- Walls, South (east part)
3. Honours for a son of Gallienus
5. Honours for M. Aurelius Diogenes
6. Honours for M. Aurelius Diogenes
388. Honours for Marcus Aurelius [...]nus son of Artemon
400. Honours for Peritianos Dometinos
404. Fragment (Hellenistic)
405. Fragment (II cent)
406. Fragment (II cent)
407. Fragmentary honours (I cent)
408. Funerary fragment (I-II cent)
409. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Antonius son of Attalos
417. Fragment, second to third century, from South Wall
420. Fragment, second century, from SW Walls
422. Fragment of base capital, second/third century
629. Gladiator memorial for Fortis
630. Gladiator memorial for Aniketos
631. Gladiator memorial for Skirtos
632. Gladiator memorial for Margaretes
?668. Honours for M. Valerius Epaphrodeitos, singer to the kithara
847. Fragment from a decree
851. Fragment from South Walls
855. Fragment from walls
856. Honours for anonymous
857. Honours for M. Aur. Cl. Ant. Dioskoros
859. Distribution formula from a foundation document
862. Fragment from south walls
864. Fragment of honours
865. Honours for M. Aur. Zenon
868. Fragment from Walls
869. Fragment from Walls
870. Fragment from Walls
872. Sarcophagus fragment
1004. Funerary honours for Geis and Heraios
1012. Posthumous honours for Apphia daughter of Theodoros
1040. Honours for Sallustius family
1241. Dedication to Hypnos by high-priest and priest of Asklepios
1309. Statue dedication to empress Julia Domna
1411. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudios Antonius Attalos
1412. Funerary relief for anonymous, emporiarch
1415. Funerary inscription for daughter of neikos and wife of Klaud
1416. Funerary inscription for Metrodoros from Zosimos
1417. Funerary monument for Tiberius Claudius Flavianus
1419. Funerary fragment
1420. Funerary for son of Menodotos son of Neikoteimos
1421. Funerary inscription for Eutychos
1500. Decree of honours for Dionysios son of Papylos
?1535. Honours for anonymous, high-priest
?1574. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Papiane and family
1739. Fragment
1883. Funerary text for Aurelii Zenon and Hypsikles
1884. List of names
- Walls, North-east
9. Dedication for Emperors and Caesars
22. i. Honours for Flavius Constantius, governor, for building the wall; ii. Flavius Ampelios restores the gate
