209. ?Place inscription of Philothe[us]
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
A large white marble block (0.94 x 0.78 x c.
- Text:
Cut on the face.
- Letters:
Irregular, av. 0.03, phi 0.07.
- Date:
?Late imperial
Place of Philotheus (?).
See discussion at XI.17.
- Found:
City walls: re-used in the southern stretch, south face, on
a bastion, a short way west of the south-east gate: see plan 7.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Copied by Picenini (BL. Add. 10102 34r), whence Sherard
(BL. Add. 10101 46r); ?by Bailie; by Loew; by Waddington; recorded by the MAMA
expedition; by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
Published by Bailie, Fasciculus, no. 73, cf. Researches
50 and 83; by Kirchhoff, from Sherard and Bailie, CIG 9272, ; by
Waddington, LBW 1650; by Franz, from Loew, no. 15; from all these by
Ramsay, Cities & Bishoprics 554, no. 426, Grégoire,
IGC 249; Cabrol, DACL 14, col. 795, no.
20; by Cormack, from the MAMA records, MAMA 8, no. 599; by
Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 209 and plate xliii,
whence PHI 682.
- Text constituted from:
Publications; notebooks; transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History