- Original
Letter of Valerian and Gallienus (1)
Title for image of people of the Rhaeti (818)
Title for image of people of the Trumpilini (819)
Title for image of the Arabs (829)
Title for image of the Egyptians (834)
Title for image of Hemera (884)
Title for image of Ocean (885)
Title for image of the people of the Dacians (886)
Title for image of Crete (887)
Title of image of People of the Bessi (888)
Title for image of Cyprus (889)
Title for image of Sicily (890)
Title for image of People of the Judaeans (891)
Title for images of Claudius and Britannia (892)
Title for image of Armenia (893)
Title for images of Nero and Helios (894)
Title for images of Armenia and Nero (895)
Title for images of Rome and Earth (896)
Title for image of Victory of the Augusti (897)
Title for image of people of the Bosporoi (1032)
Title for image of people of the Callaeci (1053)
Title for image of People of the Iapodes (1055)
Title for image of people of the Pirousti (1056)
Title for image of People of the Andizetoi (1060)
Title for image of people of the Dardanoi (1061)
Building restoration dedicated to Aphrodite and emperors (1270)
Honours for Antonia Augusta (1288)
Honours for Lucius Caesar (1289)
Honours for Marcus Lepidus (1296)
Honours for Aphrodite ancestress of the Augusti (1297)
Honours for Aeneas (1298)
Honours for Aemilia Lepida (1299)
Honours for Agrippina (1315)
Honours for Germanicus Caesar (1316)
Honours for Julia Augusta as Hera (1317)
Honours for Atia mother of Augustus (1318)
Honours for anonymous, high-priest (1535)
- Findspot
Monogram of Theochares, donor (102)
Dedicatory poem (110)
Epitaph of Kyriakos, priest (168)
Panel fragment: funerary (227)
Fragment of funerary verse (242)
Titles on philosopher portraits (251)
Gameboard (588)
Building dedication of Sebasteion portico for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos (881)
Fragment from Sebasteion (882)
Funerary fragment (898)
Funerary fragment (899)
Funerary fragment (900)
Fragmentary honours (913)
Honours for T. Flavius Sallustius Athenagoras (916)
Funerary fragment (1024)
Sculptor's signature: [Kobla ]nos (1052)
? Funerary fragment (1054)
Fragment from Sebasteion (1059)
Funerary fragment (1062)
Funerary verse (1065)
Revetment fragment (1073)
Fragment, perhaps funerary (1079)
Fragment (1080)
Funerary fragment (1081)
Fragment, first/second century, from Sebasteion (1166)
Building restoration dedicated to Aphrodite and emperors (1271)
Building dedication for restoration, to Aphrodite and emperors (1272)
Building dedication to emperors (1273)
Building dedication to Tiberius and Livia (1275)
Dedication for Hadrian Soter (1277)
Honours for Drusus Caesar (1290)
Honours for Gaius Caesar (1291)
Honours for Tiberius Claudius Drusus (1293)
Honours for Julia, daughter of Drusus (1294)
Statue dedication to Agrippina, daughter of Germanicus (1295)
Funerary inscription for Aurelius (1430)
Fragment (1813)
Dedication to a benefactor (1835)