140. Invocation for Konstantios
363. Posthumous honours for Pyrrhos Papias son of Zenon
528. Honours for a citizen (late Republic)
1021. Posthumous honours for Theodotos son of Andronikos
1424. Funerary fragment from NE Walls
1469. Funerary inscription for M. Aur. Zenon
1638. Fragment from a letter
- Walls, West Gate
19. Dedication to Constantius II and a Caesar by Fl. Quint. Eros Monaxios
19. Dedication to Constantius II and a Caesar by Fl. Quint. Eros Monaxios
367. Public honours for anonymous
376. Imprecation formula from funerary text
390. Fragment, second century, from Temple
396. Honours for Zenon son of Menippos
402. Fragment, II-III cent, from west gate
1026. Posthumous honours for Tiberius Cl(audius) Antonius [Am]mianos
1028. Posthumous honours for Iason son of Menodotos
1094. Funerary fragment
1135. Building inscription, by a man and wife
1468. Funerary copy of a consolatory decree
1566. Funerary inscription for Publius Aelius Aurelius ?
1596. Funerary inscription for Athiktos
1603. Funerary inscription for Heraklides, Alexandros, and Apollonios, sons of Zenon
1642. Testament of Attalos Adrastos
1713. Funerary fragment
1851. Honours for Molossos, Ammia and Phanias
- Walls, South-east
109. Dedicator's prayer
209. Place inscription of Philotheos
210. Cross-monograms
397. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Attalos
?650. Letter of M. Ulpius Appuleius Eurykles to the Aphrodisians
1003. Funerary honours for Epainetos
1033. Honours for M. Aur. Cl. Ktesias
1042. Honours for Zenas descendent of Apollonios
?1128. Building dedication to Demos
1161. Building inscription by Aristokles [Molossos] son of Ar[temidorus]
?1163. Building dedication by Aristokles Molossos
1173. Building inscription [by Aristokles Molossos]
1281. Honours for Emperor Tiberius
1282. Statue dedication for emperor Claudius
1422. Funerary fragment from walls excavation
?1463. Funerary inscription for Genethlios
1465. Funerary inscription for Apollonios
1515. Prohibition
?1591. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Hermes and family, establishing a foundation
1630. Funerary inscription for Zoilos son of Apollonios
1641. Fragment
1651. Fragmentary honours
1704. Funerary inscription for Kallikrates
1791. Honours for Publius Aelius Hilarianos from his mother
- Walls, East (south part)
112. Warning against throwing earth
544. Honours for Sextus Appuleius
554. Dedication by M. Iulius Attalos, imperial freedman, to Aphrodite, the imperial house, and the Senate and People of Rome.
596. Gameboard
908. Fragmentary honours
1008. Funerary honours for Apphias and Hermias Glykon
1013. Posthumous honours for Attalos son of Makedon
1014. Posthumous honours for Dionysios son of Artemidoros
1018. Posthumous honours for Adrastos son of Nikotimos
1031. Posthumous honours for M. Fl. Antonius Lysimachos
1045. Honours for Lucius Antonius Zosas, who has established a foundation
1076. Funerary epigram
?1105. Building dedication to Zeus
1308. Honours for emperor Caracalla
1497. Consolatory decree, on death of Apphia daughter of Timotheos
1511. Decree of honours for Praxiteles son of Aristeas
1531. Funerary inscription for Neikomachos and others
1549. Funerary text for ?Soteira
1688. List of names or graffiti
1696. Funerary inscription and honours for Attalos son of Attalos
1703. Funerary inscription for Liburnos son of Diotrephes
1706. Funerary fragment
- Walls, South-east Gate
139. Invocations
369. Funerary inscription for Flavia Apphia
529. Restoration of the honours for his ancestor by Kallikrates
1002. Funerary honours by Artemeis for her brother Bacchios
?1009. Funerary honours for Neaera and Metrodoros
?1010. Funerary honours for Kallippos, Athenagoras and
1130. Building dedication to Demos
1131. Building dedication to Demos
1133. Building dedications, by Antipatros and by Dionysios, to Demos
1590. Monumental fragment of building dedication
- Walls, South (west part)
