Locations: Bouleuterion / Odeon Area
Bouleuterion / Odeon
- Original
- 43. Ampelios, father of the city, restores the 'palaestra'
- 56. Epigram for Pytheas
- 599. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block B
- 612. Invocation of Ourania
- 694. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block C
- 695. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block D
- 696. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block E
- 712. Graffiti: insults and acclamations
- 713. Graffiti on plaster
- 714. Graffiti on plaster
- 715. Graffiti on plaster
- 716. Graffiti on plaster
- 717. Graffito images
- 1718. Honours for L. Ant. Cl. Dometeinos Diogenes
- 1874. Honours for Attalos and Diogenes, brothers
- 1493. Numbering for steps, Odeon
- 1517. Text with names
- Findspot
- 13. Statue dedication by Flavius Andronikos
- 28. i. Honours for Septimus Severus; ii. Building inscription of Antonius Priskos
- 228. Fragment of building inscription
- 383. Sarcophagus fragment with mason's mark
- 401. Fragment from Bouleuterion/Odeon
- 434. Fragment
- 443. Monumental revetment fragment
- 697. Seat inscriptions, loose Odeon seats
- 802. Statue dedication of Aphrodite
- 805. Fragment
- 816. Honours by People for Council
- 817. Honours by Council for People
- 1671. Funerary fragment from Odeon
- 1711. Honours for anonymous
- 1714. Honours for Hermolaos
- 1848. Honours for son of Attalos the son of Athenagoras
- 1849. Fragmentary honours from Bouleuterion/Odeon
- 1708. Mason's mark
Bouleuterion / Odeon, North Area
- Findspot
- 162. Funerary verse for Arkimos
- 214. Storage jar of Polychronios: measurement
- 225. Table/dish fragment
- 384. Sarcophagus fragment
- 487. Fragment from North Bouleuterion
- 828. Dedication or title of sculpture
- 902. Fragmentary honours from the Gerousia
- 1143. Building inscription by [—]nius Lysias
- 1158. Fragment, Augustan date, from Odeon area
- 1280. Honours for Augustus
- 1353. Funerary for Publius Aelius Klaudius Smaragdos Julianos and his father
- 1397. Funerary formula from sarcophagus
- 1670. Funerary inscription for Zotikos
- 1734. Fragment, possibly dedication
- 1737. Fragment of honours
- 1743. List of names
- 1748. Honours for M. Au[relius - ]
- 1749. ?Honours for anonymous
Bouleuterion / Odeon, West Area
- Original
- 134. Graffiti: Prayers and names
- 594. Gameboard and pavement designs, Bishop's Palace
- Findspot
- 35. Flavius Septimius a benefactor
- 60. Building inscription of bishop Euphemius
- 177. Epitaph of Rufinianos
- 220. Fragment of a Latin text (Regulation)
- 222. Table/dish fragment: Dedication
- 223. Table fragment
- 224. Table/dish fragment
- 345. Dedication offered to the neoi
- 347. Honours for Kastor son of Menekrates
- 432. Fragment, of honours
- 433. Fragment of a consolatory decree
- 437. Panel fragment
- 438. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion, mason's mark
- 440. Fragment of seat from West Bouleuterion
- 448. Fragment from SW Bouleuterion
- 449. Fragment from Bishop's palace
- 450. Revetment fragment
- 454. Fragments, ? late Republican
- 456. Fragment of monumental revetment
- 461. Revetment fragment
- 462. Fragment from Bishop's palace
- 463. Revetment fragment
- 465. Revetment fragment
- 470. Fragment
- 505. Decree of the koinon of Asia
- 708. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
- 709. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
- 852. Fragment, undated, from Odeon area
- 853. Fragment of mason's mark
- 1155. Fragments of building inscription, second century A.D.
- 1238. Building dedication to divinity/emperor
- 1327. Funerary fragment
- 1332. Funerary fragment from Bouleuterion area
- 1333. Funerary for Aurelia Meltine
- 1334. Funerary formula, II cent.
- 1335. Funerary formula from sarcophagus
- 1339. Funerary for Neikephoros by his parents
- 1340. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
- 1341. Funerary fragment, I-II cent.
- 1342. Funerary fragments from Bishop's Palace
- 1343. Funerary verse
- 1348. a: Funerary fragment from Bishop's Palace. b: Acclamation (graffito)
- 1350. Funerary fragment from Bishop's Palace
- 1352. Funerary fragment
- 1720. Honours for Hermias
Bouleuterion / Odeon, East Area
- Findspot
- 398. Building dedication for Aphrodite
- 464. Fragment of honours for Marcus Aurelius
- 824. Sculptor's signature of Apollonios Aster
- 825. Sculptor's signature
- 826. Fragment, loose near Bouleuterion
- 832. Fragment from Bouleuterion/Odeon area
- 903. i. Fragment of building inscription; ii. Honours for Asconia