Third century AD
1. Letter of Valerian and Gallienus
2. Honours for Cornelia Salonina
3. Honours for a son of Gallienus
4. Honours for Licinius Valerianus
5. Honours for M. Aurelius Diogenes
6. Honours for M. Aurelius Diogenes
?7. Honours for T. Oppius Aelianus Asklepiodotos
?8. Verse honours for a governor
9. Dedication for Emperors and Caesars
28. i. Honours for Septimus Severus; ii. Building inscription of Antonius Priskos
?68. i. Honours for Marcus Antonius Popillius Andronikos; ii. Fl. Photios gives a gameboard
74. i. Honours for Pyrron son of Itharos; ii. Verse honours for Hermias, benefactor
?128. Prayer of the builders
?147. Epitaphs of anonymous, tabernarius, and of Euarestos
147. Epitaphs of anonymous, tabernarius, and of Euarestos
148. Funerary inscription of Aurelia Dionysia
?148. Funerary inscription of Aurelia Dionysia
?149. Funerary inscription for MMM. Aurrr. Peritianos, Eutyches and Herakleios
?150. Epitaph of Bitos, also called Asterios, cursor of the phylae
151. Epitaph of M. Aur. Leontius Auchenios and M. Aur. Papaios Polychronios
152. i: Elements of a funerary formula; ii: Epitaph of Biktorinos, praefectus vehiculorum
?193. Place inscription of Aelianos
?195. Place inscription of Heortasios
?196. Place inscription of people of Hierapolis
?197. Place inscription of people of Hierapolis
?198. Place inscription of Philippos
?201. i: Place inscription of Eugraphios phylarchos; ii: Place inscription of Zotikos
?207. Place inscription of Heptamenios et al.
?209. Place inscription of Philotheos
?220. Fragment of a Latin text (Regulation)
238. i. Honours for Menippos and Zenon; ii. Flavius Photios gives a gameboard
?242. Fragment of funerary verse
253. Honours for P. Aelius Septimius Mannus, governor
?303. Panel fragment, from Temple
?304. Panel fragment, second/third century, from Temple
305. Conclusion of funerary text
306. Funerary text for Ammia
?310. Fragment from temple
?311. Funerary formula from sarcophagus
315. Panel fragment, from Temple
317. Panel fragment, from Temple
?319. Revetment fragment, from Temple
320. Fragment, second/third century, from Temple
321. Dedication to Aphrodite, from Temple
325. Fragment of base from the Temple
?327. Fragment of base from Temple
?328. Fragment, Imperial date, from Temple
330. Fragment of sarcophagus from Temple
331. Fragment from Tetrapylon
333. Fragment from Temple
335. Fragment of base in Temple
?337. Fragment, second/third century, from Temple
341. Funerary fragment
?344. Stray circular fragment
346. ?Fragment mentioning M. Aur(elius) ?
348. Fragmentary honours from Temple
?349. Fragmentary honours from Temple
351. Fragmentary honours from Temple
352. Fragmentary honours from Temple
?354. Heading to decree
359. Honours for Apollonios the high-priest
360. Honours for Marcus Aurelius Zenas
363. Posthumous honours for Pyrrhos Papias son of Zenon
364. Fragment of a base from the walls
365. Honours for M. Antonius Zenon Ulpianos
366. Dedication of a foundation by Titus Aelius ... [—]dianos
367. Public honours for anonymous
368. Honours for anonymous
372. Fragment
374. Imprecation formula from funerary text
375. Imprecation formula from funerary text
376. Imprecation formula from funerary text
?378. Funerary text
380. Fragment with alphabet
381. Fragment
382. Fragment
?383. Sarcophagus fragment with mason's mark
385. Stele fragment
?388. Honours for Marcus Aurelius [...]nus son of Artemon
396. Honours for Zenon son of Menippos
397. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Attalos
400. Honours for Peritianos Dometinos
401. Fragment from Bouleuterion/Odeon
?402. Fragment, II-III cent, from west gate
?409. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Antonius son of Attalos
?410. "Curse tablets": votive to Eirene
?411. Fragments, third century, from Temple
412. Fragment, undated, from Temple
?414. Fragment, third century, from Temple
?416. Fragment, second to third century, from Temple
?417. Fragment, second to third century, from South Wall
418. Fragmentary honours, third century, from SW Walls
421. Fragmentary honours, second/third century
?422. Fragment of base capital, second/third century
423. Fragment , second/third century, stray find
?424. Fragment, undated
428. Honours for the father of Marcus Aurelius Polychronios, who established a foundation
429. Honours for Claudia Paulina
?433. Fragment of a consolatory decree
434. Fragment
?435. Fragment of dedication by Myre and . . .
