7. Honours for T. Oppius Aelianus Asclepiodotus
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
White marble statue base capital and shaft (0.84 × 1.10 × 0.84) with moulding on three sides.
- Text:
Inscribed on the moulding of the capital (ll. 1, 2) and within the front panel (ll. 3-12).
- Letters:
0.02; apex
for abbreviation mark; ligatures: ΝΗ, l.6; ΝΚ, l.8; ΤΗΝ, l.9; ΗΝ, l. 10.
- Date:
AD 284-301 (prosopography).
vac. ἡ πατρὶς vac. |
vac. Ἀγαθῇ Τύχῃ vac. |
Τ(ίτον) Ὄππ(ιον) Αἰλιανὸν |
v. Ἀσκληπίοδοτον
τὸν λαμπρότατον
ὑπατικὸν ἡγεμόνα
Καρίας καὶ Φρυγίας
ἀνθύπατον καὶ ἐπα-
νορθωτήν Ἀσίας κτί-
στην καὶ σωτῆρα καὶ |
τῆς ἑαυτοῦ πατρίδος |
Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Μαρκιανὸς ὁ
πρῶτος ἄρχων.
The Homeland, With Good Fortune, (set up the
statue of) T(itus) Opp(ius) Aelianus Asclepiodotus, the most splendid
consular, governor of Caria and Phrygia, proconsul and corrector of
Asia, founder and saviour also of his own homeland; Tib(erius)
Cl(audius) Marcianus the first archon (set this up/was in charge).
View in situ (1980) |
Front face (1983) |
Front view (1980) |
See discussion at II.4.
For T(itus) Opp(ius) Aelianus Asclepiodotus see fasti, Governors, Oppius Asclepiodotus.
For Marcianus see fasti: Local Officials, Marcianus.
- Found:
South Agora: Agora Gate: ?re-used in the collecting pool. See plan 2.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Excavated by the NYU expedition in 1977 (77.135).
- Bibliography:
Published by •Roueché, (1981), no. 6,
whence SEG 1981.910, BE 1982.357, An.Ép.
1981.770, An.Ép. 1982, 893; by •Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 7 whence PHI 311.
- Text constituted from:
Transcriptions (Reynolds, Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History