12.103. Honours for a citizen (late Republic)
- Description:
- A ?white marble block, broken above and at the right; no measurements.
- Text:
- Inscribed on the face.
- Letters:
- irregular, undecorated. Lines 1-2 smaller than 3ff.
- Date:
- First century B.C. (lettering, content)
- Findspot:
- Walls, North-east: hidden in bushes near the Stadium.
- Original Location:
- unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Museum
- History of discovery:
- Recorded by Paris and Holleaux; not recorded subsequently.
- Bibliography:
- Published by Paris and Holleaux, BCH 9 (1885), 74-6, no. 5, whence Liermann pp. 9-14, and notes at Reinach 79; discussed by L. Robert, Etudes Anatoliennes 312-4, with BE 1938.396, Ant.Class. 66, 422, whence SEG 30, 1980.1245, RDGE 169, Bowersock, AJPh 91 (1970), 226. Published, from all these, by Reynolds, A&R 28 whence SEG 32, 1982.1097; BE 1983:387; discussed by Bowersock, Gnomon 56, 1984, 52 (on l. 2). From all these McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 25 .
- Text constituted from:
- Publications This edition Reynolds (1982).
- 1 τοῖς [·· ? ·· ἐν τοῖς]
- 2 ἀνανκαιοτάτοις καιροῖς διατηρήσαντα [τῷ] κοιν̣[ῷ] καὶ [·· ? ··]
- 3 καὶ στεφανηφορήσαντα καὶ γυμνασιαρχή[σαντα ·· ? ·· καὶ]
- 4 ἀγορανομήσαντα ἐν τῇ χαλεπωτάτῃ σε[ιτοδείᾳ ·· ? ·· καὶ τὰς]
- 5 ἐν τοῖς πολέμοις ἀρχὰς ἀνυπευθύνους τε[λέσαντα ·· ? ·· καὶ πρεσ]-
- 6βεύσαντα πρὸς τοὺς ἡγουμένους εἰς Ῥώμ[ην ·· ? ··]-
- 7λοις καὶ ἐν παντοδαποῖς κινδύνοις καὶ πρά[γμασιν ·· ? ·· καὶ καταγω]-
- 8νισάμενον τοὺς ἐναντίους καὶ ἑξήκον̣[τα αὐτῶν ἀποκτείναντα ·· ? ··]
- 9 καὶ πλείστας ἐνγύας ὑπὲρ πολλῶν ἐκτεί[σαντα καὶ ἱερατεύσαντα τῆς Ἑκάτης εὐσε]-
- 10βῶς συνκεχωρῆσθαι δὲ αὐτῷ καὶ ἐνταφ[ὴν ἐν τῷ γυμνασίῳ καὶ δίδοσθαι αὐτῷ ἀπὸ τῶν]
- 11 δημοσίᾳ θυομένων γέρα ἐ[ξεῖναι δὲ αὐτῷ καὶ τοὺς στεφάνους φορεῖν ·· ? ··]
- 12[οἷς ἐστεφάνωται ὅταν ?βούληται] vac.
- 1ΤΟΙΣ[ - - - ······]
- 8ΝΙΣΑΜΕΝΟΝΤΟΥΣΕΝΑΝΤΙΟΥΣΚΑΙΕΞΗΚΟ·[··················· - - - ]
- 9ΚΑΙΠΛΕΙΣΤΑΣΕΝΓΥΑΣΥΠΕΡΠΟΛΛΩΝΕΚΤΕΙ[·································]
- 10ΒΩΣΣΥΝΚΕΧΩΡΗΣΘΑΙΔΕΑΥΤΩΚΑΙΕΝΤΑΦ[···································]
- 11ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΘΥΟΜΕΝΩΝΓΕΡΑΕ[·································· - - - ]
- 12[··························]
ll.7, 9, 10. The restorations are by Paris and Holleaux, with a modification in 1. 10 where Reinach and Robert corrected ἐνταφ[ῆναι to ἐνταφ[ήν after the discovery of 529.
l.8:Supplement by L. Robert.
ll. 11 ff. are conjectured from 529.
...] having preserved the common interest in most stressful crises and [.. ? ..] having been stephanephoros and gymnasiarch [.. ? .. and] agoranomos in a most serious [famine .. ? .. and held] offices not subject to account during the wars [.. ? . . and] been ambassador to the authorities in Rome [.. ? ..] and in all kinds of dangers and ? affairs [.. ? ..] having struggled against the enemy and [killed] sixty [of them] and having given bail on many occasions on behalf of many people [.. ? .. and ? having served as priest of Hecate] with piety ; and that burial [in the gymnasium] be conceded to him [and the grant of] the gifts of honour from public sacrifices [.. .
Of particular interest here are the stressful crises in which the honorand served, the famine during which he was appointed agoranomos, the times of war in which he held office without being subject to accounts and was responsible for the death of sixty of the enemy, the unspecified but various dangers that he asked, the embassy to Rome, the need for payments of bail and the very remarkable honours he received, among which, as Robert has pointed out, burial in the gymnasium shows that he ranked as a founder. See further the discussion by Robert, l.c. and Reynolds, Aphrodisias and Rome, 150-6.
- Photographs:
- none.
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