61. Acclamations for imperial family, and a New Theodosius
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Fragments of fresco on plaster. The original design appears to have been a series of circular garlands of green leaves, outlined
inside and outside with a sold band; The fragments come from at least three such garlands; fragment iv may well come from
the same text as fragment iii.
- Text:
The lettering is inside the garlands, in red on a white background.
- Letters:
0.07-0.08, tall and clear; diairetic dots on Ι in iii, line 2, and, apparently, on the second Ι in line 4 of ii; three dots as a stop in ii, 1ine 3; abbreviation: ΙΝΔ with a comma hanging from delta, Ο with Υ above.
- Date:
AD 583 or AD 491 - 518 (emperors).
i |
(Two joining fragments, with garland at both sides.) |
cross νι[κᾷ] ἡ τύχη
τοῦ β[ασι]λέως ·
νικᾷ ἡ τ[ύ]χη τῆς
δεσποί[ν]ης · τοῦ νέου
Θεοδο[σί]ου πολ
λὰ [τὰ ἔτ]η scroll
ii |
(Fragment with trace of garland at lower right edge.) |
[...]λιιου πο[λλὰ]
[τὰ ἔτ]η · υἱὲ θεοῦ ζ[ωὴν]
][αὐτ]ῷ stop νικᾷ ἡ πίσ[τις]
[τῶν] Χριστιανῶν [.]
[...] vac.
iii |
(Fragment without any trace of garland.) |
ἐπὶ ο[.]
[... πα]τρός , ἰνδικτίωνος [...]
[...]ρασ vac.
[...]ιλ vac. scroll
iv |
(Fragment showing upper right corner of garland.) |
i. [...] The fortune of the emperor triumphs! The fortune of the empress triumphs! Many years for the new Theodosius!
ii. [...] Many years [...]! Son of God, grant him life! The faith of the Christians triumphs!
iii. [... ?this work was done] under O[...], pater, in the [...] indiction [...]
i: Left part (1977) |
i: Right part (1977) |
i: Together (1977) |
i: Left part, on excavation (1967) |
ii: Face (1977) |
ii: Face (1977) |
iii: Face (1977) |
iv: Face (1977) |
See discussion at V.26, VI.47.
- Found:
Hadrianic Baths: tepidarium.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Excavated by the NYU expedition in 1962, removed in 1966-7: 67.102 and 473 (together, 61.i), 69.471 (61.ii), 69.470 (61.iii). 69.472 (61.iv).
- Bibliography:
Published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 61.i-iv, whence PHI 843, 844, 628 and 894.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History