145. Invocation
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
A white marble head, broken off from a lost statue, of a
bearded man, probably of the first half of the fifth century.
- Text:
The text is cut on the top of the head, on the smooth area
immediately behind the ridge of curly hair crowning the face, to be
read from the front.
- Letters:
Carefully cut, but varying in size from 0.01-0.015 in the first line to
0.0175 to 0.02 (beta) and 0.028 (eta) in the second
- Date:
Fourth-fifth century (content, location).
?M(ary) b(ore) Ch(rist). God, help.
See discussion at VIII.20, and compare 254.
- Found:
No description.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
Musée du Cinquentenaire, Brussels.
- Recording:
Excavated by Gaudin: on the provenance see K. T. Erim,
'De Aphrodisiade', AM 71 (1967), 236.
- Bibliography:
Published by F. Cumont, Catalogue des sculptures et
inscriptions antiques des Musées Royaux du
Cinquentenaire (Brussels, 1913), 51, no. 41, whence Graindor,
Marbres et textes, Rec. de trav. de la fac. de phil. de
Gand, fasc. 50, 18-19; Grégoire, IGC
248bis; by K. T. Erim in lnan-Rosenbaum,
Porträtplastik, 232, no. 204, whence SEG 1982.1108; SEG
1985.1082; Spätantike & Frühes Christentum, Ausst.
Frankfurt (Frankfurt, 1984) 454-456, no. 62 with plate;
Goette, MDAIRA 92 (1985), 318, no. IV.3. Text published by
Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity
no. 145 and Plate xxxiii whence PHI 655. Text and statue discussed most recently by Smith (2002)
- Text constituted from:
Publications; Description, photograph and squeeze provided by Professor
J.-C. Balty.
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History