163. Epitaph of Athanasius
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Four joining fragments of a white marble panel (0.40
x 0.42 x 0.09)
- Text:
Inscribed on both sides within a raised and moulded edge.
On face a the moulding is slightly more elaborate, and the lettering, which is more regular than on face
b, is surrounded by an incised margin; the last letter of 1.4
interrupts the margin, which seems to have been cut after the
- Letters:
Clear and not overly irregular, with square epsilon
and sigma, but lunate omega. Face a: 0.01-0.015. ll. 13-15 0.02; abbreviations in 1. 15: ΙΣ. ΧΡΣ. ΠΑ.. Face b: 0.15-0.02. On both sides there are diaeretic
dots on some initial vowels.
- Date:
Fourth - sixth century or later (lettering, content)
a |
ἐγὼ Ἀθανάσιος ὁ πάντα λιτουρ-
γήσας ἐν τῇδε τῇ ἐμαυτοῦ πα- |
τρίδι καὶ πολλὰ ἔτη ἀποδημή- |
σας καὶ πολ[λὰ] ἔθνη εἱστορήσας
καὶ πλε[ύσας π]ᾶσαν θάλασ- |
σαν ἕω[ς Ὠκε]ανοῦ καὶ ἰδὼν
πᾶν γέν[ος ἀ]νθρώπων καὶ σω-
θεὶς ηὐ[ξάμη]ν τῷ θεῷ stop ἐλ-
θεῖν [? ἐν τῇ π]ατρίδι μου καὶ
ταφῆνα[ι παρὰ ] τὰ ἴχνη τῶ[ν]
ἁγείων [?μαρτύρ]ων ἵν[?α τοῦ]
παρακλ[?ήτου ... ἐν ἡ]- |
μέρᾳ κρε[ίσεως ...] |
τῷ ἀνα[...] |
Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς Χρ(ιστὸ)ς Πα(τὴρ) [...]
τὴν ψυχ[ὴν ...] |
b |
ἐνθάδε κεῖμαι ἐγὼ Ἀθανάσιος
ὁ πολλὰ ἔτη ἀποδημήσας καὶ |
πολλὰ ἔθνη ἱσ[τορήσας] καὶ πᾶ- |
σαν θάλασσαν π[λεύσ]ας ἕ-
ως Ὠκεανοῦ κα[ὶ ἰδὼ]ν πᾶν
γένος ἀνθρώπ[?ων stop κ]αὶ σω-
[θ]εὶς ἠυξάμην τ[ῷ] Θ]εῷ ἐλ-
[θεῖν] ἐν π[ατρίδι μ]ου καὶ τα-
[φῆναι παρὰ τὰ ἴχνη ] τῶν ἁγί- |
[ων ? μαρτύρων ? ἵνα ] τοῦ παρα-
[?κλήτου ... ἐν ] ἡμέρᾳ κρί-
[σεως ...] vac. |
a. I, Athanasius, who
performed every civic duty in this, my own country, and lived abroad
for many years, and visited many peoples, and sailed every sea as far
as Ocean, and saw every race of men, and was kept safe, I prayed to
God to reach my country and to be buried by the traces of the holy
[?martyrs], ?so that [?I should have an advocate in] the day of
judgement [...] Jesus Christ, Father, [... receive my]
soul [...]
b. Here I lie, Athanasius,
who lived abroad for many years, and visited many peoples. and sailed
every sea as far as Ocean, and saw every race of men, and was kept
safe, I prayed to God to [?reach my country] and [?to be buried by the
traces] of the holy [?martyrs ?so that I should have an advocate in]
the day of judgement [...].
a: Face (1977)
b: Face (1977)
See discussion at IX.27.
- Found:
Theatre (two fragments); North-east Nymphaeum (one
fragment); stray (one fragment).
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Recorded by the NYU in 1968, 1969 and 1977 (68. 354, 69.
30, 69.31, and an unnumbered fragment).
- Bibliography:
Published by Roueché, Aphrodisias 163a whence PHI
744, 745.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History