436. Revetment fragment
437. Panel fragment
438. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion, mason's mark
440. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion
442. Fragment, from ? honours
443. Monumental revetment fragment
445. Official document or funerary text
447. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
448. Fragment from SW Bouleuterion
449. Fragment from Bishop's palace
450. Revetment fragment
451. Dedication ? preceding honours
452. Funerary inscription for a baker
453. Funerary fragment, from Water Channel area
455. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
456. Fragment of monumental revetment
457. Revetment fragment
458. Revetment fragment
459. Monumental revetment fragment
460. Fragment
461. Revetment fragment
463. Revetment fragment
464. Fragment of honours for Marcus Aurelius
465. Revetment fragment
467. Fragment from a relief
468. Dedication by Gaius Volousios, mime actor
469. Monumental revetment fragment
474. Fragment
475. Sundial fragment
?476. Dedication
477. Fragment from Theatre
?481. Place inscription
484. Fragment from South Agora
485. Fragment from the South Agora
486. Fragment , perhaps from dedication of a caryatid
487. Fragment from North Bouleuterion
488. Fragment
490. Fragment
493. Fragment of honours
496. Fragment of relief
498. Fragment
500. Revetment fragment
504. Letter of Nikomedes IV
508. Senatus consultum de Aphrodisiensibus
509. Extracts from senatus consultum, with awards to Plarasa/Aphrodisias
510. Letter of Octavian to Stephanos
511. Letter of Stephanos to Plarasa/Aphrodisias
512. Letter of Octavian to Ephesus
513. Subscript of Octavian (?)/Augustus to Samos
516. Letter of Commodus to Aphrodisias
517. Letter of Severus and Caracalla to Aphrodisias
518. Letter of Severus and Caracalla to Aphrodisias
519. Letter of Severus Alexander to Aphrodisias
520. Letter of Gordian III to Aphrodisias
521. Letter of Gordian III to Aphrodisias
522. Letter of Gordian III to Epaphras
523. Letter from Gordian III (fragment)
525. Letter of Traianus Decius and Herennius Etruscus to Aphrodisias
543. Honours for the people of Aphrodisias
547. Honours for the proconsul, Sulpicius Priscus
548. Letter from a proconsul to Aphrodisias.
573. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
574. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
575. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
576. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
577. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
578. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
579. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
580. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
581. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
582. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
583. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
584. Unassigned fragment of Archive Wall
585. Pavement designs and an acclamation
586. Pavement designs
587. Tetrastoon: pavement designs
588. Gameboard
589. Graffito figure
590. Pavement design
591. Gameboard
592. Pavement designs and place inscriptions, South Agora pool
593. Basilica, gameboard
594. Gameboard and pavement designs, Bishop's Palace
595. Gameboard
596. Gameboard
599. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block B
606. List of names
612. Invocation of Ourania
615. Gladiator memorial for familia of M. Antonius Apellas Severinos
622. Gladiator memorial
623. Gladiator memorial for Kalandion
624. Gladiator memorial for Pheropes
625. Gladiator memorial for Xanthos
627. Gladiator memorial for [?Margar]eites
628. Gladiator memorial for Kaistillos
629. Gladiator memorial for Fortis
630. Gladiator memorial for Aniketos
632. Gladiator memorial for Margaretes
634. Gladiator memorial
637. Gladiator memorial for [ . . .]pes, bestiarius
638. Relief panel illustrating munera
639. Relief panel illustrating munera
640. Relief panel illustrating munera
641. Relief panel illustrating munera
642. Graffito illustrating munera
643. Funerary inscription for Eirenion, gladiator
656. Honours for anonymous, contest-president for life of the Gordianea Attalea
657. List of prizes for the Attalea
658. Honours for the People of Keretapa
659. Honours for the People of Hierapolis
660. Honours for the People of Kibyra
661. Honours for the People of Apollonia Salbake
662. Honours for the People of Heraklea Salbake
663. Honours for the People of Tabae
664. Honours for the People of
668. Honours for M. Valerius Epaphrodeitos, singer to the kithara
669. Honours for Meliton, kitharist
670. Honours for M. Aurelius ?-os, long-distance runner
671. Funerary honours for anonymous, pancratiast
672. Honours for Aurelius Achilles
673. Fragmentary honours for a victor
676. Honours for ?, son of Apollonios, victor in a contest for sculptors at the first celebration of the Lysimachea Tatianea
