Fourth century AD
?7. Honours for T. Oppius Aelianus Asklepiodotos
?8. Verse honours for a governor
9. Dedication for Emperors and Caesars
?10. Dedication by Flavius Eusebios
11. Statue dedication by Flavius Zenon
12. Dedication (post mortem) by Flavius Zenon
13. Statue dedication by Flavius Andronikos
14. Honours for a comes
?15. Honours for an amicus principum
?16. i. Fragmentary text; ii. Verse honours for Helladios
?17. Building inscription of Helladios
?18. Building inscription of Helladios
?19. Dedication to Constantius II and a Caesar by Fl. Quint. Eros Monaxios
20. Honours for Julian by Antonius Tatianos
21. i. Honours for Titus Falvius Sallustios Athenagoras; ii. Honours for Valens by Antonius Tatianos
?22. i. Honours for Flavius Constantius, governor, for building the wall; ii. Flavius Ampelios restores the gate
23. Honours for Aelia Flaccilla
?24. Verse honours for Menandros, vicar
25. Fl. Eutolmius Tatianos honours Honorius
26. Fl. Eutolmius Tatianos honours Arcadius
27. Fl. Eutolmius Tatianos honours Valentinian II
28. i. Honours for Septimus Severus; ii. Building inscription of Antonius Priskos
?29. Fl. Pelagius Ioannes gives a column
?30. Menandros, curialis, gives a column
?31. i. Verse honours for Oikoumenios; ii. Invocation
?32. i. Dedication to Patris by Zenon son of Eudamos and others; ii. The Phrygian Metropolis honours Alexandros, in verse
?33. Verse honours for Eupeithios
35. Flavius Septimius a benefactor
?48. Ioannes undertakes restoration works in the Hadrianic Baths
?49. Building works in the Hadrianic Baths
?50. Flavius undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
?51. Flavius E undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
?52. Restoration work in the Hadrianic Baths
?79. Acclamation for Scholastikios
?104. Dedication (building inscription), to a saint
?109. Dedicator's prayer
?116. Prayer of Damocharis, cursor
?128. Prayer of the builders
?140. Invocation for Konstantios
141. Invocation
142. Prayer
143. Acclamation
145. Invocation
?147. Epitaphs of anonymous, tabernarius, and of Euarestos
?148. Funerary inscription of Aurelia Dionysia
?149. Funerary inscription for MMM. Aurrr. Peritianos, Eutyches and Herakleios
?150. Epitaph of Bitos, also called Asterios, cursor of the phylae
151. Epitaph of M. Aur. Leontius Auchenios and M. Aur. Papaios Polychronios
152. i: Elements of a funerary formula; ii: Epitaph of Biktorinos, praefectus vehiculorum
?153. Funerary verse for Claudia
154. Funerary verse for a girl, Thea[ . . .
?160. Fragment of funerary verse
?161. Fragment of funerary verse
?163. Epitaph of Athanasios
?168. Epitaph of Kyriakos, priest
?169. Epitaph of Theodoros, ceromatitites
?175. Epitaph of Asklepiodotos
?176. Epitaph of Polychronios
?177. Epitaph of Rufinianos
?178. Epitaph of Mag
?190. Place inscription of Epiktetos, cloakroom-attendant
191. Place inscription of Alexandros, barber
192. Place inscription of Theodoros
?193. Place inscription of Aelianos
?195. Place inscription of Heortasios
?196. Place inscription of people of Hierapolis
?197. Place inscription of people of Hierapolis
?198. Place inscription of Philippos
?201. i: Place inscription of Eugraphios phylarchos; ii: Place inscription of Zotikos
203. Place inscription of Kes
?206. Place inscription of Zotikos, peddlar
?207. Place inscription of Heptamenios et al.
212. Reserved benches for associations
?213. List of commodities
?214. Storage jar of Polychronios: measurement
?215. Storage jar: measurement
?217. Names with gameboards
?220. Fragment of a Latin text (Regulation)
