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Epigraphic conventions

We have normally adhered to the accepted epigraphic conventions: but some signs are not clearly visible on a computer screen, or in every browser. For this reason we have adopted two non-standard conventions:

  1. Letters of which sufficient traces remain to print them in the text, but not enough to exclude other possible readings, are represented not with the conventional dot (which can present problems on the screen) but in green. If, however, users choose to print out the texts, they will find that the print-friendly version does produce an underdot.
  2. Underlining has normally been used to indicate erased letters. In some cases, however, underlined letters within square brackets are letters recorded by previous visitors to the site which are no longer visible.

Otherwise, conventions are as follows:

[ ] enclose restored text; a question mark shows that the restoration is tentative.

( ) enclose the resolution of an abbreviation.

< > enclose a superfluous letter.

A space on the stone of approximately one character in extent is represented by a superscript v.; a longer space, less than one line in length, is represented by the letters "vac." A whole line left blank is represented by "vacat."

Measurements are all in metres; the measurements of the stones have been given in the order height × width × depth.

For References see the List of Abbreviations, and the History of the Inscriptions.

All the texts in this volume, unless otherwise specified, are inscribed on white Aphrodisian marble. I have not included in this corpus the inscriptions on metal objects (of which the most important from this period is the portable sundial, published by D. J. de Solla Price), or those on lead seals, published by John Nesbitt.

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