Inscriptions of Aphrodisias: Workshop on Digital Epigraphy
Document Contents
The aim of the workshop is to exchange information about the digital exploitation of documents (What are we doing?), to learn about each other’s methodologies (How are we doing it?) and to exchange ideas about future progress and plans (Where are we going? What do we need?). We hope to keep discussion as informal as possible: it is helpful to learn about each other’s mistakes, and also to share wild ideas.
Saturday, 17 September am
What? and How?
Section I: corpora and collections
- 9.45 Welcome
- 10.00 M. Dohnicht, M. Schmidt (BBAW)
- 10.30 M. Dohnicht (BBAW)
- Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg
- 11.00 – Kaffeepause -
- 11.30 Christian Bauer (Humboldt University)
- The documentation of Southeast Asian inscriptions: from 'worst practice' to inadequate standards? Leiden, EpiDoc, ISO 639, and Unicode 4.1
- 12.00 First discussion: Corpus versus Database
- 12.30-14.00 – Mittagpause –
Section II: Independent projects; multiple content
- 14.00 R. Haensch
- DAI Munich projects
- 14.30 Klaus Freitag (Münster)
- Die bibliographische Datenbank "Hellas" und die Bedeutung der Reiseberichte für die Erforschung des Altertums
- 15.00 Dr. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst (BBAW)
- The Turfan project
- 15.30 – Teepause -
- 16.00 Zaneta Au, Gabriel Bodard, Juan Garcés (KCL):
- Tools developed so far
- 16.45 Discussion 2 What tools do we need
- What tools do we need next? How do we disseminate publications? What gives them authority?
Sunday, 18 September
Section III. Projects which exploit/analyse digital epigraphy
- 10.00 Mattheus Heil (BBAW)
- 10.30 The Byzantine Prosopographies (1): C. Ludwig / T. Pratsch (BBAW)
- PmBZ
- The Byzantine Prosopographies (2): C. Roueché (KCL)
- 11.30 – Kaffeepause -
- 12.00 Discussion 3: How should corpora and analytical projects interrelate?
- 12.30-14.00 – Mittagpause -
Section IV: Projects under construction: epigraphy and archaeology
- 14.00 Charlotte Roueché (KCL)
- InsAph
- 14.30 Geni Beu-Dachin (Bucharest)
- Encoding the Latin Inscriptions from Roman Dacia
- 15.00 C. Witschel (Heidelberg)
- A proposal for Late Antique inscriptions of the Latin West
- 15.30 Ortolf Harl (Vienna)
- Ubi erat lupa
- 16.00 – Teepause -
- 16.30 Discussion IV: What next?
- A round table discussion and exchange: how can all these projects best intercommunicate and support one another? How can we offer sustainability?
Others attending
Others attending will include:
- G. Alföldy (18th only),
- W. Ameling (Jena),
- K. Dietz ( Würzburg),
- Brian Fuchs (Max-Planck Institute, Berlin),
- H. R. Goette (DAI Berlin),
- P. Kovacs (Piliscsaba),
- B. Lörincz (Budapest),
- M. Mirkovic (Belgrade),
- Z. Mrav (Budapest),
- O. Pelcer (Belgrade),
- Amy Smith (Reading),
- A. Szabo (Budapest).