13.156. Funerary inscription for Antonius Antiochos and Antonia Eiphianassa
- Description:
- White marble garland sarcophagus with lid (box: W. 2.42 × H. 1.06 × D. 1.18; lid: W. 2.50 × H. 0.64 × D. 1.30). For description see Isik 171.
- Text:
- ll. 1-6 on the lid, on the lower moulding, including the two projections. ll. 7-8 on the sarcophagus, on the lower moulding. The lid has been badly damaged, with loss of the text at both sides.
- Letters:
- Reasonably well designed, cut and aligned, in the second-to-fourth-century style, 0.0125-0.0175; ligatured ΗΝ (l.2), ΜΗ (l.4), ΜΗΝ (l.8), ΝΗ (l.4), ΝΜΕ (l.6), ΤΗ (ll.5. 7); star for denarius, slanting strokes before and after the figures in ll.5, 6. Unconventional spelling in ll.6, 8.
- Date:
- Perhaps the mid to late third century A.D. (total size of fine).
- Findspot:
- Necropolis, North-east: 'In a field 1 km. east of the NE gate' (MAMA)
- Original Location:
- Unknown necropolis
- Last recorded location:
- Museum
- History of discovery:
- Recorded by Gaudin (178); by the NYU expedition in 1973
- Bibliography:
- Published by Reinach, from Gaudin's squeeze, REG 19, 1906, 261-262, no. 155; by Cormack, from the MAMA records, MAMA 8, no. 565, whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 421 ; by Reynolds and Isik, no. 171
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds). This edition Reynolds (2007).
- 1[ἡ σορὸς καὶ αἱ ὑποκεί]μεναι εἰσῶσται δύο εἰσὶν Ἀντ(ωνίου) Ἀντιόχου καὶ Ἀντ(ωνίας) Εἰφιανάσσης [?γυναικὸς αὐτοῦ]
- 2[?ἐν ᾗ σορῷ κεκήδευτ]αι Ἀντ(ώνιος) Ἀντίοχος κηδευθήσονται δὲ καὶ ἡ Εἰφιάνασσα καὶ Ἀντώνιος Ἀθην [αγόρας ?ὁ υἱὸς αὐτῶν]
- 3[?καὶ ὁ δεῖνα ὁ ἔκγο]νος ἕτερος δὲ οὐδεὶς ἕξει ἐξουσίαν ἐνθάψαι τινὰ παρὰ τοὺς προγεγρα[μμένους ? ἢ ἐκ]-
- 4[?θάψαι τῶν τε]θα[μ]μ̣ένων ἢ ταφησομένων τινά ἐπεὶ ὁ τοιοῦτό τι τολμήσας ἔσται ἐπάρατο̣[ς καὶ ἀσε]-
- 5[βὴς καὶ τυμ]β̣ω[ρ]ύ̣χος καὶ προσαποτεισάτω θεᾷ Ἀφροδείτῃ ἀργυρίου (δηνάρια) ͵γ φ´ [κ]αὶ εἰς τειμὰς τῶν [Σεβαστῶν]
- 6[ἀργυρίου] (δηνάρια) ͵γφ´ ὧ[ν] τὸ τρίτον ἔσται τ[οῦ] ἐγδικήσαντος καὶ οὐδὲν ἧττον μενεῖ κύρια τὰ ἐπ' αὐ[τῇ ?γεγραμμέ]-
- 7να τῆς ἐπιγραφῆς ἀπετέθη ἀντίγραφον εἰς τὸ χρεοφυλάκιον ἐπὶ στεφανηφόρου Λ(ουκίου) Ἀν(τωνίου) Κλ(αυδίου) Διογένους Δομετεί-
- 8νου μηνὸς θ´ εἰς δὲ τὰς ἰ v. σώστας ἐνταφήσονται οὓς ἂν διατάξηται ἡ Εἰφιάνασσα
highlighted letters were seen by Reinach and/or the MAMA team, but not by Reynolds.
l. 6, ΕΠΑΝ, Reinach; ἐπ' αὐ[τῷ], Cormack.
[? The sarcophagus and the] burial places [? below it] belong to Antonius Antiochos and Antonia Eiphianassa [?his wife, ? in which sarcophagus is buried] Antonius Antiochos and there will also be buried Eiphianassa and Antonius Athen[agoras ? their son ? and name their grandson]; but no one else shall have the right to bury anyone (in it) except the aforenamed,[?or to remove] anyone [of those] buried or [to be buried] in it, since whoever dares such a thing will be considered accursed [and sacrilegious and a tomb]-breaker and in addition is to pay to the goddess Aphrodite 3500 silver denarii and for honours to (?statues of) [the Augusti] 3500 silver denarii, of which one third shall belong to the prosecutor; and none the less the provisions written upon it shall remain in force. A copy of the inscribed text was deposited in the property-archive in the stephanephorate of L. Antonius Claudius Diogenes Dometeinos, month 9. And in the burial places (below) shall be buried whomever Eiphianassa may ordain.
The tomb was apparently composite, the owning family therefore of more than ordinary substance. Their nomen connects them with an élite family of the first and second centuries, but in what degree is unknown. Neither lettering nor nomenclature require a date after the late second century, and the stephanephoros could have held office in that period, although he certainly held post mortem tenures, one probably in the second half of the third century (above, no. 6, and cf. 107). Since the total size of the funerary fine is high (7000 denarii) and specification of silver denarii might suggest a time of gross debasement of the coinage (see Introduction) a date in the middle of the third century is suggested (see Introduction). For another proposal to use a funerary fine for honours to the emperors see 12.1112 (=MAMA 552).
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