1248. Invocations to the winds
1345. Funerary fragment of Marcus Aurelius A
eagle medallions
1442. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Attikos
1217. Votive offering to divinity
1236. Votive offering to Athena
egg and dart
1206. Dedication of a caryatid by Tryphe.
1208. Dedication of a caryatid by Cocceia Maxima.
1210. Fragment from dedication of a caryatid.
1334. Funerary formula, II cent.
1558. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Hadrian by Pereitas Attalos
1878. Cornice fragment
1886. Honours for anonymous gymnasiarch, high priest, and stephanephoros
1262. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Hadrian
egg and dart moulding
22. i. Honours for Flavius Constantius, governor, for building the wall; ii. Flavius Ampelios restores the gate
45. Verse honours for Ioannes, governor of Caria
67. Dionysios, doctor, undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
1140. Building inscription, undated, from Theatre
1144. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia G[ . . ., dedication to Demos
1183. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Paulina
1184. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Seleukeia
1185. Dedication of a caryatid by Attalis
1186. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Meltine, , with sculptor's signature, by Andronikos
1189. Dedication of a caryatid by Julia Paula, with sculptor's signature
1190. Dedication of a caryatid by Claudia Apphia Chaeremonis.
1191. Fragments from dedication of a caryatid, by Claudia.
1194. Dedication of a caryatid by Apphia.
1201. Dedication of a caryatid by Antonia Chresta.
1203. Dedication of caryatid by Aelia Stateilia Stratoneike
egg-and-dart moulding
1253. Building dedication for Hadrian
?1331. Funerary fragment
1667. Funerary fragment