First century AD
?128. Prayer of the builders
?209. Place inscription of Philotheos
?242. Fragment of funerary verse
?301. Fragment, first century A.D., from Temple
?312. Fragment from Temple
314. Funerary panel for Threptos and Ariston
?316. Panel fragment, from Temple
?319. Revetment fragment, from Temple
?328. Fragment, Imperial date, from Temple
?332. Fragment from Temple
?334. Fragment from Temple
?336. Fragment of slab in Temple; mason's mark
?339. Votive to Hekate Eunantetos
342. Honours (heading)
?344. Stray circular fragment
?345. Dedication offered to the neoi
346. ?Fragment mentioning M. Aur(elius) ?
?347. Honours for Kastor son of Menekrates
348. Fragmentary honours from Temple
351. Fragmentary honours from Temple
?355. Honours for Panphilos Krokion
356. Honours for female stephanephorus
?357. Post-mortem honours for Epicharmos son of Chrysaor
361. Honours for anonymous, overseen by Marcus Aurelius Zenas
362. Fragment of honours from Temple
369. Funerary inscription for Flavia Apphia
?370. Honours for anonymous
377. Funerary inscription for Elpides
381. Fragment
?383. Sarcophagus fragment with mason's mark
?389. Fragment, 1st A.D./1st B.C., from Temple
?391. Funerary fragment from Temple
?393. Fragment of stele
398. Building dedication for Aphrodite
?399. Honours probably for Kallikrates son of Molossos
401. Fragment from Bouleuterion/Odeon
?407. Fragmentary honours (I cent)
408. Funerary fragment (I-II cent)
?410. "Curse tablets": votive to Eirene
412. Fragment, undated, from Temple
432. Fragment, of honours
434. Fragment
436. Revetment fragment
437. Panel fragment
438. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion, mason's mark
440. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion
447. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
451. Dedication ? preceding honours
452. Funerary inscription for a baker
456. Fragment of monumental revetment
457. Revetment fragment
458. Revetment fragment
459. Monumental revetment fragment
460. Fragment
461. Revetment fragment
463. Revetment fragment
465. Revetment fragment
466. Imperial document
467. Fragment from a relief
468. Dedication by Gaius Volousios, mime actor
469. Monumental revetment fragment
?471. Fragment from honours (or funerary) for Attalos
?473. Fragment
474. Fragment
475. Sundial fragment
478. Fragment from Theatre
?481. Place inscription
482. Fragment from a funerary document
484. Fragment from South Agora
485. Fragment from the South Agora
486. Fragment , perhaps from dedication of a caryatid
?489. Frieze fragment
493. Fragment of honours
496. Fragment of relief
498. Fragment
500. Revetment fragment
529. Restoration of the honours for his ancestor by Kallikrates
?531. Statue dedication by Kallikrates
532. Restoration, by Kallikrates of the dedication made by his ancestors
539. Building inscription by priest of Libertas
541. Honours for an anonymous benefactor, ?Solon son of Demetrios
545. Honours for Marcus and Publius Vinicius
546. Edict of Silius Italicus. proconsul
554. Dedication by M. Iulius Attalos, imperial freedman, to Aphrodite, the imperial house, and the Senate and People of Rome.
567. Honours for T. Claudius Diogenes
597. Titles for relief sculptures
612. Invocation of Ourania
?613. Gladiator memorial for familia of Tiberius Claudius Pauleinos
622. Gladiator memorial
634. Gladiator memorial
637. Gladiator memorial for [ . . .]pes, bestiarius
638. Relief panel illustrating munera
639. Relief panel illustrating munera
640. Relief panel illustrating munera
641. Relief panel illustrating munera
642. Graffito illustrating munera
643. Funerary inscription for Eirenion, gladiator
648. Honours for Papulos, contest-president
649. Honours for an anonymous contest-president
666. Honours for Adrastos son of Adrastos, sacred victor
698. Place inscription of Philistion
699. Place inscription of Pardalas, mimologos
704. Graffiti on Theatre stage building
706. Graffiti on Theatre stage
?708. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
?709. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
710. Building dedication to Demos by Eupolemos son of Artemidoros
712. Graffiti: insults and acclamations
803. Fragment from South Agora
804. Fragment from Theatre
?806. Sculptor's signature of Menippos
809. Fragment from Theatre
810. Honours, perhaps posthumous
812. Fragment from Acropolis
813. Monumental fragments
815. Fragment
818. Title for image of people of the Rhaeti
819. Title for image of people of the Trumpilini
820. Fragment from Theatre
821. Fragment from Theatre