677. Honours for anonymous, wrestler
682. Honours for Zeno son of Zeno, boy runner Victor at the ninth Philemoniea
?683. Honours for anonymous, boy runner victor at the fifteenth Philemoniea
?684. Honours for Antonius Antiochos, boy boxer
685. Honours for anonymus, son of Menandros, boy pankratiast
686. Honours for anonymus, boy boxer
694. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block C
696. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block E
697. Seat inscriptions, loose Odeon seats
698. Place inscription of Philistion
699. Place inscription of Pardalas, mimologos
701. List of Jews and godfearers
704. Graffiti on Theatre stage building
706. Graffiti on Theatre stage
?707. Jewish Graffiti in Baths
?708. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
712. Graffiti: insults and acclamations
715. Graffiti on plaster
716. Graffiti on plaster
717. Graffito images
718. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 21
719. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 20
720. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 19
721. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 18
722. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 17
723. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 16
724. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 15
725. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 14
726. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 13
727. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 12
728. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 11
729. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 12
730. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 9
734. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 5
735. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 4
736. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 2
737. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 1
738. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 40
739. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 37
740. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 38
741. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 36
743. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 33
745. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 30
746. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 29
749. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 26
750. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 25
753. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
754. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
758. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
760. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block B
776. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
785. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
787. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
801. Fragment from Theatre
?802. Statue dedication of Aphrodite
803. Fragment from South Agora
804. Fragment from Theatre
807. Dedication
809. Fragment from Theatre
811. Fragment, stray, II-III cent.
812. Fragment from Acropolis
813. Monumental fragments
814. Fragment
815. Fragment
817. Honours by Council for People
821. Fragment from Theatre
822. Revetment fragment
826. Fragment, loose near Bouleuterion
828. Dedication or title of sculpture
830. Fragment from theatre
831. Fragment from Theatre
833. Fragment
837. Fragment from Theatre Baths
838. Fragment of consolatory text
839. Funerary fragment
840. Fragment
841. Fragment
842. Sculpture fragment
843. Fragment
844. Revetment fragment, honours
845. Fragment, Byzantine
?846. Sculptor's signature, Alexandras
847. Fragment from a decree
848. Relief, funerary fragment
850. Moulding fragment
?851. Fragment from South Walls
854. Fragment from Theatre
855. Fragment from walls
856. Honours for anonymous
857. Honours for M. Aur. Cl. Ant. Dioskoros
858. Honours for Flavius Carminius Klaudianos
859. Distribution formula from a foundation document
862. Fragment from south walls
863. ?Title for a statue of the Council
864. Fragment of honours
865. Honours for M. Aur. Zenon
866. Fragment of honours
867. Fragment from Walls
