67. Dionysius, doctor, undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Five fragments (two joining) from a white marble architrave with sculptural decoration and egg-and-dart moulding above three
stepped fasciae of diminishing height; there is a decorative panel on the underside. Measurements: a: complete block, 0.48 × 2.86 × 0.62. b: two joining fragments, 0.47 × 1.20 × 0.62 and 0.52 × 0.38 × 0.45. c: two joining fragments, 0.49 × 1.90 × 0.98. d: 0.47 × 0.22 × 0.24; e: 0.43 × 0.52 × 0.25.
- Text:
This is probably part of the same architectural feature as 58, but inscribed in only one line, on the upper fascia (H. 0.14).
- Letters:
Av. 0.09; simple, varying in height and width.
- Date:
Fifth century (lettering).
a |
cross Διονύσιος Φωτείνου ἰατρός vac. [...]
b |
[...]ς καὶ ἀναπαύσεως[...] [...]
c |
[...]vac. ἕως κεράμου σὺν τῇ ο[...]
d |
e |
[...]ασαν v.[...]
Dionysius, son of Photeinus, doctor [?built this for the purpose of pleasure] and rest [... ?building] up to the tiled roof, with the [...]
b: The letters reported from Boulanger's copy in ALA are found on the new fragment.
c: The join in c, at the Μ of κεράμου appears certain. although the blocks cannot now be moved to bring them together.
d: Γ might be Π
Fragment a (1973) |
c, left fragment (1988) |
Fragment d (1989) |
Fragment e (1989) |
d and e together (1989) |
a, b and c: Transcription by Boulanger, notebook A, page 9 |
See discussion at V.43.
- Found:
Hadrianic Baths: East court: a: 'Portique du S(ud), 1e entrecolonnement', b, b.i,and c: 'blocs au N(ord) du portique S(ud)' (Boulanger).
- Original:
?Architrave of south portico of East Court.
- Last Recorded:
Lying with the material from the French excavations in the East Court.
- Recording:
a copied by Mendel; a-c by Boulanger (Notebook A, 9); by the NYU expedition (the second fragment of b in 1988, d and e in 1989).
- Bibliography:
a published by Grégoire, IGC 272 (part), from Mendel; a, b and c published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 67 whence PHI 626.
- Text constituted from:
Transcriptions (Boulanger, Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History