14.12. Honours for the people of Aphrodisias
- Description:
- White marble statue base shaft (W. 0.53 x H. 1.13 x D. 0.53) broken above and chipped at all edges, especially badly on the lower half of the right side.
- Text:
- Inscribed on the exposed face, which is badly eroded in the lower part.
- Letters:
- Letters, third cent. A.D.; ll. 1-10, 12-17, av. 0.025 ; 1. 11, 0.018 ; ligatured ΜΜ in l. 2, ΜΗ in l. 13. The small letters of l. 11 suggest an afterthought fitted into a space originally left blank (so Paton).
- Date:
- Late second or third century (lettering)
- Findspot:
- Karaçasu: re-used in a fountain.
- Original Location:
- unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Museum
- History of discovery:
- Recorded by Paton; by the NYU expedition in 1976.
- Bibliography:
- Published by Paton, JHS 20, 1900, 77-78, no. 6, whence Robert, RPh 4, 1930, 27 (= OMS II.127), AntClass 1966, 410; republished byReynolds, A&R 43 whence SEG 1982.1097, BE 1983.390, McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 214.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds), publications. This edition Reynolds (1982).
- 1τ̣ὸν̣ [·· c. 5 ··]τ̣ατον δ[ῆμον]
- 2σύμ̣μ̣α̣χον Ῥωμαίων
- 3 τῆς λαμπροτάτης φ[ι]-
- 4λοσεβάστου ἐλευθ[έ]-
- 5ρας καὶ αὐτονόμου κ̣[α]-
- 6τὰ τὰ δόγματα τῆς ἱ[ε]-
- 7ρωτάτης συνκλήτ[ου]
- 8 καὶ τὰ ὅρκια καὶ τὰς θε[ί]-
- 9ας ἀντιγραφὰς Ἀφροδ[ι]-
- 10σιέων πόλεως vv.
- 11 vac. ἀσύλου vac.
- 12 vac. καθιέρωσεν vac.
- 13Μᾶ̣ρ(κος) [Αὐ]ρ̣(ήλιος) Ἑρμῆς ΠΑ̣[·· ? ··]
- 14ΣΟΜ[··] ἀναθεὶς [(δηνάρια) ὀκ]-
- 15τὼ μ̣[υρί]ο̣υ̣ς εἰς αἰω[νίους]
- 16 κλήρ̣ους τῇ κρα[τίστῃ]
- 17 vac. βουλῇ vac.
- 1·Ο·[·····]·ΑΤΟΝΔ[····]
- 13Μ·Ρ[··]·ΕΡΜΗΣΠ·[ - - - ]
- 14ΣΟΜ[··]ΑΝΑΘΕΙΣ[·········]
- 15ΤΩ·[···]··ΣΕΙΣΑΙΩ[·····]
- 16ΚΛΗ·ΟΥΣΤΗΚΡΑ[·····]
- 17 ΒΟΥΛΗ
P1 denotes Paton's transcription, P2 his interpretation: the restorations in ll. 1-8 are taken from P1. There has been some deterioration of the stone since he saw it.
l. 1, [··]Λ̣Ι̣ΟΝΑ P1, τὸν [···] δ[ῆμον] P2
l. 2, συμαχον P1, P2
l. 4, ΕΛΕΥΘ P1, ἐλευθε- P2
l. 7, συνκλήτου P1, P2.
l. 10, [κ]αθιέωσεν P1, P2
l. 13, ΜΑΙ ΡΕΡΜΗΣΠΑ- P1, nil P2, ? for Μαρ. Αὐρ. Ἑρμῆς Παπ̣[···] Robert.
l. 14, ΣOI ΖΛΝΛΘΕΙΣ P1, ἀναθείς P2.
l. 15, ΤΟΙ ΛΣΕΙΣ ΑΙΩΝΙ P1, τὸ [·· c. 4 ··] ας εἰς αἰωνί P2.
l. 16, Λ̣ΟΥΣ ΤΗΚΡΑΤΣΤ P1, [ους χρόν]ους τῇ κρατισ- P2, [ους κλήρ]ους Robert.
l. 17, ΒΟΥΛΗ P1, [τῇ] βουλῇ P2.
('?Statue of) the most [?distinguished] Demos, ally of the Romans, of the glorious city of the Aphrodisians, devoted to the emperor, free and autonomous according to the decrees of the most holy Senate and the treaty and the divine (imperial) responses, with asylia.
M. Aurelius Hermes P[-.. ? ..] who dedicated [?80,000 denarii] for perpetual distributions to the most mighty Council.
See Aphrodisias and Rome, 169-170.
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