822. Revetment fragment
823. Revetment fragment
824. Sculptor's signature of Apollonios Aster
?825. Sculptor's signature
826. Fragment, loose near Bouleuterion
?827. Sundial fragments
828. Dedication or title of sculpture
829. Title for image of the Arabs
830. Fragment from theatre
834. Title for image of the Egyptians
836. Fragment fom Theatre Baths
837. Fragment from Theatre Baths
840. Fragment
841. Fragment
842. Sculpture fragment
843. Fragment
844. Revetment fragment, honours
845. Fragment, Byzantine
847. Fragment from a decree
848. Relief, funerary fragment
850. Moulding fragment
854. Fragment from Theatre
?861. Monumental revetment fragment
862. Fragment from south walls
863. ?Title for a statue of the Council
868. Fragment from Walls
869. Fragment from Walls
871. Relief sculpture fragment, with verse text
872. Sarcophagus fragment
876. ?Honours for anonymous
878. Fragment, stray
880. Fragment, stray
881. Building dedication of Sebasteion portico for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos
883. Honours for anonymous
884. Title for image of Hemera
885. Title for image of Ocean
886. Title for image of the people of the Dacians
887. Title for image of Crete
888. Title of image of People of the Bessi
889. Title for image of Cyprus
890. Title for image of Sicily
891. Title for image of People of the Judaeans
892. Title for images of Claudius and Britannia
893. Title for image of Armenia
894. Title for images of Nero and Helios
895. Title for images of Armenia and Nero
896. Title for images of Rome and Earth
897. Title for image of Victory of the Augusti
898. Funerary fragment
899. Funerary fragment
900. Funerary fragment
910. Funerary fragment
1001. Honours for Mithridates son of Athenagoras
1002. Funerary honours by Artemeis for her brother Bacchios
?1004. Funerary honours for Geis and Heraios
?1006. Honours for Tryphe
?1007. Honours for Aristokles Molossos
?1008. Funerary honours for Apphias and Hermias Glykon
?1009. Funerary honours for Neaera and Metrodoros
?1009. Funerary honours for Neaera and Metrodoros
1010. Funerary honours for Kallippos, Athenagoras and
1011. Posthumous honours for Attinas son of Theodoros
1012. Posthumous honours for Apphia daughter of Theodoros
?1013. Posthumous honours for Attalos son of Makedon
1014. Posthumous honours for Dionysios son of Artemidoros
1017. Posthumous honours for Nikoteimos Hierax
1018. Posthumous honours for Adrastos son of Nikotimos
1019. Posthumous honours for Adrastos son of Nikotimos
1020. Posthumous honours for Papylos son of Iason
1021. Posthumous honours for Theodotos son of Andronikos
1024. Funerary fragment
?1028. Posthumous honours for Iason son of Menodotos
1032. Title for image of people of the Bosporoi
?1035. Honours, perhaps funerary, for Julianos and Flavia Apphia Iuliane
1049. Posthumous honours for Ammia daughter of Attalos
1054. ? Funerary fragment
1055. Title for image of People of the Iapodes
1060. Title for image of People of the Andizetoi
1061. Title for image of people of the Dardanoi
1065. Funerary verse
?1067. Sculptor's signature: Menodotos
1068. Funerary fragment
1071. Fragment, ?funerary
1072. Funerary fragment
1077. Funerary for Attalos son of Menippos
1078. Fragment
1079. Fragment, perhaps funerary
1080. Fragment
1081. Funerary fragment
1082. Panel fragment
1086. Funerary inscription for Artemon
1090. Fragment
1092. Funerary inscription for Dioskurides
1097. Fragment
1099. Panel fragment
1103. Building dedication to Demos
1104. Building dedication to Demos
?1109. Building dedication to Aphrodite
1121. Column dedication by Eumachos and Amias
1122. Column dedication by Eumachos and Ammias
1123. Column dedication by Eumachos and Amias
1124. Column dedication by Attalos and Attalis
1125. Column dedication by Attalos and Attalis
1133. Building dedications, by Antipatros and by Dionysios, to Demos
1134. Dedication of trapeza by Kallikrates son of Molossos
1136. Fragment, from caryatid dedication.
1138. Fragment, from caryatid dedication
1143. Building inscription by [—]nius Lysias
?1146. Building dedication to a god
?1147. Building inscription: restoration by Valerianus
1149. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.
1150. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.
?1151. Building inscription fragment, undated.
?1152. Building inscription fragments first-second centuries A.D.
1158. Fragment, Augustan date, from Odeon area
?1159. Dedication of statues and water channels
?1160. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Julia.
