Hadrianic Baths
- Original
61. Acclamations for imperial family, and a New Theodosius
68. i. Honours for Marcus Antonius Popillius Andronikos; ii. Fl. Photios gives a gameboard
69. Fl. Photios gives a gameboard
70. -getos, exceptor, gives a gameboard
85. First honours for Rhodopaios, in verse
86. Second honours for Rhodopaios
88. Eugenios is honoured by the boule
190. Place inscription of Epiktetos, cloakroom-attendant
233. i. Fragment of verse. ii. Place inscription of Synodios
238. i. Honours for Menippos and Zenon; ii. Flavius Photios gives a gameboard
585. Pavement designs and an acclamation
1110. Column dedication to Demos by Artemon son of Adrastos
1112. Column dedication to Demos
1120. Column dedication
1144. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia G[ . . ., dedication to Demos
1159. Dedication of statues and water channels
1183. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Paulina
1185. Dedication of a caryatid by Attalis
1187. Dedication of a caryatid
1188. Dedication of a caryatid by Ammiane
1191. Fragments from dedication of a caryatid, by Claudia.
1192. Dedication of a caryatid by the daughter of Athenagoras
1194. Dedication of a caryatid by Apphia.
1195. Dedication of a caryatid by [ . . . ] onia,
1196. Dedication of a caryatid by Secundilla daughter of Secundus
1200. Dedication of a caryatid, by Ulpia Apollonia.
1201. Dedication of a caryatid by Antonia Chresta.
1202. Dedication of a caryatid
1203. Dedication of caryatid by Aelia Stateilia Stratoneike
1204. Fragment from dedication of caryatid,
1206. Dedication of a caryatid by Tryphe.
1207. Fragment from dedication of a caryatid
1208. Dedication of a caryatid by Cocceia Maxima.
1209. Dedication of a caryatid by Gaia Tatia Chresteina
1210. Fragment from dedication of a caryatid.
1259. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors
1260. Building dedication to the People and Hadrian
1636. Warning against theft
- Findspot
18. Building inscription of Helladios
24. Verse honours for Menandros, vicar
33. Verse honours for Eupeithios
48. Ioannes undertakes restoration works in the Hadrianic Baths
49. Building works in the Hadrianic Baths
50. Flavius undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
51. Flavius E undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
52. Restoration work in the Hadrianic Baths
240. Donor prayer from a church
252. Dedication by Flavius Palladios
436. Revetment fragment
447. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
455. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
457. Revetment fragment
458. Revetment fragment
459. Monumental revetment fragment
466. Imperial document
533. Honours for Gaius Julius Zoilos
905. Honours for Antonius Antiochos from his daughter
1113. Column dedication to Demos (Boulanger copy)
1156. Fragment of building inscription, first/second century A.D.
1179. Building inscription, from Hadrianic Baths
1193. Dedication of a caryatid by a high priestess.
1197. Dedication of a caryatid to Demos
1199. Dedication of a caryatid by Ulpia Apollonia.
1211. Kallikrates
1214. Votive offering to Asklepios by Amias
1215. Votive offering to Asklepios
1226. Dedication of image of the Hours to Aphrodite and Patris
1227. Statue dedication to Aphrodite and Patris
1262. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Hadrian
1276. Building dedication of the Eusebian Bath to the Emperors and Aphrodite
1279. Building dedication to Hadrian
1305. Fragment, stray
1351. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Flavius Elpidephoros
1722. Warning against theft from the Baths
1724. Honours for Marcus [ . . .
1731. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
1732. Honours, for anonymous
1735. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
1847. Honours for the wife of M. Ulpius Carminius Klaudianos
1873. Fragment from Hadrainic Baths
1920. Honours for Ulpia Carminia Prokla
Hadrianic Baths, East court
- Original
14. Honours for a comes
23. Honours for Aelia Flaccilla
25. Fl. Eutolmius Tatianos honours Honorius
37. Tatianos, governor, restores the statue of Tatianos, PPO; verse
67. Dionysios, doctor, undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
74. i. Honours for Pyrron son of Itharos; ii. Verse honours for Hermias, benefactor
672. Honours for Aurelius Achilles
1111. Column dedication to Demos
1114. Column dedication to Demos by Menippos Kodios and Papianos Kodios
1115. Column dedication to Demos by Iason
1116. Column dedication to Patris by Attalos Andron son of Peritas
1119. Column dedication
1138. Fragment, from caryatid dedication
1160. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Julia.
1184. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Seleukeia
1186. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Meltine, , with sculptor's signature, by Andronikos
1189. Dedication of a caryatid by Julia Paula, with sculptor's signature
1190. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Apphia Chaeremonis.
1198. Dedication of a caryatid by Flavia Attalis Aeliane.
1205. Dedication of a caryatid by a Daughter of the City
1555. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Hadrian by Pereitas Attalos
1558. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Hadrian by Pereitas Attalos
- Findspot
11. Statue dedication by Flavius Zenon
12. Dedication (post mortem) by Flavius Zenon
58. Building inscription of Pytheas, in verse
1117. Column dedication to Demos