- sandals
1229. Votive offering to Kore by Alexandros
- scroll
45. Verse honours for Ioannes, governor of Caria
- scrolls
1253. Building dedication for Hadrian
- sculpted figures
1921. Titles for images on the funerary monument of Zoilos
- sculpture
91. Theophylaktos, imperial judge, witnesses a document
1347. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Apolloniοs, chief doctor
- sculptured decoration
1169. Fragment, undated, stray
- seated female figure
1818. Donor's inscription of Kapitoleinos
- sheep
1639. Funerary inscription for Attalos
- shepherd
1639. Funerary inscription for Attalos
- sickle
1647. Funerary inscription for Pankrates and Tatia
- sleeping child
?1331. Funerary fragment
- sleeping erotes
1351. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Flavius Elpidephoros
- spear
871. Relief sculpture fragment, with verse text
- staff
871. Relief sculpture fragment, with verse text
1639. Funerary inscription for Attalos
- standing figures
1453. Funerary fragment
1478. Funerary fragment
1656. Funerary inscription for an unnamed woman and her family
1686. Funerary inscription
- star
881. Building dedication of Sebasteion portico for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos
- straight fluting
1334. Funerary formula, II cent.
- sun
1248. Invocations to the winds
- swag
1062. Funerary fragment
1225. Votive dedication by children of Hermias
1277. Dedication for Hadrian Soter
1544. Latin funerary inscription
- swags
1254. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors and Demos
1445. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Zotikos son of Dionysios
- swags of leafy branches
806. Sculptor's signature of Menippos
- sword
631. Gladiator memorial for Skirtos