223. Table fragment
?224. Table/dish fragment
?225. Table/dish fragment
?227. Panel fragment: funerary
228. Fragment of building inscription
229. Fragment of building inscription.
?232. Fragment of building inscription
?233. i. Fragment of verse. ii. Place inscription of Synodios
?235. Building inscription by Fl. Constantius, governor
?243. Epitaph of Zoetos
?252. Dedication by Flavius Palladios
?319. Revetment fragment, from Temple
?344. Stray circular fragment
348. Fragmentary honours from Temple
?383. Sarcophagus fragment with mason's mark
?410. "Curse tablets": votive to Eirene
438. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion, mason's mark
440. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion
451. Dedication ? preceding honours
452. Funerary inscription for a baker
456. Fragment of monumental revetment
457. Revetment fragment
458. Revetment fragment
459. Monumental revetment fragment
460. Fragment
461. Revetment fragment
463. Revetment fragment
465. Revetment fragment
467. Fragment from a relief
468. Dedication by Gaius Volousios, mime actor
469. Monumental revetment fragment
474. Fragment
?481. Place inscription
496. Fragment of relief
500. Revetment fragment
585. Pavement designs and an acclamation
586. Pavement designs
587. Tetrastoon: pavement designs
588. Gameboard
589. Graffito figure
590. Pavement design
591. Gameboard
592. Pavement designs and place inscriptions, South Agora pool
593. Basilica, gameboard
594. Gameboard and pavement designs, Bishop's Palace
595. Gameboard
596. Gameboard
599. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block B
612. Invocation of Ourania
637. Gladiator memorial for [ . . .]pes, bestiarius
638. Relief panel illustrating munera
639. Relief panel illustrating munera
640. Relief panel illustrating munera
642. Graffito illustrating munera
643. Funerary inscription for Eirenion, gladiator
694. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block C
696. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block E
697. Seat inscriptions, loose Odeon seats
698. Place inscription of Philistion
699. Place inscription of Pardalas, mimologos
700. Acclamation for the Greens and their mimes
?702. Graffiti representing menoroth
704. Graffiti on Theatre stage building
706. Graffiti on Theatre stage
?707. Jewish Graffiti in Baths
?708. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
711. Acclamation for the Greens
712. Graffiti: insults and acclamations
715. Graffiti on plaster
716. Graffiti on plaster
717. Graffito images
718. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 21
719. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 20
720. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 19
721. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 18
722. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 17
723. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 16
724. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 15
725. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 14
726. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 13
727. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 12
728. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 11
729. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 12
730. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 9
734. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 5
735. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 4
736. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 2
737. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 1
738. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 40
739. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 37
740. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 38
741. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 36
743. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 33
745. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 30
746. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 29
749. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 26
750. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 25
753. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
754. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
758. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
760. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block B
776. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
785. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
787. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
804. Fragment from Theatre
809. Fragment from Theatre
812. Fragment from Acropolis
815. Fragment
817. Honours by Council for People
821. Fragment from Theatre
822. Revetment fragment
826. Fragment, loose near Bouleuterion
837. Fragment from Theatre Baths
843. Fragment
844. Revetment fragment, honours
845. Fragment, Byzantine
850. Moulding fragment
854. Fragment from Theatre
868. Fragment from Walls
1063. Fragment from Theatre
1065. Funerary verse
1068. Funerary fragment
1073. Revetment fragment
1083. Revetment panel fragment
1085. Revetment fragments
1090. Fragment
1092. Funerary inscription for Dioskurides
1165. Graffito in doorway
?1264. i: Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors by T.Cl. Zelos. ii: Verse honours for Androkles, a benefactor
?1343. Funerary verse
?1357. Funerary inscription of Aurelius Zenon
?1380. Funerary fragment; stray, undated
?1381. Funerary verse, fragmentary
?1385. Funerary formula; stray and undated
?1386. Funerary fragment from Theatre
?1392. Funerary curse formula
?1410. Sarcophagus fragment ; stray and undated
1435. Funerary for descendant of Diogenes
1460. Funerary inscription of M. Aur. Menandros
?1482. Tomb of Chrestianos
?1499. Funerary text
1504. Funerary inscription for anonymous
1567. Place inscription of archeologoi
1596. Funerary inscription for Athiktos
1610. Monumental fragment
1639. Funerary inscription for Attalos
1677. Funerary fragment
1688. List of names or graffiti
1701. Funerary inscription for Ti. Claudius Achilleus
1707. Place inscription of Autolykos
1716. Place inscription of Kapuras and Philologos
1733. Fragments
1738. Fragment
1754. Place inscription of Neikanor
1755. Place inscription of Bassos; invocation
1759. Place inscriptions of Ioulianos and Bassos
1760. Place inscription of Demetrios, homerist
1814. Panel fragment
1861. Fragment
1878. Cornice fragment
1888. Fragment
1895. Place inscription of a biologos
1896. List of muses
1897. List of Muses
1900. Graffiti
1903. Graffito image
1908. Fragmentary honours
1909. Graffiti
1910. Graffiti
1911. Graffiti
1912. Graffiti
1914. Graffiti
1915. Lists of Muses