1161. Building inscription by Aristokles [Molossos] son of Ar[temidorus]
1162. Building dedication by Aristokles Molossos
1163. Building dedication by Aristokles Molossos
1165. Graffito in doorway
1166. Fragment, first/second century, from Sebasteion
1168. Building inscription
1171. Fragment, second/third century
1172. Fragment, first /second century
1173. Building inscription [by Aristokles Molossos]
?1174. Building inscription of Molosseon
?1181. Building inscription, late Hellenistic
1206. Dedication of a caryatid by Tryphe.
1212. Dedication of an image of Bellerophon
1216. Votive offering to Asklepios
1218. Votive to Morsynus
1219. Statue dedication of Agathos Daimon to Demos
?1220. Dedication to Aphrodite
?1221. Votive offering to Zeus
1222. Dedication by Dionysios on behalf of Ammia
1223. Dedication to Aphrodite
?1230. Statue and altar dedication by Titus Flavius Staberianos
1235. Fragment
?1251. Building dedication for Titus
?1255. Building dedication with imperial reference
1257. Building dedication under Domitian.
1258. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors
1263. Dedication to Nike
1265. Building dedication by Aristokles Molossos
1269. Statue dedication of Hygeia to emperors
1270. Building restoration dedicated to Aphrodite and emperors
1271. Building restoration dedicated to Aphrodite and emperors
1275. Building dedication to Tiberius and Livia
1276. Building dedication of the Eusebian Bath to the Emperors and Aphrodite
1278. Building dedication to the Divine Augustus by Eusebes son of Menandros
1280. Honours for Augustus
1281. Honours for Emperor Tiberius
1282. Statue dedication for emperor Claudius
1283. Title for image of Nero Drusus Augustus Caesar
1284. Honours for Domitian
1285. Statue dedication to the Emperor
?1286. Honours for an emperor, Augustus Germanicus
1288. Honours for Antonia Augusta
1296. Honours for Marcus Lepidus
?1305. Fragment, stray
?1306. Honours for Pamphilos
1311. Statue dedication to Nerva
1313. Honours for Domitian
1314. Honours for Titus Caesar
1315. Honours for Agrippina
1316. Honours for Germanicus Caesar
1318. Honours for Atia mother of Augustus
?1321. Fragment of funerary text
?1330. Funerary fragment, I-II cent.
?1341. Funerary fragment, I-II cent.
1358. Funerary formula
1361. Funerary for Menandros
1393. Funerary for Eikad son of Hermokrates
?1399. Funerary inscription for Menekles son of Dionysios son of Epainetos
?1403. Funerary fragment; I cent., from stone dump
?1420. Funerary for son of Menodotos son of Neikoteimos
1431. Funerary inscription for [ . . . ]okles son of Diogenes
1432. Funerary fragment; reused, undated
1437. Funerary fragment from nr. West Gate
1497. Consolatory decree, on death of Apphia daughter of Timotheos
1498. Consolatory decree, on death of Titus Antonius Lysimachos Grypos
1500. Decree of honours for Dionysios son of Papylos
1513. Title for images of the Graces
1515. Prohibition
?1525. Funerary inscription for Aba
1527. Funerary inscription for T. Aelius Epaphrodeitos
?1538. Funerary inscription for Hermas son of Nardos
1544. Latin funerary inscription
1545. Funerary inscription for Menandros
1550. Honours for Sokrates son of Theophrastos
1567. Place inscription of archeologoi
1584. Funerary inscription for Hermolaos
1596. Funerary inscription for Athiktos
?1621. Funerary monument for Apollonios
1626. Funerary fragment
1635. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Diadoumenos
1645. Fragment, funerary
1646. Funerary inscription of Alk[ . . .]
1660. Funerary fragment
1665. Funerary fragment
1677. Funerary fragment
1678. Funerary fragment
1679. Funerary fragment
1680. Funerary fragment
1683. Funerary fragment
1688. List of names or graffiti
1690. Funerary fragment
1696. Funerary inscription and honours for Attalos son of Attalos
1701. Funerary inscription for Ti. Claudius Achilleus
?1703. Funerary inscription for Liburnos son of Diotrephes
1704. Funerary inscription for Kallikrates
1705. Funerary fragment
?1706. Funerary fragment
?1706. Funerary fragment
1707. Place inscription of Autolykos
1710. Honours for Molossos
1712. Honours for anonymous
1716. Place inscription of Kapuras and Philologos
?1717. Honours for Teimokles, son of Apollonios
1733. Fragments
1738. Fragment
?1742. Fragment from honours
1747. Fragmentary honours
1751. Honours for anonymous
1752. Fragment
1754. Place inscription of Neikanor
1755. Place inscription of Bassos; invocation
1759. Place inscriptions of Ioulianos and Bassos
1760. Place inscription of Demetrios, homerist
1767. Honours
1768. Posthumous honours for Diogenes son of Menandros
?1774. Fragmentary honours for anonymous
?1783. Posthumous honours for C. Julius Potitianus and for Antonia Flaviane
?1804. Honours for Menogenes Glykon
1810. Fragment
1813. Fragment
1814. Panel fragment
1822. Fragmentary honours
?1824. Fragment of honours
1830. Fragment
1833. Fragment
1835. Dedication to a benefactor
?1841. Honours or dedication
?1853. Honours for Ateimetos Petignas
?1854. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Diogenes
?1855. List of names from Temple
1856. Posthumous honours for Lykidas Zeno
1860. Fragmentary honours
1861. Fragment
1864. Fragmentary honours for an emperor
1866. Fragmentary honours
1867. Building dedication for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos
1878. Cornice fragment
1882. Place inscription for Hypsikles
1888. Fragment
1891. Honours for Adrastos
1893. Fragment from Temple
1894. Title for images of Troilos and Achilles
1895. Place inscription of a biologos
1899. Honours for anonymous
1904. Fragmentary honours
?1905. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Hierokles
?1917. Fragment (of honours) from city walls
1921. Titles for images on the funerary monument of Zoilos