148. Epitaph of Aurelia Dionysia
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Three joining fragments of a white marble sarcophagus
front, which was fluted, with a central tabella ansata, flanked
on either side by a smoother area with curving outlines.
- Text:
i, which is cut on the simple flat moulding along the top
of the tabella, must have begun on an upper feature, and must
represent all that remains of a previous inscription, erased from the
tabella. ii is cut on the tabella and beyond it on the
- Letters:
i, standard 2nd-3rd century lettering, 0.02; ii, in a rough cursive hand, letters
- Date:
i: Second/third century (lettering); ii: Third/fourth
century (formulae, penalty).
a |
ται αὐτὴ ἢ το[...]ιιαι[...]νη καὶ
b |
ἡ σορός ἐστιν καὶ ὁ ὑποκείμεν[ο]ς τόπος
Αὐρ(ηλίας) Διονυσίας Στεφάνου , ἐν ᾗ ε[ἴ] τις ἕτερ-
ολταυι τῷ ἱερῷ τῆς vac. |
Ἀφροδείτης χρύσου οὐνκίας δύο .
b. The coffin and the place
beneath it are (the property) of Aurelia Dionysia, daughter of
Stephanus, in which (i.e. coffin) if anyone else should wish to bury
(anyone) he will give (?) of a penalty to the shrine of Aphrodite two
ounces of gold.
The left end fragment of the block was found in 1989,
adding about one letter at the beginning of each line to the text
published in ALA.
ii, l.1. The final sigma of ὑποκείμεν[ο]ν is written as
The end of l.3 and the beginning of l.4 are very
Left end fragment (1989)
Centre fragment (1981)
Right end fragment (1983)
See discussion at IX.7; for the penalty, and its implications for the date, see IX.5.
- Found:
No provenance: found in the Museum.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Recorded by the NYU expedition; main pieces before 1980, the third fragment in 1989.
- Bibliography:
Two fragments published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 148
a and b whence PHI 575, 436.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History