301. Fragment, first century A.D., from Temple
302. Panel fragment, from Temple
303. Panel fragment, from Temple
304. Panel fragment, second/third century, from Temple
305. Conclusion of funerary text
306. Funerary text for Ammia
307. Panel fragments from temple
308. Fragment from temple
309. Fragment from Temple
310. Fragment from temple
311. Funerary formula from sarcophagus
312. Fragment from Temple
313. Fragmentary honours
314. Funerary panel for Threptos and Ariston
315. Panel fragment, from Temple
316. Panel fragment, from Temple
317. Panel fragment, from Temple
318. Panel fragment, from Temple
319. Revetment fragment, from Temple
320. Fragment, second/third century, from Temple
321. Dedication to Aphrodite, from Temple
322. Funerary inscription for Tatiane
323. fragment of sarcophagus
324. Fragment, Hellenistic date, from Temple
325. Fragment of base from the Temple
327. Fragment of base from Temple
328. Fragment, Imperial date, from Temple
329. Fragment from Temple
330. Fragment of sarcophagus from Temple
331. Fragment from Tetrapylon
332. Fragment from Temple
333. Fragment from Temple
334. Fragment from Temple
335. Fragment of base in Temple
336. Fragment of slab in Temple; mason's mark
337. Fragment, second/third century, from Temple
338. Fragment of sarcophagus from Temple
340. Funerary fragment
341. Funerary fragment
342. Honours (heading)
343. Honours for [...]
344. Stray circular fragment
345. Dedication offered to the neoi
346. ?Fragment mentioning M. Aur(elius) ?
347. Honours for Kastor son of Menekrates
348. Fragmentary honours from Temple
349. Fragmentary honours from Temple
350. Fragmentary honours from Temple
351. Fragmentary honours from Temple
352. Fragmentary honours from Temple
353. Dedication by Kallikles son of Kallikles via his brother Molossos
354. Heading to decree
355. Honours for Panphilos Krokion
356. Honours for female stephanephorus
364. Fragment of a base from the walls
365. Honours for M. Antonius Zenon Ulpianos
366. Dedication of a foundation by Titus Aelius ... [—]dianos
367. Public honours for anonymous
368. Honours for anonymous
370. Honours for anonymous
371. Honours for T. Fl. Apollonios
372. Fragment
380. Fragment with alphabet
381. Fragment
382. Fragment
383. Sarcophagus fragment with mason's mark
384. Sarcophagus fragment
385. Stele fragment
387. Panel fragment from Temple
389. Fragment, 1st A.D./1st B.C., from Temple
390. Fragment, second century, from Temple
391. Funerary fragment from Temple
393. Fragment of stele
394. Fragments of panel
395. Fragment of stele
396. Honours for Zenon son of Menippos
398. Building dedication for Aphrodite
399. Honours probably for Kallikrates son of Molossos
400. Honours for Peritianos Dometinos
401. Fragment from Bouleuterion/Odeon
402. Fragment, II-III cent, from west gate
403. Fragment (II cent)
404. Fragment (Hellenistic)
405. Fragment (II cent)
406. Fragment (II cent)
407. Fragmentary honours (I cent)
408. Funerary fragment (I-II cent)
409. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Antonius son of Attalos
410. "Curse tablets": votive to Eirene
411. Fragments, third century, from Temple
412. Fragment, undated, from Temple
413. Fragment, undated, from Temple
414. Fragment, third century, from Temple
415. Fragment, undated, from Temple
416. Fragment, second to third century, from Temple
417. Fragment, second to third century, from South Wall
418. Fragmentary honours, third century, from SW Walls
419. Fragment, second century, from SW Walls
420. Fragment, second century, from SW Walls
421. Fragmentary honours, second/third century
422. Fragment of base capital, second/third century
423. Fragment , second/third century, stray find
424. Fragment, undated
425. Fragment , second century, stray find
429. Honours for Claudia Paulina
430. Fragment
431. Fragment of an altar dedication
432. Fragment, of honours
433. Fragment of a consolatory decree
434. Fragment
436. Revetment fragment
437. Panel fragment
438. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion, mason's mark
