117. Prayers on West Door of Temple-Church (south)
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
A white marble door post.
- Text:
The texts are grouped - i above, ii and iii to the right,
iv to the left - around a cross carefully sculpted (H. 0.31) in the
centre of the door-post, with the surface of the stone cut away around
it; iii was certainly inscribed before the cross was cut.
- Letters:
i: av. 0.03-0.04; the first line is a monogram, H.
0.21. ii: 0.025-0.035, partially erased;
last two letters of 1. 1 above line; a cross superimposed on I. I.
iii: c. 0.05;
very rough; lost at left when large cross was sculpted. iv: c.
0.04, rough; above a
cross, H. 0.14, in a
- Date:
Fifth-sixth century or later (lettering, location).
i |
Κ(ύρι)ε βωΐθι το͂ σο͂ δ(ού)λο
μα(κε)λαρή(ῳ) cross
ii |
iii |
[...]παν |
ησυμοι |
iv |
μ |
[.]οσ |
τ |
i. Lord, help your servant Theophilus, butcher.
ii. Constantine, deacon.
i, l.1 Θεόφιλ(ος)
Reinach; earlier editors could interpret nothing.
l. 3. μασ[α]ύρη (?)
Kirchhoff; Μασ[σ]άρη(?) Ramsay; Μαζλαρη(?) Reinach;
it was Grégoire who recognized the abbreviation mark standing
for κε and resolved the text, reading
Θεοφίλῳ accordingly in l.1.
ii, l.1: κωνστα[ν]τ[?ῖνος] Reinach; κονστα[ντῖνος]
Overview (1976)
i. Text (1976)
ii. Text (1972)
iii. Text (1976)
iv. Text (1972)
View of temple west door, from west
View from west
See discussion at VIII.8.
- Found:
Temple-Church: west door of atrium, cut on the inner,
north, face of the southern door: see
plan 5.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
i was copied by Texier and byFellows; i and ii recorded by
Gaudin (28); i-iv recorded by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
i published by Texier, As. Min. iii 167,
pl. 156; by Fellows, no. 72, from both of which CIG 8905, Ramsay, Cities & Bishoprics
555, no. 428; i and ii from Gaudin by Reinach, no. 206, whence
Grégoire, IGC 261.a-b, DACL 14,
col. 796, no. 22; i-iv published by RouechéAphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 117.i-iv and plate
xxxi, whence PHI 638, 644, 882, 883.
- Text constituted from:
Publications; transcriptions (Reynolds, Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History