- Findspot
63. The Carians honour Palmatos, in verse
71. Anonymous, magnificentissimus, gives a gameboard
91. Theophylaktos, imperial judge, witnesses a document
105. Dedication from a church (building inscription)
146. Invocation
150. Epitaph of Bitos, also called Asterios, cursor of the phylae
151. Epitaph of M. Aur. Leontius Auchenios and M. Aur. Papaios Polychronios
153. Funerary verse for Claudia
157. Funerary verse for Euphemia
158. Funerary verse for Makedonios
161. Fragment of funerary verse
170. Epitaph of Charito
171. Epitaph of Ioannes and others
172. Epitaph of Eutychia
216. Sewer cover warning against filth
237. Funerary inscription for Epiphanios, bull-rearer
239. Donor prayer from a church
243. Epitaph of Zoetos
250. Funerary verse for Pytheas
340. Funerary fragment
341. Funerary fragment
343. Honours for [...]
344. Stray circular fragment
385. Stele fragment
435. Fragment of dedication by Myre and . . .
451. Dedication ? preceding honours
471. Fragment from honours (or funerary) for Attalos
473. Fragment
481. Place inscription
482. Fragment from a funerary document
488. Fragment
490. Fragment
496. Fragment of relief
497. Fragment
498. Fragment
606. List of names
618. Gladiator memorial for Narkissos
624. Gladiator memorial for Pheropes
633. Gladiator memorial
634. Gladiator memorial
638. Relief panel illustrating munera
640. Relief panel illustrating munera
641. Relief panel illustrating munera
651. Letter of a curator, ?M. Ulpius Appuleius Eurykles, to the Aphrodisians
657. List of prizes for the Attalea
673. Fragmentary honours for a victor
685. Honours for anonymus, son of Menandros, boy pankratiast
690. Second decree of the synod of athletes in honour of Kallikrates
811. Fragment, stray, II-III cent.
814. Fragment
815. Fragment
833. Fragment
838. Fragment of consolatory text
840. Fragment
841. Fragment
842. Sculpture fragment
843. Fragment
845. Fragment, Byzantine
848. Relief, funerary fragment
866. Fragment of honours
874. Honours for anonymous
876. ?Honours for anonymous
878. Fragment, stray
879. Fragment from ?honours
880. Fragment, stray
901. Honours for Papias
907. Fragmentary honours
1069. Fragment
1070. Fragment of honours
1074. Funerary fragment
1085. Revetment fragments
1086. Funerary inscription for Artemon
1096. Funerary fragment
1118. Column dedication by Menandros
1149. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.
1150. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.
1152. Building inscription fragments first-second centuries A.D.
1167. Fragment, undated, stray find
1169. Fragment, undated, stray
1216. Votive offering to Asklepios
1229. Votive offering to Kore by Alexandros
1233. Dedication to Zeus and Aphrodite
1235. Fragment
1248. Invocations to the winds
1287. Funerary fragment
1306. Honours for Pamphilos
1310. Fragment, unprovenanced, II-III cent.
1324. Funerary fragment
1330. Funerary fragment, I-II cent.
1331. Funerary fragment
1338. Funerary fragment
1345. Funerary fragment of Marcus Aurelius A
1346. Funerary formula
1355. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1363. Funerary verse
1370. Funerary fragment; sarcophagus lid; re-used
1371. Fragment
1372. Funerary fragment, stray and undated
1374. Fragment of funerary formula, stray find, undated.
1375. Funerary fragment; stray and undated
1377. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1379. Funerary for ?son of Aurelius
1380. Funerary fragment; stray, undated
1383. Funerary inscription for Heraklide, Thyodora, and Meltine
1384. Funerary formula, II-III cent.
1385. Funerary formula; stray and undated
1387. Funerary formula fragment, II-III cent.
1389. Funerary inscription for Ulpia Carminia Claudiane
1390. Grave platform ceded to Tryphon Hermes son of Hephaistion
1391. Funerary verse
1396. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1400. Funerary fragment; stray, undated
1405. Funerary verse fragment; stray, undated
1406. Funerary inscription for Gaia Julia Doris; another for Marcus Aurelius Klaros
1407. Sarcophagus fragment
1408. Funerary fragment with relief; stray, undated
1409. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1410. Sarcophagus fragment ; stray and undated
1425. Funerary fragment, stray and undated
1427. Fragment of funerary curse
1428. Funerary fragment for and wife
1429. Funerary fragment; stray and undated
1462. Funerary inscription for Adrastos Polychronios
1464. Funerary inscription for anonymous
1478. Funerary fragment
1479. Dedication of images of Erotes
1482. Tomb of Chrestianos
1483. Dedication or funerary inscription for Zenonis
1488. Fragment
1489. Fragment
1490. Fragment
1496. Funerary for anonymous and his family
1499. Funerary text
1512. Funerary inscription for Marcus Carminius Jason and Statilia Diogenia
1520. Funerary fragment
1521. Funerary fragment
1522. Funerary inscription for [Marcus Aurelius] Sophronios, son of Artemidoros
1565. Funerary fragment
1616. Funerary inscription of Arogos Philemon
1618. Funerary inscription for Apollonios
1620. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Zenon
1621. Funerary monument for Apollonios
1637. Funerary text from a sarcophagus
1643. Funerary fragment
1647. Funerary inscription for Pankrates and Tatia
1650. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Neikois
1652. Funerary fragment
1653. Funerary fragment
1655. Funerary inscription for Dionysios
1657. Funerary fragment
1658. Funerary inscription for Chrysanthos
1659. Funerary fragment
1660. Funerary fragment
1663. Fragment
1678. Funerary fragment
1679. Funerary fragment
1680. Funerary fragment
1730. Fragment, Hellenistic
1733. Fragments
1738. Fragment
1740. Honours for [Ant. Car. Popilios] Agelaos
1742. Fragment from honours
1744. Honours for Tib. Cl. [Apollonios] Aurelianos
1747. Fragmentary honours
1750. Honours for anonymous
1751. Honours for anonymous
1752. Fragment
1758. Honours for Attalis Apphion
1768. Posthumous honours for Diogenes son of Menandros
1771. Honours for anonymous
1775. Honours for Aurelia Ammia Myrton
1796. Posthumous honours for Titus Flavius Apollinarios
1800. Posthumous honours for M. Aur. Attalos
1801. Honours for Aurelia [Phron]tiniane
1802. Honours for Calpurnius Pauleinos and Flavia Pythodoris
1804. Honours for Menogenes Glykon
1805. Honours for anonymous
1806. Fragment of dedication
1807. Fragment
1810. Fragment
1814. Panel fragment
1836. Fragmentary honours
1837. Fragmentary honours
1838. Fragmentary honours
1839. Fragment
1841. Honours or dedication
1892. Decree of honours by Plyareis for Agroitas Kallikratous