83. Acclamations for Albinus, clarissimus; 84. Acclamation for the city
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Nineteen out of an original twenty white marble columns, all on identical bases. The columns, c. 0.15 in diameter, are smooth to a height of 1.73, and fluted above, They are made in two sections; the join between the two is not always at the same point, being sometimes
below, and sometimes above the line where the fluting begins, but the overall effect is uniform and elegant.
- Text:
Each of the surviving columns bears an inscription, cut just below the fluting, at a distance varying from 0.3 to 0.05, on the west face of the column. The inscriptions were, therefore, on the face sheltered by the roof of the portico, and have preserved traces of red paint in the letters. They form a series to be read from left to right—that is, from north
to south. They were probably carved in that order; the lettering is at its most formal at the northern end of the portico, and becomes more cursive towards the south
- Letters:
The letters are clearly cut, with deep triangular trenches. They vary substantially in size—mostly between 0.04 and 0.07, but occasionally 0.03 to 0.09 - and in form, with both square and lunate versions of alpha, delta, epsilon, mu and omega. Scroll for abbreviation in ix, xiii, xvi, xvii, xx; letter above line in v.
Shallow lettering, 0.035 - 0.05.
- Date:
Sixth century.
i |
εἰς τὸν cross κόσμον
ὅλον εἷς ὁ θεός .
ii |
πολλὰ τὰ |
ἔτη τῶν |
βασιλέων .
iii |
πολλὰ τὰ |
ἔτη τῶν |
ἐπάρχων .
iv |
πολλὰ τὰ |
ἔτη τῆς |
συνκλήτου .
v |
πολλὰ τὰ |
ἔτη τῆς |
μητροπό(λεως) .
vi |
περδε Ἀλβῖνε
αὔξι ὁ κτίστης |
v. τῆς στοᾶς .
vii |
φιλόπατρει |
κύρι v. διαμίνης
vac. ἡμῖν .
viii |
(The surface is worn, and the upper edge is chipped.) |
τὰ σὰ [κτ]ίσματα |
αἰωνία v. ὑπόμνη-
Ἀλβῖνε φιλοκτίστα .
ix |
(This inscription has been almost entirely erased by a large cavity cut into the column, almost certainly intended to lodge
one end of a beam; this was presumably done at a time when the portico had fallen into partial disrepair, and was being occupied
by squatters.)
[..]ιτιζασ |
[..]σ |
[..]ημο |
γο[..]ιον |
Ἀλβῖνε λαμπρ(ότατε) .
x |
περδε |
Ἀλβῖνε ηδε |
τί ἐχαρίσω .
xi |
ὅλη ἡ πόλις τοῦ- |
λέγι · τοὺς ἐχθρούς
σου τῷ ποταμῷ . |
ὁ μέγας θεὸς τοῦτο
vac. παράσχῃ .
xii |
(This column is lost; but there can be no doubt that it was inscribed.) |
xiii |
(The inscription on this column is divided by the join between the upper and lower sections of the column. Since my first publication
of the texts in 1984, the upper section of the column has been moved, revealing the whole of the first line. The lower part was copied by Mendel,
and published by Grégoire under IGC 274; he seems to have assumed that it was on the same stone as iv.)
αὔξι Ἀλβῖνος
ὁ λανπρ(ότατος) τῇ συν-
xiv |
(As in xiii, the inscription spanned the join between the upper and lower sections of the column; the upper section is now
lost, and may have contained a further line, although what remains makes sense as it stands. Immediately below the inscription
is a small naked female figure—perhaps Tyche?; compare 83.xx.)
[?...] |
ὁ φθόνος τύχην
vac. οὐ νικᾷ .
xv |
(This inscription also spans the join between the upper and lower sections of the column, both of which survive.) |
αὔξι Ἀλβῖνος
ὁ κτίστης καὶ τούτου |
τοῦ ἔργου .
xvi |
(The surface is chipped below, at the left.) |
χρήματα παρίδες |
καὶ δόξαν ἐκτήσω |
[Ἀλβῖ]νε λανπρ(ότατε)
xvii |
ἐκ προγόνων |
φιλόπατρι Ἀλβῖνε
λανπρ(ότατε) ἄφθονά σοι
vac. γένοιτο .
xviii |
(The column is cracked, and the surface broken away at the left.) |
[?κτίσμα] πόλι παρέχων |
[? καὶ ἐν τ]ούτῳ εὐφημῖτε .
xix |
τοῖς κτίσμασίν σου |
τὴν πόλιν ἐφέδρυνας |
Ἀλβῖνε φιλόπατρι .
xx |
(The column is cracked, and parts of the surface are lost.) |
ἡ πό[λις ὅλ]η ὁμοφώνως
εὐφη[μ]ή<σα>σα λέγι · ὁ σοῦ
ληθαργῶν , Ἀλβῖνε λανπρ(ότατε)
vac. θεὸν οὐκ οἶδεν .