439. Monumental fragment
440. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion
441. Fragments, perhaps from honours
442. Fragment, from ? honours
443. Monumental revetment fragment
445. Official document or funerary text
446. Honours for Hermokreon
447. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
448. Fragment from SW Bouleuterion
449. Fragment from Bishop's palace
450. Revetment fragment
451. Dedication ? preceding honours
452. Funerary inscription for a baker
453. Funerary fragment, from Water Channel area
454. Fragments, ? late Republican
455. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
456. Fragment of monumental revetment
457. Revetment fragment
458. Revetment fragment
459. Monumental revetment fragment
460. Fragment
461. Revetment fragment
462. Fragment from Bishop's palace
463. Revetment fragment
464. Fragment of honours for Marcus Aurelius
465. Revetment fragment
466. Imperial document
467. Fragment from a relief
468. Dedication by Gaius Volousios, mime actor
469. Monumental revetment fragment
470. Fragment
471. Fragment from honours (or funerary) for Attalos
472. Dedication to Tyche and Justice
473. Fragment
474. Fragment
475. Sundial fragment
476. Dedication
477. Fragment from Theatre
478. Fragment from Theatre
479. Fragment from Water Channel
480. Fragment from Theatre
481. Place inscription
482. Fragment from a funerary document
483. Dedication of a relief
484. Fragment from South Agora
485. Fragment from the South Agora
486. Fragment , perhaps from dedication of a caryatid
487. Fragment from North Bouleuterion
488. Fragment
489. Frieze fragment
490. Fragment
491. Decree of honours for Hephaistion
492. Fragment from Theatre
493. Fragment of honours
494. Fragment from Theatre
496. Fragment of relief
497. Fragment
498. Fragment
499. Fragment from Theatre
500. Revetment fragment
565. Honours for Attalos Adrastos
570. Honours for Attalos Adrastos
571. Restoration of statues by Secundus
606. List of names
801. Fragment from Theatre
802. Statue dedication of Aphrodite
803. Fragment from South Agora
804. Fragment from Theatre
805. Fragment
807. Dedication
809. Fragment from Theatre
810. Honours, perhaps posthumous
811. Fragment, stray, II-III cent.
812. Fragment from Acropolis
813. Monumental fragments
814. Fragment
815. Fragment
816. Honours by People for Council
817. Honours by Council for People
820. Fragment from Theatre
821. Fragment from Theatre
822. Revetment fragment
823. Revetment fragment
826. Fragment, loose near Bouleuterion
827. Sundial fragments
828. Dedication or title of sculpture
830. Fragment from theatre
831. Fragment from Theatre
832. Fragment from Bouleuterion/Odeon area
833. Fragment
835. ?Honours
836. Fragment fom Theatre Baths
837. Fragment from Theatre Baths
838. Fragment of consolatory text
839. Funerary fragment
840. Fragment
841. Fragment
842. Sculpture fragment
843. Fragment
844. Revetment fragment, honours
845. Fragment, Byzantine
847. Fragment from a decree
848. Relief, funerary fragment
849. Panel fragment
850. Moulding fragment
851. Fragment from South Walls
854. Fragment from Theatre
855. Fragment from walls
856. Honours for anonymous
857. Honours for M. Aur. Cl. Ant. Dioskoros
858. Honours for Flavius Carminius Klaudianos
859. Distribution formula from a foundation document
860. Fragments
861. Monumental revetment fragment
862. Fragment from south walls
863. ?Title for a statue of the Council
864. Fragment of honours
865. Honours for M. Aur. Zenon
866. Fragment of honours
867. Fragment from Walls
868. Fragment from Walls
869. Fragment from Walls
870. Fragment from Walls
871. Relief sculpture fragment, with verse text
872. Sarcophagus fragment
873. Honours for anonymous
874. Honours for anonymous
875. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Ammia
876. ?Honours for anonymous
878. Fragment, stray
879. Fragment from ?honours
880. Fragment, stray
882. Fragment from Sebasteion
883. Honours for anonymous
898. Funerary fragment
899. Funerary fragment
