8.273. The city honours Bitianos, governor
- Description:
- A rectangular white marble statue base shaft (W. 0.86 × H. 0.47 × D. 0.40) with panels within moulded edges on three sides.
- Text:
- Inscribed on the central panel; on the right side panel the letters ΤΑ have been cut.
- Letters:
- 0.02-0.03; irregular, and in varying forms; abbreviations: scroll above line in l. 4; letter above line in l. 5; there are apparently superfluous letters in lines 7 and 9.
- Date:
- Late fifth/early-mid sixth century (offices; titles).
- Findspot:
- Theatre: north scaena.
- Original Location:
- Unknown.
- Last recorded location:
- Museum.
- History of discovery:
- Excavated by the NYU expedition in 1970 (70.226, SBI 26).
- Bibliography:
- Published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 65 and plate xvi, whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 669.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Roueché). This edition Roueché (2007).
- 1[?[[ cross ]]] ἡ λαμπρὰ καὶ
- 2περιφανὴς Ἀφροδι -
- 3σιέων μητρόπολις
- 4Βιτιανὸν τὸν λαμπρ(ότατον)
- 5σχο(λαστικὸν) καὶ ὑπα(τικὸν) τὸν οἰκῖον
- 6εὐεργέτην καὶ
- 7ἀγωνοθέτην Α
- 8ἀνέθηκεν
- 9 vacat
- 10 leaf Α
- 9 vacat
- 10 leaf Α
l. 1, Whatever stood at the beginning of the line—the outline suggests a cross—has been deeply erased.
l. 7, The Α at the end of the line, which conforms to the other letters, might be a numeral or a false start in writing ἀνέθηκεν.
1.9: The Α is very roughly written, and has the appearance of a rough graffito addition.
The splendid and well-known metropolis of the Aphrodisians set up (this statue of) Bitianos, clarissimus scholasticus and consular, their own benefactor and agonothete.
See discussion at ala2004 V.38.
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