868. Fragment from Walls
869. Fragment from Walls
870. Fragment from Walls
871. Relief sculpture fragment, with verse text
872. Sarcophagus fragment
873. Honours for anonymous
875. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Ammia
876. ?Honours for anonymous
878. Fragment, stray
879. Fragment from ?honours
880. Fragment, stray
898. Funerary fragment
899. Funerary fragment
900. Funerary fragment
902. Fragmentary honours from the Gerousia
919. Honours for Ammia wife of Hypsikles
920. Honours for Lucius Egnatius Victor Lollianus, proconsul
1015. Posthumous honours for Pyrrhos son of Pyrrhos
1023. Honours for anonymous, erected by Dio[doros]
1024. Funerary fragment
1025. Posthumous honours for Aelius Claudius . . .
1029. Funerary honours for Peritas Kallimedes and his wife Tatia
1031. Posthumous honours for M. Fl. Antonius Lysimachos
1033. Honours for M. Aur. Cl. Ktesias
1034. Honours for Aurelius Gaius, centurio frumentarius
1036. Honours for anonymous
1037. Honours for [...] daughter of ...]lianos
?1038. Honours for Aurelia Kelesteina
1039. Honours for daughter of Hephaistion
1041. Honours for Publius Aelius Hilarianos from his father
1042. Honours for Zenas descendent of Apollonios
1043. Posthumous honours for Dionysios, and a foundation
1044. Ηonours for anonymous, who has established a foundation
1045. Honours for Lucius Antonius Zosas, who has established a foundation
1046. Posthumous honours for [ . . . ]nios, who has established a foundation
1047. Honours for anonymous
1048. Honours for anonymous
1050. Honours for anonymous
1051. Fragment from outside walls
1054. ? Funerary fragment
1057. Funerary fragment
?1058. Fragment
1062. Funerary fragment
1064. Funerary inscription for Polychronios
1065. Funerary verse
1066. Funerary inscription for Polykrates
1068. Funerary fragment
1070. Fragment of honours
1071. Fragment, ?funerary
1072. Funerary fragment
1073. Revetment fragment
1075. Funerary fragment
1077. Funerary for Attalos son of Menippos
1078. Fragment
1079. Fragment, perhaps funerary
1080. Fragment
1081. Funerary fragment
1082. Panel fragment
1083. Revetment panel fragment
1085. Revetment fragments
1086. Funerary inscription for Artemon
1087. Funerary fragment
1088. Fragment
1089. Fragment
1090. Fragment
1091. Fragment
1092. Funerary inscription for Dioskurides
1094. Funerary fragment
1095. Funerary fragment
1096. Funerary fragment
1097. Fragment
1099. Panel fragment
1117. Column dedication to Demos
1120. Column dedication
?1135. Building inscription, by a man and wife
1136. Fragment, from caryatid dedication.
1138. Fragment, from caryatid dedication
1139. Funerary fragment from Basilica
1142. Funerary fragment
?1151. Building inscription fragment, undated.
1154. Dedication of kamara to Aphrodite
1165. Graffito in doorway
1170. Fragment, undated, from Gymnasium
1171. Fragment, second/third century
1212. Dedication of an image of Bellerophon
?1215. Votive offering to Asklepios
1222. Dedication by Dionysios on behalf of Ammia
1235. Fragment
?1238. Building dedication to divinity/emperor
1241. Dedication to Hypnos by high-priest and priest of Asklepios
1242. Sundial dedication
?1243. Votive offering to an unnamed God
1244. Funerary fragment
1261. Fragment of dedication
1287. Funerary fragment
1293. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Drusus
1301. Funerary fragment
1302. Funerary fragment
1303. Funerary fragment
1304. Funerary fragment
1307. Funerary fragment
1308. Honours for emperor Caracalla
1309. Statue dedication to empress Julia Domna
1310. Fragment, unprovenanced, II-III cent.
1312. Honours for Caracalla
1322. Fragments of funerary panel
1323. Fragment of funerary panel
1324. Funerary fragment
?1325. Funerary for Marcus Aurelius Antiochus son of Eisagoras
1326. Funerary formula from sarcophagus fragment
1328. Statue dedication for the People of Aphrodisias
1331. Funerary fragment
1332. Funerary fragment from Bouleuterion area
1333. Funerary for Aurelia Meltine
?1335. Funerary formula from sarcophagus
1337. Funerary formula, II-III cent.
?1339. Funerary for Neikephoros by his parents
1340. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1342. Funerary fragments from Bishop's Palace