900. Funerary fragment
901. Honours for Papias
902. Fragmentary honours from the Gerousia
903. i. Fragment of building inscription; ii. Honours for Asconia
904. Honours for Lucius Antonius Ze[-
905. Honours for Antonius Antiochos from his daughter
906. Honours, perhaps funerary, for Artemidoros from his brothers
907. Fragmentary honours
908. Fragmentary honours
909. Dedication by Antipatros
910. Funerary fragment
911. Funerary fragment
912. Honours for Titus Aurelius Metrodoros from Ailia Lakinilla his mother
913. Fragmentary honours
914. Honours for Adrastos
915. Honours for Hierokles
916. Honours for T. Flavius Sallustius Athenagoras
917. Honours for Iulius Aurelius Ktesias
918. Honours; fragmentary
919. Honours for Ammia wife of Hypsikles
1024. Funerary fragment
1051. Fragment from outside walls
1054. ? Funerary fragment
1057. Funerary fragment
1058. Fragment
1059. Fragment from Sebasteion
1062. Funerary fragment
1063. Fragment from Theatre
1064. Funerary inscription for Polychronios
1065. Funerary verse
1066. Funerary inscription for Polykrates
1068. Funerary fragment
1069. Fragment
1070. Fragment of honours
1071. Fragment, ?funerary
1072. Funerary fragment
1073. Revetment fragment
1074. Funerary fragment
1075. Funerary fragment
1076. Funerary epigram
1077. Funerary for Attalos son of Menippos
1078. Fragment
1079. Fragment, perhaps funerary
1080. Fragment
1081. Funerary fragment
1082. Panel fragment
1083. Revetment panel fragment
1085. Revetment fragments
1086. Funerary inscription for Artemon
1087. Funerary fragment
1088. Fragment
1089. Fragment
1090. Fragment
1091. Fragment
1092. Funerary inscription for Dioskurides
1093. Funerary verse for Elpis
1094. Funerary fragment
1095. Funerary fragment
1096. Funerary fragment
1097. Fragment
1098. Funerary fragment
1099. Panel fragment
1100. Panel fragment
1112. Column dedication to Demos
1113. Column dedication to Demos (Boulanger copy)
1115. Column dedication to Demos by Iason
1117. Column dedication to Demos
1118. Column dedication by Menandros
1119. Column dedication
1120. Column dedication
1136. Fragment, from caryatid dedication.
1138. Fragment, from caryatid dedication
1139. Funerary fragment from Basilica
1140. Building inscription, undated, from Theatre
1141. Building inscription, undated, from Theatre
1142. Funerary fragment
1143. Building inscription by [—]nius Lysias
1144. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia G[ . . ., dedication to Demos
1146. Building dedication to a god
1147. Building inscription: restoration by Valerianus
1148. Building inscription of Melition son of Pythion
1149. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.
1150. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.
1151. Building inscription fragment, undated.
1152. Building inscription fragments first-second centuries A.D.
1153. Building inscription: restoration of building by ?Eusebes
1154. Dedication of kamara to Aphrodite
1155. Fragments of building inscription, second century A.D.
1156. Fragment of building inscription, first/second century A.D.
1158. Fragment, Augustan date, from Odeon area
1159. Dedication of statues and water channels
1160. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Julia.
1164. Building inscription from Theatre
1166. Fragment, first/second century, from Sebasteion
1167. Fragment, undated, stray find
1168. Building inscription
1169. Fragment, undated, stray
1170. Fragment, undated, from Gymnasium
1171. Fragment, second/third century
1172. Fragment, first /second century
1173. Building inscription [by Aristokles Molossos]
1176. Fragment of building inscription, found in village
1177. Building dedication, from Theatre
1178. Building dedication, from Hadrianic Baths
1179. Building inscription, from Hadrianic Baths
1180. Building inscription with imperial reference
1183. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Paulina
1186. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Meltine, , with sculptor's signature, by Andronikos