(Immediately below and to the left is a small seated male figure, holding something in each hand; above this, in small letters,
is inscribed)
πάπα |
(Some way below this is cut a further inscription, in shallow lettering, apparently different from that of 83.xx.) |
νικᾷ ἡ
τῆς πό
i. God is one, for the whole world!
ii. Many years for the emperors!
iii. Many years for the eparchs!
iv. Many years for the Senate!
v. Many years for the metropolis!
vi. PERDE Albinus - up with the builder of the stoa!
vii. Lord, lover of your country, remain for us!
viii. Your buildings are an eternal reminder, Albinus, you who love to build.
ix. . . . ] Albinus clarissimus.
x. PERDE Albinus, behold what you have given!
xi. The whole city says this: 'Your enemies to the river! May the great God provide this!'
xii. is lost.
xiii. Up with Albinus clarissimus, to the Senate!
xiv. [...] envy does not vanquish fortune.
xv. Up with Albinus, the builder of this work also!
xvi. You have disregarded wealth and obtained glory, Albinus clarissimus.
xvii. Albinus clarissimus, like your ancestors a lover of your country. may you receive plenty.
xviii. Providing [?a building] for the city, he is acclaimed [?in it also].
xix. With your buildings you have made the city brilliant, Albinus, lover of your country.
xx. The whole city, having acclaimed (you) with one voice, says: 'He who forgets you, Albinus clarissimus, does not know God.'
84. The fortune of the city triumphs!
83. iv and xiii Grégoire wrote συγκλήτου, συγκλήτῳ; his copy of
xiii from Mendel had ΛΑΝΤΡ.
viii: l.1, where Fellows saw some traces of letters, was
omitted by Reinach.
xix: l.2, the Ο of πόλιν is written above the Π.
View (1992) |
View (1992) |
i. re-erected (1992) |
i. Detail (1977) |
ii. re-erected (1992) |
ii. Detail (1973) |
iii. re-erected (1992) |
iii. Detail (1973) |
iv re-erected (1992) |
iv. Detail (1976) |
v. re-erected (1992) |
v. Detail (1973) |
vi. re-erected (1992) |
vi. Detail (1973) |
vii. re-erected (1992) |
vii. Detail (1976) |
viii. re-erected (1992) |
viii. Detail (1976) |
ix. Detail (1973) |
x. re-erected (1992) |
x. Face (1976) |
x. Detail (1975) |
xi. re-erected (1992) |
xi. Detail (1976) |
xiii. re-erected (1992) |
xiii. Assembled (1985) |
xiv. re-erected (1992) |
xiv. Detail (1973) |
xv. re-erected (1992) |
xv. Lower part: Detail (1975) |
xv. Upper part: Detail (1975) |
xvi. re-erected (1992) |
xvi. Detail (1975) |
xvii. re-erected (1992) |
xvii. Detail (1975) |
xviii. re-erected (1992) |
xviii. Detail (1975) |
xix. re-erected (1992) |
xix. Detail (1975) |
xx. re-erected (1992) |
xx. View (1973) |
xx. Detail (1975) |
84. View (1972) |
84. View (1973) |
i. & iv. Transcription by Boulanger, Notebook A, page 61 |
xiii Lower part: Transcription by Boulanger, Notebook A, Page 51 |
For Albinus see also 82 and discussion at VI.6.
- Found:
South Agora: west portico: i: 'Galerie de l'E(st) (partie N(ord)). iv: 'Galerie de l'E(st) (partie N(ord))' Boulanger; xiii: : 'Galerie de l'Est: plus à l'Est' (than ALA 26) (Boulanger).
- Original:
Findspot (fallen).
- Last Recorded:
Findspot (re-erected).
- Recording:
i Excavated by Mendel in 1905; copied by Boulanger (notebook A, 61, no. 20, whence B, 13, no 13). iv Excavated by Mendel in 1905; copied by Boulanger (notebook A, 61, no. 19, whence B, 13, no 12); viii copied by Fellows, recorded by Gaudin (33); xi: First letters of ll. 1 and 2 uncovered by Mendel and copied by Boulanger, (notebook A, 60, no. 25; not transcribed
in B); xiii Lines 2-3 Copied by Mendel in 1905; by Boulanger in 1913 (Notebook A, p.53, no. 3). All recorded by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
i, iv published from Mendel by Grégoire, IGC 271, 274, whence i published by Peterson, 78 no. 4; viii published by Fellows, no. 63, whence CIG 2809b (p. 1112); by Reinach, no. 212, from Gaudin, whence Grégoire, IGC 273. 83, i-xx, and 84 published by Roueché, (1984), 191-3 nos. 1-20, whence SEG 1984.1046-1065, BE 1987.466; An.Ép. 1984, 883; republished by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity nos. 83.i-xx, 84 whence PHI 656, 845-862, 864; vi and vii discussed by Daniel, ZPE 61, 1985, 127-130; vi by D. Bain, ''Six Greek verbs of sexual congress'', CQ 41 (1991), 51-77, 53; vi, vii, x, xi cited in Steinepigramme 02/09/01.
- Text constituted from:
Publications; Boulanger notebooks; transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History