?1343. Funerary verse
1345. Funerary fragment of Marcus Aurelius A
?1346. Funerary formula
1349. Funerary formula, II-III cent.
1350. Funerary fragment from Bishop's Palace
?1352. Funerary fragment
?1353. Funerary for Publius Aelius Klaudius Smaragdos Julianos and his father
1354. Funerary for M. Aurelius Adrastos son of Deiomedes
1355. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
?1356. Funerary inscription for Hypsikles, third generation from Menandros
?1357. Funerary inscription of Aurelius Zenon
?1365. Funerary fragment
?1368. Funerary
1369. Funerary formula, II-III cent.
1370. Funerary fragment; sarcophagus lid; re-used
?1372. Funerary fragment, stray and undated
1374. Fragment of funerary formula, stray find, undated.
1375. Funerary fragment; stray and undated
1376. Funerary fragment from Theatre
1377. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1378. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
?1379. Funerary for ?son of Aurelius
?1380. Funerary fragment; stray, undated
?1381. Funerary verse, fragmentary
1382. Funerary formula from house east of Theatre
1384. Funerary formula, II-III cent.
?1385. Funerary formula; stray and undated
?1386. Funerary fragment from Theatre
1387. Funerary formula fragment, II-III cent.
1388. Fragment of funerary panel from Theatre
1389. Funerary inscription for Ulpia Carminia Claudiane
1391. Funerary verse
?1392. Funerary curse formula
1394. Funerary fragment from Portico East of Theatre
1395. Funerary fragment from Theatre
1396. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1397. Funerary formula from sarcophagus
1401. Funerary fragment, Likinia
1402. Funerary fragment from Theatre
?1405. Funerary verse fragment; stray, undated
1406. Funerary inscription for Gaia Julia Doris; another for Marcus Aurelius Klaros
1406. Funerary inscription for Gaia Julia Doris; another for Marcus Aurelius Klaros
?1408. Funerary fragment with relief; stray, undated
1409. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
?1410. Sarcophagus fragment ; stray and undated
1411. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudios Antonius Attalos
1412. Funerary relief for anonymous, emporiarch
1413. Funerary for Aurelius Artemidoros
1414. Funerary fragment from wall excavation
1415. Funerary inscription for daughter of neikos and wife of Klaud
1416. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros from Zosimos
1417. Funerary monument for Tiberius Claudius Flavianus
1418. Funerary fragment from walls excavation
1419. Funerary fragment
?1423. Funerary inscription for Dionysios descendant of Diogenianos
1424. Funerary fragment from NE Walls
1425. Funerary fragment, stray and undated
1426. Funerary fragment
1430. Funerary inscription for Aurelius
1431. Funerary inscription for [ . . . ]okles son of Diogenes
1432. Funerary fragment; reused, undated
1433. Funerary inscription for Lucia Antoniane
1434. Funerary inscription for descendant of Typhon son of Hypsikles
1435. Funerary for descendant of Diogenes
1437. Funerary fragment from nr. West Gate
1438. Funerary fragment from Turkish Cemetery
?1441. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Zenon
?1442. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Attikos
?1443. Funerary inscription for Aemilius Aristeas
?1444. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Epinikos and Aurelia Zenonis and family
1445. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Zotikos son of Dionysios
?1446. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Zotike and her father
?1447. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Alexandros and Aurelia Tatia
?1448. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Apollonios and his son
1449. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Tate, also called Epithymia
1450. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Athenagoras
1451. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Statilius Apollonios
1452. Funerary inscription for Zenon and family
1453. Funerary fragment
?1454. Funerary formula from sarcophagus
1455. Funerary fragment
1456. Funerary fragment
1457. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Apollonios
1458. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Hermogenes
1459. Funerary fragment
1460. Funerary inscription of M. Aur. Menandros
1466. Funerary inscription for Diomedes and Neikephoros
1478. Funerary fragment
?1484. Funerary inscription for Menippos
?1487. Sarcophagus of [...] and his wife [...] daughter of Menandros
?1491. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Papias
?1494. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Zenon
?1495. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Attalos Bonbei
1497. Consolatory decree, on death of Apphia daughter of Timotheos
?1499. Funerary text
?1501. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Glykon and Alexandros
1502. Funerary inscription for anonymi
?1505. Funerary inscription for Neikopolis and her children
?1506. Funerary inscription for Polydeukes Kamisenos son of Salvios
?1508. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Menandros and his wife's family
1510. Funerary inscription for Antonius Antiochos and Antonia Eiphianassa
?1512. Funerary inscription for Marcus Carminius Jason and Statilia Diogenia
1513. Title for images of the Graces
1515. Prohibition
?1516. Funerary inscription for son of Chrestos
1518. Funerary inscription of Pereitas and Melition
?1519. Funerary inscription of Aurelia Tertulla
?1522. Funerary inscription for [Marcus Aurelius] Sophronios, son of Artemidoros
1526. Funerary inscription for Aelia Pauleina
1529. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Molossos
1530. a: Funerary inscription and b: consolatory decree
1531. Funerary inscription for Neikomachos and others
1533. Funerary inscription for anonymous
1534. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Eumachos Apellas
1536. Funerary inscription for Chrezimos son of Hermias
1540. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Julius ?
