12.530. Honours for Diogenes and Attalos
- Description:
- Sherard described these texts as on two funerary altars; Boeckh thought this unlikely. 'Upon a pedestal' Fellows, so probably statue bases.
- Text:
- Inscribed on the face. Sherard's description may imply that there was an upper moulding, in which case the texts are probably complete.
- Letters:
- Ligatures: ΝΗΝ i.1; ΝΗΣ, ii.2
- Date:
- Second century A.D. (prosopography)
- Findspot:
- Walls, South-east: 'on the east by south side to the south of the' (South-east?) 'gate' Sherard. 'In the west wall' Fellows, whence 'notozephyrum' Bailie.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot (1850)
- History of discovery:
- Two blocks, both copied by Picenini (BM Add. 10102, 28v) in 1705 whence Sherard (10101, 12v) and by Sherard in 1716 (10101, 120); i copied by Deering (p.5, no. 19); i and ii copied by Fellows; i by Loew; i and ii ?by Bailie; by Waddington. Not reported subsequently.
- Bibliography:
- Published by Boeckh, from Sherard papers, CIG 2805 a & b; i by Fellows no. 39; both by Bailie 64 and 65; i noted by Franz, from Loew, a.11; i and ii by Waddington, LBW 1615, whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 269 (i), 244 (ii).
- Text constituted from:
- Publications; Sherard papers; Deering This edition Reynolds (2007).
i. Attalos (set up a statue of) Diogenes his brother
ii. Diogenes (set up a statue of) Attalos his brother
For these brothers see 2.16, with the commentary there.
- Photographs:
- none.
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