1187. Dedication of a caryatid
1188. Dedication of a caryatid by Ammiane
1191. Fragments from dedication of a caryatid, by Claudia.
1192. Dedication of a caryatid by the daughter of Athenagoras
1193. Dedication of a caryatid by a high priestess.
1194. Dedication of a caryatid by Apphia.
1195. Dedication of a caryatid by [ . . . ] onia,
1196. Dedication of a caryatid by Secundilla daughter of Secundus
1197. Dedication of a caryatid to Demos
1199. Dedication of a caryatid by Ulpia Apollonia.
1200. Dedication of a caryatid, by Ulpia Apollonia.
1201. Dedication of a caryatid by Antonia Chresta.
1202. Dedication of a caryatid
1203. Dedication of caryatid by Aelia Stateilia Stratoneike
1204. Fragment from dedication of caryatid,
1206. Dedication of a caryatid by Tryphe.
1207. Fragment from dedication of a caryatid
1208. Dedication of a caryatid by Cocceia Maxima.
1210. Fragment from dedication of a caryatid.
1211. Kallikrates
1212. Dedication of an image of Bellerophon
1214. Votive offering to Asklepios by Amias
1215. Votive offering to Asklepios
1216. Votive offering to Asklepios
1217. Votive offering to divinity
1218. Votive to Morsynus
1219. Statue dedication of Agathos Daimon to Demos
1221. Votive offering to Zeus
1222. Dedication by Dionysios on behalf of Ammia
1223. Dedication to Aphrodite
1224. Votive to Asklepios
1229. Votive offering to Kore by Alexandros
1232. Fragment from Temple area
1233. Dedication to Zeus and Aphrodite
1234. Statue dedication to People of Hierapolis
1235. Fragment
1236. Votive offering to Athena
1237. Votive offering to the Winds
1238. Building dedication to divinity/emperor
1239. Votive offering to Kore Plyarei by Diogenes and Tatias
1240. Altar dedication by Diogenes son of Damonikos
1241. Dedication to Hypnos by high-priest and priest of Asklepios
1244. Funerary fragment
1246. Dedication to Aphrodite and Demos
1247. Votive offering to a goddess (Aphrodite)
1248. Invocations to the winds
1254. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors and Demos
1255. Building dedication with imperial reference
1260. Building dedication to the People and Hadrian
1263. Dedication to Nike
1266. Panel dedication with imperial reference
1267. Altar dedication for Hadrian
1273. Building dedication to emperors
1274. Building restoration dedicated to Aphrodite and emperors
1277. Dedication for Hadrian Soter
1279. Building dedication to Hadrian
1280. Honours for Augustus
1287. Funerary fragment
1292. Statue dedication to Hadrianus
1302. Funerary fragment
1303. Funerary fragment
1304. Funerary fragment
1305. Fragment, stray
1306. Honours for Pamphilos
1307. Funerary fragment
1310. Fragment, unprovenanced, II-III cent.
1311. Statue dedication to Nerva
1312. Honours for Caracalla
1313. Honours for Domitian
1321. Fragment of funerary text
1322. Fragments of funerary panel
1323. Fragment of funerary panel
1324. Funerary fragment
1327. Funerary fragment
1329. Funerary fragment
1330. Funerary fragment, I-II cent.
1331. Funerary fragment
1332. Funerary fragment from Bouleuterion area
1333. Funerary for Aurelia Meltine
1334. Funerary formula, II cent.
1339. Funerary for Neikephoros by his parents
1340. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1341. Funerary fragment, I-II cent.
1342. Funerary fragments from Bishop's Palace
1343. Funerary verse
1345. Funerary fragment of Marcus Aurelius A
1346. Funerary formula
1348. a: Funerary fragment from Bishop's Palace. b: Acclamation (graffito)
1349. Funerary formula, II-III cent.
1350. Funerary fragment from Bishop's Palace
1351. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Flavius Elpidephoros
1352. Funerary fragment
1353. Funerary for Publius Aelius Klaudius Smaragdos Julianos and his father
1355. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1356. Funerary inscription for Hypsikles, third generation from Menandros
1357. Funerary inscription of Aurelius Zenon
1358. Funerary formula
1359. Funerary inscription for Hilarianos descendant of Zenon
1360. Funerary fragment, II cent.
1361. Funerary for Menandros
1362. Funerary for Gaius Julius Nigerus
1363. Funerary verse
1364. Funerary formula
1365. Funerary fragment
1366. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius high-priest
1367. Funerary formula, II cent.
1368. Funerary
1369. Funerary formula, II-III cent.
1370. Funerary fragment; sarcophagus lid; re-used
1372. Funerary fragment, stray and undated
1373. Funerary formula fragment
1374. Fragment of funerary formula, stray find, undated.
1375. Funerary fragment; stray and undated
1376. Funerary fragment from Theatre
1377. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1378. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1379. Funerary for ?son of Aurelius
