectability of life [who has just] died [prematurely], it is fitting to console [the parents of those who have died, grieving for the] loss of their loved ones. For this reason [it was agreed that Aristo]kles son of
Aristokles son of Ze[non ?son of Theaitetos] should be honoured even after death with [the first honours] and his father [Aristokles] should be offered consoltation for the accidents of fate which have occurred. Goneus son of Metrodoros son of Go[neus first archon], M(arcus) Iulius Pyrros being secretary [of the People]
- Commentary:
- No commentary yet (2007).
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