91. Theophylact, imperial judge, witnesses a document
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
?A funeral monument, with scultpture: 'This, tho' Christian, is cut on an 'ara sepulchrali', big basis, and (i.e. with) the basreliefs' (Sherard).
- Text:
No description.
- Letters:
No measurements. Abbreviations: ΟΥ, scroll, letter above line.
- Date:
Late sixth/early seventh century (titulature, ?prosopography).
[... c. 5 ...]ιονανονυ
τῶν γενομένων
κὲ κυρ[ωθ]έν[τ]ων
ἐπὶ Θεοφυλάκτ(ου)
τοῦ ἐνδοξοτά(του)
ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων
καὶ θίου δικαστοῦ
ἰνδ(ικτιῶνος) ιε´ μη(νὸς) α´
Ἀχαείου [... c. 4 ...]
[... c. 5 ...] Νου[ν]έχ[ι]ος
Προκόπιος [?καὶ]
Θεόδορος ἀνα
[γ]νόστης ο[ἱ] Ῥού
[φου] ἰατροῦ,
διάκο(νος), Μαριανὸς
διάκο(νος), Γεόργις
ὁ ἀδελφὸς Ἀβελ
κίου vac.
[?Witnesses] of the things which have taken place and been confirmed under Theophylact, gloriosissimus, ex-prefect and imperial judge, in the first month of the fifteenth indiction. Theocharistus (son) of ?Achaeius; [...] Nounechius (son) of Fabulius; Procopius [?and] Theodore. lector, (sons) of Rufus, ?doctor; Theophylact, deacon; Marianus, deacon; George the brother of Abelcius.
ll. 1-2: τὸν ανόνυ|μον Ramsay.
l.4: ΚΕΚΥΡΕΝΔΟΝ Sherard; κεκυρ[ωμέν]ον Kirchhoff; κὲ κυρ(ωθέντα) Ramsay.
l.5: ΥΕΟΦΥΛΑΚΙΟ Sherard; Θεοφυλακίου Kirchhoff, Ramsay: Θεοφυλάκτου Grégoire.
l.8. ΒΙΟΥ Sherard; βίουKirchhoff, Ramsay; θίου Grégoire.
l.11. ΑΧΑΕΙΟΥ Sherard; Ἀγαθίου? Grégoire.
1.13 [...]ΝΟΥΣΧΟΣ Sherard; [Μό]σχος Kirchhoff; [Παφ]νού[θι]ος? Grégoire,
Νου[ν]έχ[ι]ος cj. J. M. Reynolds.
l.15. After Προκόπιος, nothing in Sherard; [... Kirchhoff; ὁ καὶ] Ramsay, Grégoire.
l.17, τΗΣΟΡΟΣ Sherard; ΣΟ overlap slightly in the original copy (BL Add. 10101) and markedly in the fair copy (BL Harl. 7509), from which Müller transcribed Ω, which appears in all the subsequent publications: ἀνα[γ]νόστη[ς] Ῥούφ[...] Kirchhoff; ἀνα[γ]νόστη[ς ὁ] Ῥού[?φου] Ramsay; ἀνα[γ]νόστη(ς) Ὥρου Grégoire.
l.18. ΕΠΙΑΤΡΟΥ Sherard; Ἐπιάτρου edd.
l.19. ΘΕΟΦΥΛΑΚΙΟΣ Sherard; Θεοφυλάκιος Kirchhoff, Ramsay; Θεοφύλακτος Grégoire.
l.23. ΑΒΕΛΚΙΟΥ Sherard; for Ἀβερκίου Ramsay; for Ἀβεακίου Grégoire
See discussion at VI.42.
- Found:
In or near Aphrodisias: 'along the way' (Sherard).
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Copied in 1716 by Sherard (BM Add. 10101 f. 129v); not reported subsequently.
- Bibliography:
Published from Sherard by Kirchhoff, CIG 8644, whence Ramsay, Cities & Bishoprics 556, no. 431, Grégoire, IGC 247, Cabrol, Dict. vol. 14, col. 796, no. 25; from Sherard by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 91, whence PHI 633.
- Text constituted from:
Sherard papers; publications.
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