1542. Funerary inscription for Tib. Cl. Anteros
1543. Funerary inscription for Claudius Tatianos
1547. Funerary inscription for Naikos
1548. Funerary inscription for Ulpius Claudius Chariton
1550. Honours for Sokrates son of Theophrastos
1551. Funerary inscription for son of Papias
1552. Funerary inscription for Zenon son of Zenon ... son of Kallias
1557. Funerary inscription for anonymous
1559. Funerary inscription
1561. Funerary fragment
1562. Funerary fragment
1563. Funerary inscription for Tatia
1564. Funerary fragment
1566. Funerary inscription for Publius Aelius Aurelius ?
1567. Place inscription of archeologoi
1570. Funerary inscription for and Aelia Aurelia Neike
1571. Funerary verse
1573. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Meltine
1574. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Papiane and family
1576. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Aroulios
1578. Funerary inscription for MMM. Aur. Cl. Kastor, Papylos and Dionysios
1579. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Menekrates
1580. Funerary inscription for M. Aur. Polychronios Charmides
1583. Funerary inscription for Gaius . . .
1586. Funerary inscription for ?Tib. Cl. Philo[ . . . ]
1587. Funerary fragment, re-used in Mosque
1589. Funerary inscription for Pauleinos and Dion[ysios]
1591. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Hermes and family, establishing a foundation
1594. Funerary inscription for anonymous
1596. Funerary inscription for Athiktos
1597. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius
?1598. Funerary inscription for Adrastos son of Alexandros
1602. Funerary inscription, partly in verse, for Aurelius Zenon
1603. Funerary inscription for Heraklides, Alexandros, and Apollonios, sons of Zenon
1607. Funerary inscription
1611. Funerary inscription for Aurelius
1615. Funerary inscription for Chares son of Zenon
1620. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Zenon
?1621. Funerary monument for Apollonios
1627. Funerary fragment
1628. Honours for Eunostos
1629. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Ioulianos
1630. Funerary inscription for Zoilos son of Apollonios
1632. Funerary fragment
1633. Funerary formula
1636. Warning against theft
1637. Funerary text from a sarcophagus
1639. Funerary inscription for Attalos
1640. Funerary fragment dated by Attalos Adrastos
1645. Fragment, funerary
1647. Funerary inscription for Pankrates and Tatia
1649. Funerary fragment or honours
1650. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Neikois
1654. Funerary fragment
1655. Funerary inscription for Dionysios
1656. Funerary inscription for an unnamed woman and her family
1657. Funerary fragment
1658. Funerary inscription for Chrysanthos
1660. Funerary fragment
1661. Funerary fragment
1664. Funerary fragment
1665. Funerary fragment
1667. Funerary fragment
1668. Funerary fragment
1669. Funerary fragment
?1670. Funerary inscription for Zotikos
1671. Funerary fragment from Odeon
1673. Funerary fragment
1675. Funerary fragment from Temple
1677. Funerary fragment
1678. Funerary fragment
1679. Funerary fragment
1682. Funerary fragment
1683. Funerary fragment
1685. Funerary text for Tiberius Claudius M
1686. Funerary inscription
1687. Funerary fragment
1688. List of names or graffiti
1690. Funerary fragment
1691. Funerary inscription for Publia Calvisia Peritiane
1692. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Agathopous
1693. Funerary inscription
1694. Funerary fragment
1697. Funerary fragment
1698. Funerary fragment
1699. Funerary fragment
1700. Funerary fragment
1701. Funerary inscription for Ti. Claudius Achilleus
1702. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Stephanos
