159. ?Fragment of funerary verse
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Four joining fragments (together 0.23 × 0.56 × 0.40) from a white marble block with upper and
lower surfaces surviving, but with the upper part of the front face
broken away; the block is broken at either end.
- Text:
Inscribed on the face; it is likely that the text occupied
at least one more adjacent block in a composite monument.
- Letters:
av. 0.07,
omicron 0.055;
deep, clear and ornate; lunate.
- Date:
Fifth/sixth century (content, metre).
[...]ην φθόνος ἁρπάξ[?ας ...]
[...]icleia [...] ?whom Envy, having snatched
away [...]
3 fragments (1977) |
All fragments (1978) |
See discussion at IX.24, and,
for verse inscriptions, IX.15.
- Found:
Temple-Church: south aisle.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Excavated by the NYU expedition in 1961.
- Bibliography:
Published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity
no. 159 and plate xxxvii, whence PHI 740,
Steinepigramme 02/09/91.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History