10.18. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 2
- Description:
- Stadium seats.
- Text:
- Inscribed on the seats. Row Y: diameter W. 0.59, on a loose block. Row Z.i: diameter 0.48. Row Z.ii: W. 0.19 x H. 0.11.
- Letters:
- No letters.
- Date:
- Second-sixth century A.D. (context)
- Findspot:
- Stadium: seats, block 2.
- Original Location:
- Findspot
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- History of discovery:
- Recorded by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
- Published by Roueché, PPA 45.20.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Roueché). This edition: Roueché (2007).. This edition Roueché (2007).
- Y
- (Design, type CCC.1, with the spokes meeting at the centre.)
- Z
- i
- (Design, type C4. )
- ii
- (Design, type S3. Cross in a circle cut on the flat surface over the entrance.)
- Y
- (Design, type CCC.1, with the spokes meeting at the centre.)
- Z
- i
- (Design, type C4. )
- ii
- (Design, type S3. Cross in a circle cut on the flat surface over the entrance.)
Design, type CCC.1, with the spokes meeting at the centre.
Design, type C4.
Design, type S3.
Cross in a circle cut on the flat surface over the entrance.
- Translation:
- not usefully translatable.
See bibliography.
- Photographs:
- none.
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