1380. Funerary fragment; stray, undated
1381. Funerary verse, fragmentary
1382. Funerary formula from house east of Theatre
1383. Funerary inscription for Heraklide, Thyodora, and Meltine
1384. Funerary formula, II-III cent.
1385. Funerary formula; stray and undated
1386. Funerary fragment from Theatre
1387. Funerary formula fragment, II-III cent.
1388. Fragment of funerary panel from Theatre
1389. Funerary inscription for Ulpia Carminia Claudiane
1390. Grave platform ceded to Tryphon Hermes son of Hephaistion
1391. Funerary verse
1392. Funerary curse formula
1393. Funerary for Eikad son of Hermokrates
1394. Funerary fragment from Portico East of Theatre
1395. Funerary fragment from Theatre
1396. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1398. Funerary for Dionysios K
1399. Funerary inscription for Menekles son of Dionysios son of Epainetos
1400. Funerary fragment; stray, undated
1401. Funerary fragment, Likinia
1402. Funerary fragment from Theatre
1403. Funerary fragment; I cent., from stone dump
1404. Funerary fragment for Kapitoleinos
1405. Funerary verse fragment; stray, undated
1406. Funerary inscription for Gaia Julia Doris; another for Marcus Aurelius Klaros
1407. Sarcophagus fragment
1408. Funerary fragment with relief; stray, undated
1409. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1410. Sarcophagus fragment ; stray and undated
