14. Honours for a comes
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
White marble statue base shaft, with moulded panels on all four sides (0.60 × 1.35 × 0.54); broken above, and at the right. Standing on a plinth.
- Text:
Inscribed within front panel.
- Letters:
0.035; simple, elongated and iregular; lunate sigma, epsilon, cursive omega.
- Date:
First half fourth century
(lettering, offices).
τὸν λαμπρ[ότατον]
κόμιτα v. φίλον τῶ[ν]
βασιλέων σωτῆ-
ρα τῶν ἐθνῶν κτί- |
στην καὶ ἐπανορθω- |
τὴν καὶ τῆσδε τῆς |
πόλεως vac.
[The city has honoured so-and-so] the most splendid comes, friend of the emperors, saviour of the provinces, founder and restorer also of this city.
Front face (1972) |
Front face (1975) |
Front view (1994) |
Back of base (1994) |
Transcription by Boulanger: Notebook A, page 55 |
See no 15, and discussion at II.31.
- Found:
Hadrianic Baths: 'angle N(ord)-E(st) du pilier N(ord)' (notebook A); 'devant la sixième colonne du portique O(uest) section N(ord)' (Notebook B).
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
Findspot; standing at the west side of the East court. See Plan 3
- Recording:
Excavated by Mendel in 1905, copied by Boulanger (Notebook A 55, no. 10, whence B 4-5, no. 5); recorded by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
Published by •Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 14, whence PHI 664.
- Text constituted from:
Notebooks; copy (Roueché)
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History