211. Place inscriptions of Leon and Philippos
365. Honours for M. Antonius Zenon Ulpianos
418. Fragmentary honours, third century, from SW Walls
419. Fragment, second century, from SW Walls
421. Fragmentary honours, second/third century
?525. Letter of Traianus Decius and Herennius Etruscus to Aphrodisias
530. Honours for an anonymous benefactor
667. Honours for Kallimorphos, flautist
671. Funerary honours for anonymous, pancratiast
689. Decree of honours for Kallikrates son of Diogenes,pancratiast
1006. Honours for Tryphe
1007. Honours for Aristokles Molossos
1134. Dedication of trapeza by Kallikrates son of Molossos
1413. Funerary for Aurelius Artemidoros
1414. Funerary fragment from wall excavation
1418. Funerary fragment from walls excavation
1507. Consolatory decree for three brothers
1578. Funerary inscription for MMM. Aur. Cl. Kastor, Papylos and Dionysios
?1584. Funerary inscription for Hermolaos
- Walls, South-west
356. Honours for female stephanephorus
368. Honours for anonymous
1481. Decree of honours for Aristokles Molossos
1525. Funerary inscription for Aba
1692. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Agathopous
1693. Funerary inscription
- Walls, South-east gate
359. Honours for Apollonios the high-priest
1605. Funerary inscription for Ganeus Pollius Zenon
- Walls, West
364. Fragment of a base from the walls
506. Letter of Octavian to Plarasa/Aphrodisias
507. Triumviral decree
508. Senatus consultum de Aphrodisiensibus
549. Letter from a proconsul to Aphrodisias
556. Honours for Marcus Aurelius Gaitulikos
562. Report by a curator rei publicae concerning funds for contests
563. Senatus Consultum de Aphrodisiensibus or Lex de Aphrodisiensibus
658. Honours for the People of Keretapa
659. Honours for the People of Hierapolis
?660. Honours for the People of Kibyra
?661. Honours for the People of Apollonia Salbake
?662. Honours for the People of Heraklea Salbake
663. Honours for the People of Tabae
?664. Honours for the People of
691. Honours for Aelius Aurelius Menandros
867. Fragment from Walls
1034. Honours for Aurelius Gaius, centurio frumentarius
1102. Building inscription of Artemidoros Muon
1328. Statue dedication for the People of Aphrodisias
1336. Building inscription by Zenon
1436. Funerary inscription for descendant of Demetrios
1568. Funerary inscription for Achilleus
1585. Funerary inscription for Julius Aurelius Charidemos Ioulianos
1594. Funerary inscription for anonymous
1690. Funerary fragment
1852. Honours for Artemon
- Walls, North
399. Honours probably for Kallikrates son of Molossos
403. Fragment (II cent)
548. Letter from a proconsul to Aphrodisias.
552. Letter from Iulius Celer, quaestor, and petition to the emperor Trajan.
625. Gladiator memorial for Xanthos
626. Gladiator memorial for Patroklos
627. Gladiator memorial for [?Margar]eites
649. Honours for an anonymous contest-president
656. Honours for anonymous, contest-president for life of the Gordianea Attalea
676. Honours for ?, son of Apollonios, victor in a contest for sculptors at the first celebration of the Lysimachea Tatianea
684. Honours for Antonius Antiochos, boy boxer
688. Honours for C. Julius Longianos, poet
?1015. Posthumous honours for Pyrrhos son of Pyrrhos
?1016. Posthumous honours for Demetrios son of Pyrrhos Papias
1017. Posthumous honours for Nikoteimos Hierax
1019. Posthumous honours for Adrastos son of Nikotimos
1022. Honours for Attalos son of Pytheas and Tatas daughter of Diodoros
1025. Posthumous honours for Aelius Claudius . . .
1027. Posthumous honours for Tiberius Claudius Ktesias, who established a foundation
1041. Honours for Publius Aelius Hilarianos from his father
1047. Honours for anonymous
1049. Posthumous honours for Ammia daughter of Attalos
1509. Testament of Attalos Adrastos
1513. Title for images of the Graces
1572. Voussoir fragment
1628. Honours for Eunostos
1894. Title for images of Troilos and Achilles
- Walls, East (north part)
595. Gameboard
666. Honours for Adrastos son of Adrastos, sacred victor
692. Honours for T. Aelius Aurelius Menandros
877. Decree of honours for Pereitas
1011. Posthumous honours for Attinas son of Theodoros
1426. Funerary fragment
1583. Funerary inscription for Gaius . . .
1622. Consolatory decree for Tatia Attalis
1624. Decree of honours for Attinas Meliton
1685. Funerary text for Tiberius Claudius M
- Walls
?615. Gladiator memorial for familia of M. Antonius Apellas Severinos
1050. Honours for anonymous
1546. Honours for Menekra[tes]
1554. Building inscription fragment
1577. Fragment from a sculptor's signature, of Apollonios
1586. Funerary inscription for ?Tib. Cl. Philo[ . . . ]
1593. Funerary inscription for anonymous
1676. Fragment from honours
1695. Fragment from dedication.
- Walls, East (North part)
670. Honours for M. Aurelius ?-os, long-distance runner
1498. Consolatory decree, on death of Titus Antonius Lysimachos Grypos
- Walls, west
1101. Building inscription by Aphrodite
- Walls, north
1283. Title for image of Nero Drusus Augustus Caesar
1882. Place inscription for Hypsikles
- Walls, North-west
1550. Honours for Sokrates son of Theophrastos
1564. Funerary fragment
1623. Decree of honours for anonymous
1627. Funerary fragment
- Walls, south (east part)
1700. Funerary fragment
1890. Opening line of honours formula
- Water Channel
1921. Titles for images on the funerary monument of Zoilos