1411. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudios Antonius Attalos
1413. Funerary for Aurelius Artemidoros
1414. Funerary fragment from wall excavation
1415. Funerary inscription for daughter of neikos and wife of Klaud
1417. Funerary monument for Tiberius Claudius Flavianus
1418. Funerary fragment from walls excavation
1419. Funerary fragment
1420. Funerary for son of Menodotos son of Neikoteimos
1422. Funerary fragment from walls excavation
1424. Funerary fragment from NE Walls
1425. Funerary fragment, stray and undated
1426. Funerary fragment
1427. Fragment of funerary curse
1428. Funerary fragment for and wife
1429. Funerary fragment; stray and undated
1430. Funerary inscription for Aurelius
1431. Funerary inscription for [ . . . ]okles son of Diogenes
1432. Funerary fragment; reused, undated
1433. Funerary inscription for Lucia Antoniane
1434. Funerary inscription for descendant of Typhon son of Hypsikles
1435. Funerary for descendant of Diogenes
1436. Funerary inscription for descendant of Demetrios
1437. Funerary fragment from nr. West Gate
1438. Funerary fragment from Turkish Cemetery
1439. Funerary fragment
1440. Sculptor's signature: Euplous
1450. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Athenagoras
1451. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Statilius Apollonios
1452. Funerary inscription for Zenon and family
1455. Funerary fragment
1456. Funerary fragment
1457. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Apollonios
1458. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Hermogenes
1459. Funerary fragment
1460. Funerary inscription of M. Aur. Menandros
1461. Funerary fragment
1643. Funerary fragment
1646. Funerary inscription of Alk[ . . .]
1647. Funerary inscription for Pankrates and Tatia
1648. Funerary fragment
1649. Funerary fragment or honours
1650. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Neikois
1652. Funerary fragment
1653. Funerary fragment
1654. Funerary fragment
1655. Funerary inscription for Dionysios
1656. Funerary inscription for an unnamed woman and her family
1657. Funerary fragment
1658. Funerary inscription for Chrysanthos
1659. Funerary fragment
1660. Funerary fragment
1661. Funerary fragment
1664. Funerary fragment
1665. Funerary fragment
1666. Funerary fragment
1667. Funerary fragment
1668. Funerary fragment
1669. Funerary fragment
1670. Funerary inscription for Zotikos
1671. Funerary fragment from Odeon
1672. Funerary inscription for Androneikos
1673. Funerary fragment
1674. Funerary fragment
1675. Funerary fragment from Temple
1677. Funerary fragment
1678. Funerary fragment
1679. Funerary fragment
1680. Funerary fragment
1681. Funerary fragment
1682. Funerary fragment
1683. Funerary fragment
1684. Funerary fragment
1685. Funerary text for Tiberius Claudius M
1687. Funerary fragment
1688. List of names or graffiti
1689. Funerary fragment
1690. Funerary fragment
1691. Funerary inscription for Publia Calvisia Peritiane
1692. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Agathopous
1693. Funerary inscription
1694. Funerary fragment
1696. Funerary inscription and honours for Attalos son of Attalos
1697. Funerary fragment
1698. Funerary fragment
1699. Funerary fragment
1700. Funerary fragment
1701. Funerary inscription for Ti. Claudius Achilleus
1702. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Stephanos
1703. Funerary inscription for Liburnos son of Diotrephes
1704. Funerary inscription for Kallikrates
1705. Funerary fragment
1706. Funerary fragment
1710. Honours for Molossos
1711. Honours for anonymous
1712. Honours for anonymous
1714. Honours for Hermolaos
1715. Fragment
1717. Honours for Teimokles, son of Apollonios
1719. Honours for anonymous
1720. Honours for Hermias
1722. Warning against theft from the Baths
1724. Honours for Marcus [ . . .
1727. Fragments from ?honours
1728. Fragment from a consolatory text
1729. Fragment from honours
1730. Fragment, Hellenistic
1731. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
1732. Honours, for anonymous
1733. Fragments
1734. Fragment, possibly dedication
1735. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
1737. Fragment of honours
1738. Fragment
1739. Fragment
1740. Honours for [Ant. Car. Popilios] Agelaos
1741. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Diogenes
1742. Fragment from honours
1743. List of names
1744. Honours for Tib. Cl. [Apollonios] Aurelianos
1745. Honours for anonymous
1746. Fragmentary ?honours
1747. Fragmentary honours
1748. Honours for M. Au[relius - ]
1749. ?Honours for anonymous
1750. Honours for anonymous
1751. Honours for anonymous
1752. Fragment
1753. Honours for Dionysios son of Mo [ . . .
1756. Fragmentary honours
1757. Dedication of ? a statue
1762. Honours
1763. Honours
1764. Honours
1806. Fragment of dedication
1807. Fragment
1810. Fragment
1813. Fragment
1814. Panel fragment
1815. Fragment
1816. Mason's mark
1817. Fragment
1818. Donor's inscription of Kapitoleinos
1819. Honours for Epigonos son of Glykon
1821. Fragment, perhaps from Temple
1822. Fragmentary honours
1823. Honours
1824. Fragment of honours
1825. Fragmentary honours
1826. Fragmentary honours
1827. Fragment
1828. Fragment
1829. Fragment from Water Channel
1830. Fragment
1831. Fragmentary honours
1832. Funerary fragment
1833. Fragment
1834. Fragmentary title for Amazonomachy sculpture
1835. Dedication to a benefactor
1836. Fragmentary honours
1837. Fragmentary honours
1838. Fragmentary honours
1839. Fragment
1840. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
1841. Honours or dedication
1842. Honours
1843. Fragment
1844. Fragmentary honours
1845. Honours
1846. Fragmentary honours
1847. Honours for the wife of M. Ulpius Carminius Klaudianos
1848. Honours for son of Attalos the son of Athenagoras
1849. Fragmentary honours from Bouleuterion/Odeon
1850. Fragment of honours
1855. List of names from Temple
1858. Dedication to Aphrodite and the People
1859. Fragmentary honours
1860. Fragmentary honours
1861. Fragment
1864. Fragmentary honours for an emperor
1866. Fragmentary honours
1867. Building dedication for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos
1868. Panel fragment fom Theatre
1870. Honours for anonymous
1871. Honours for Julia Faustina by her husband
1873. Fragment from Hadrainic Baths
1874. Honours for Attalos and Diogenes, brothers
1876. Honours for Aurelia Apphia daughter of Epiktetos
1877. Honours for anonymous, describing his foundation
1878. Cornice fragment
1880. Place inscription for Aelius Benouseinos
1881. Moulding fragment, II-III cent, from field wall
1882. Place inscription for Hypsikles
1883. Funerary text for Aurelii Zenon and Hypsikles
1884. List of names
1885. Honours for T. Flavius Menippos
1886. Honours for anonymous gymnasiarch, high priest, and stephanephoros
1887. Honours for unnamed man
1888. Fragment
1889. Fragment of honours for anonymous
1890. Opening line of honours formula
1893. Fragment from Temple
1898. Honours for anonymous
1899. Honours for anonymous
1901. Honours for Menippos and Zenon sons of Zenon
1902. Honours for Sallustia Frontina and Titus Sallustius
1904. Fragmentary honours
1905. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Hierokles
1906. Honours for Marcus Antonius Popillios Agelaos
1907. Fragmentary honours
1908. Fragmentary honours
1916. Fragment from Agora
1917. Fragment (of honours) from city walls
1918. Dedication by Antipatros son of Artemidoros
1919. Honours for Ulpia Carminia Claudiana
1920. Honours for Ulpia Carminia Prokla