25. Fl. Eutolmius Tatianus honours Honorius
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
A white marble columnar statue base shaft (H. 1.31, diam. 0.59), broken above.
- Text:
Inscribed on the face.
- Letters:
0.03-0.035; Φ in ll. 3, 5 and 8, 0.065. Clear, irregular: lunate; scroll for abbreviation.
- Date:
AD 388-392 (emperor, prosopography).
τὸν ἐκ τῆς θείας γονῆς |
Φλ(άουιον) Ὁνώριον
τὸν ἐπιφανέστατον leaf
Φλ(άουιος) Εὐτόλμι[ο]ς [Τ]ατι[α]νὸς [ὁ λ]αμ[πρότα]τος
ἔπαρχ[ο]ς [τοῦ ἱεροῦ π]ρα[ιτ]ωρ[ί]ου
τῇ συνήθει καθοσιώσει |
ἀφιέρωσεν |
vacat |
ἐπὶ Ἀντωνίου Πρίσκου τοῦ λαμπρ(οτάτου) ἡγεμόνος.
Flavius Honorius, of divine descent, most dear to God, the most renowned. Flavius Eutolmius Tatianus, the clarissimus, prefect of the sacred praetorium, dedicated (this statue) with the customary devotion, in the time of Antonius Priscus, clarissimus praeses.
In ll.5 and 6 Reinach read nothing; Robert read in l.5, Φλ Εὐτόλμιος Τατια[...]. The restoration here is based on very unclear readings.
View (1975) |
Left side (1972) |
Right side (1972) |
Right side (1972) |
Top of base (1994)
Face and top (2004) |
Boulanger, Notebook A, page 43 |
For Flavius Eutolmius Tatianus see PLRE I Tatianus 5. For this group of dedications by him see 26, 27 and discussion at III.24. For Antonius Priscus see List of governors, Priscus, and 26, 27 and 28, with discussion at III.30; for the monument as whole, see Smith (1999), 162.
- Found:
Hadrianic Baths: les Thermes, (Gaudin); standing at the north side of the east court of the baths, next to 23. See plan 3.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Recorded by Gaudin (11); by Boulanger, Notebook A, 43; by J. and L. Robert in 1946 and 1947; by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
Published by Reinach, 31, from Gaudin's squeeze, whence Grégoire, IGC 281 and in Anatolian Studies Ramsay (Manchester, 1923), 151-154, whence SEG 1930.398. Discussed Grégoire, Byzantion 4, 1928, 342; published by Robert, Hellenica 4, 49-50 and plate iv, whence BE 1949.178; by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity 25 and Plate vii whence PHI 660.
- Text constituted from:
Publications; transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History