72. Fl. Epipha[?nius] ?Hermias and others ?make a benefaction
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Three fragments of a thick white marble panel; total H. 0.36, W. 0.395, thickness 0.06. Although the face area does not show it, the three stones do join.
- Text:
Inscribed on a prepared face, apparently within a raised tabula ansata, of which the lower right corner survives. All the other surfaces are rough.
- Letters:
very distinctive, averaging 0.03 (0 is 0.02); Υ has a crossbar, and some elements in Υ, Α, Μ and Κ are not attached. Scroll for abbreviation.
- Date:
Fifth/sixth century.
[... τ]οῦ οἴκου τού[?του ...]
[...]λιλ[...] περὶ Φλ(άουιον) Ἐπιφά[?νιον ...]
[... ?Ἑ]ρμίαν ο[ἰκ]εῖοι Βίκτορος τ[...]
[... λα]μ(?προτατ-) ἐπαρχ[...]τ[...]ιιλι[...]
[...]λισαν vac.
[...] of this house [...?those] around Flavius Epipha[nius ... ?and He]rmias, of the household of Victor [...] ?clarissimus, prefect [...] ?they set up.
Below the last line are some small (0.01) scratched letters:
Fragment, lines 1-3 (1977)
Fragment. lines 3-4 (1983)
Fragment, lower right corner (1983)
Assembled fragments (1985)
Probably to be associated with 245; see discussion at V.50.
- Found:
Tetrapylon area.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Excavated by the NYU expedition in 1963 and 1983 (63.1,83.110.a and b).
- Bibliography:
Published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 72 and plate xvii, whence PHI 613.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History