1707. Place inscription of Autolykos
1716. Place inscription of Kapuras and Philologos
1718. Honours for L. Ant. Cl. Dometeinos Diogenes
1720. Honours for Hermias
1727. Fragments from ?honours
1728. Fragment from a consolatory text
1729. Fragment from honours
1731. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
1733. Fragments
1736. Honours for Tib. Cl. Apollonios Markianos
1738. Fragment
1739. Fragment
1740. Honours for [Ant. Car. Popilios] Agelaos
1744. Honours for Tib. Cl. [Apollonios] Aurelianos
1748. Honours for M. Au[relius - ]
1750. Honours for anonymous
1752. Fragment
1754. Place inscription of Neikanor
1755. Place inscription of Bassos; invocation
1759. Place inscriptions of Ioulianos and Bassos
1760. Place inscription of Demetrios, homerist
1762. Honours
1763. Honours
1764. Honours
1766. Honours for Molossos, a child
?1774. Fragmentary honours for anonymous
1779. Honours for Aelia Laevilla
1780. Honours for M. Aurelius Ariston; establishment of a foundation by Aurelia Ammia
1782. Honoursfor M. Fl. Karminios Athenagoras Livianos
1787. Honours for L. Cl. Iberinos Eudaimon
1788. Honours for M. Aurelius ?Statonos, also called Argyrios
1789. Honours for a centurio frumentarius
1790. Honours for Hieratikos
1791. Honours for Publius Aelius Hilarianos from his mother
1792. Honours for anonymous
1793. Honours for Claudia Antonia Tatiane
1794. Honours for T. Cl. Kapitoleinos
1795. Honours for ? T. Cl. Aur. Zelos
1797. Honours for Aelia Julia Apphia
1799. Honours for C. Julius Philippos,
1800. Posthumous honours for M. Aur. Attalos
1801. Honours for Aurelia [Phron]tiniane
1806. Fragment of dedication
1807. Fragment
1809. Honours (fragment)
1811. Honours for Apollonios son of Eidaios
1812. Monumental fragment
1814. Panel fragment
1818. Donor's inscription of Kapitoleinos
1823. Honours
1826. Fragmentary honours
1827. Fragment
1828. Fragment
1829. Fragment from Water Channel
1830. Fragment
1831. Fragmentary honours
1832. Funerary fragment
1833. Fragment
1834. Fragmentary title for Amazonomachy sculpture
1835. Dedication to a benefactor
1838. Fragmentary honours
1839. Fragment
1840. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
?1843. Fragment
1844. Fragmentary honours
1848. Honours for son of Attalos the son of Athenagoras
1857. Dedication by M.. Fl. Antonius Lysimachos
1859. Fragmentary honours
1860. Fragmentary honours
1861. Fragment
1864. Fragmentary honours for an emperor
1866. Fragmentary honours
1867. Building dedication for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos
1870. Honours for anonymous
?1871. Honours for Julia Faustina by her husband
1874. Honours for Attalos and Diogenes, brothers
1875. Honours for Lucius Antonius Karpion Aurelianos, who has established a foundation
?1876. Honours for Aurelia Apphia daughter of Epiktetos
1878. Cornice fragment
1880. Place inscription for Aelius Benouseinos
?1881. Moulding fragment, II-III cent, from field wall
1882. Place inscription for Hypsikles
1883. Funerary text for Aurelii Zenon and Hypsikles
1884. List of names
1885. Honours for T. Flavius Menippos
1888. Fragment
1889. Fragment of honours for anonymous
1890. Opening line of honours formula
1893. Fragment from Temple
1894. Title for images of Troilos and Achilles
1895. Place inscription of a biologos
1896. List of muses
1897. List of Muses
1900. Graffiti
1903. Graffito image
1904. Fragmentary honours
1907. Fragmentary honours
1908. Fragmentary honours
1909. Graffiti
1910. Graffiti
1911. Graffiti
1912. Graffiti
1914. Graffiti
1915. Lists of Muses
1916. Fragment from Agora
?1917. Fragment (of honours) from city walls
1919. Honours for Ulpia Carminia Claudiana
598. Building dedication by M. Aurelius Menestheus Skopas
598. Fragment