Bibliographical concordance
Année Épigraphique |
1977.605 |
62 |
1981.763 |
16 |
1981.765 |
2 |
1981.766 |
3 |
1981.767 |
4 |
1981.768 |
5 |
1981.769 |
6 |
1981.770 |
7 |
1982, 893 |
7 |
1984, 883 |
83 |
Bulletin Épigraphique |
1949.178 |
24 |
1949.178 |
25 |
1949.178 |
26 |
1949.178 |
27 |
1949.178 |
37 |
1949.178 |
74 |
1949.178 |
85 |
1949.178 |
86 |
1949.178 |
87 |
1949.178 |
88 |
1949:178 |
22 |
1949:178 |
53 |
1956:277 |
22 |
1966.393 |
19 |
1966.394 |
45 |
1966.399 |
54 |
1966.404 |
16 |
1966.415 |
169 |
1966:401 |
87 |
1968.507 |
19 |
1968.508 |
31 |
1969.543 |
31 |
1969.543 |
33 |
1971.616 |
37 |
1972.473 |
85 |
1980.473 |
62 |
1980.473 |
68 |
1980.473 |
69 |
1980:473 |
43 |
1982.357 |
2 |
1982.357 |
4 |
1982.357 |
5 |
1982.357 |
6 |
1982.357 |
7 |
1982.360 |
249 |
1984.405 |
11 |
1984.405 |
12 |
1984.405 |
13 |
1987.466 |
83 |
1988.888 |
10 |
1988.888 |
116 |
1988.888 |
195 |
1989.138 |
235 |
1989.517 |
235 |
1991.519 |
251 |
1995.731 |
236 |
1996.385 |
236 |
1998.646 |
37 |
Merkelbach & Stauber (1998), Steinepigramme aus dem Griechischen Osten
(See bibliography) |
02/09/01 |
82 |
02/09/01 |
83 |
02/09/02 |
32 |
02/09/03 |
38 |
02/09/04 |
36 |
02/09/05 |
53 |
02/09/06 |
54 |
02/09/07 |
38 |
02/09/08 |
38 |
02/09/09 |
41 |
02/09/10 |
88 |
02/09/11 |
33 |
02/09/11 |
63 |
02/09/13 |
73 |
02/09/14 |
16 |
02/09/15 |
74 |
02/09/16 |
24 |
02/09/17 |
31 |
02/09/19 |
56 |
02/09/20 |
58 |
02/09/21 |
57 |
02/09/22 |
85 |
02/09/22 |
250 |
02/09/24 |
37 |
02/09/25 |
8 |
02/09/26 |
64 |
02/09/28 |
153 |
02/09/29 |
157 |
02/09/30 |
156 |
02/09/31 |
155 |
02/09/34 |
160 |
02/09/90 |
129 |
02/09/91 |
159 |
02/09/92 |
154 |
02/09/94 |
34 |
02/09/95 |
45 |
02/09/96 |
47 |
02/09/97 |
100 |
02/09/98 |
99 |
02/09/99 |
110 |
Palatine Anthology |
7.690 |
250 |
9.704 |
53 |
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum |
1930.398 |
25 |
1958.661 |
37 |
1979.1069 |
16 |
1979.1070 |
62 |
1979.1071 |
68 |
1981.906 |
4 |
1981.907 |
3 |
1981.908 |
5 |
1981.909 |
6 |
1981.910 |
7 |
1981.912 |
16 |
1981.931 |
249 |
1982.1102 |
62 |
1982.1105 |
11 |
1982.1106 |
12 |
1982.1107 |
13 |
1982.1108 |
145 |
1984.1046-1065 |
83 |
1985.1082 |
11 |
1985.1082 |
12 |
1985.1082 |
13 |
1985.1082 |
145 |
1987.850 |
195 |
1987.852 |
116 |
1990.937 |
13 |
1990.938 |
11 |
1990.938 |
12 |
1990.939 |
252 |
1990.950 |
251 |
1996.1394 |
253 |
1996.1395 |
38 |
1996.1398 |
235 |
1997.1555 |
37 |
1997.851 |
10 |
Authored works
Francke (1830), Griechische und lateinische Inscriften, gesammelt von Otto Fr.Richter
(See bibliography) |
73 |
19 |
74 and 75 |
22 |
Jacopi (1939-40), Gli scavi della missione archeologica italiana in Afrodisiade
(See bibliography) |
170 |
19 |
Mendel (1914), Musées Imperiaux Ottomans. Catalogue des sculptures grecques, romaines et byzantines
(See bibliography) |
506.1 |
26 |
506.2 |
27 |
Roueché (1984), Acclamations in the later Roman empire: new evidence from Aphrodisias
(See bibliography) |
1-20 |
83 |
Sevcenko (1968), A late epigram and the so-called Elder Magistrate from Aphrodisias
(See bibliography) |
29 |
31 |
38 |
33 |
Smith (1999), Late Antique Portraits in a Public Context: Honorific Statuary at Aphrodisias in Caria, A.D. 300-600
(See bibliography) |
161-2 |
20 |
162 |
26 |
162 |
27 |
165-7 |
32 |
168 |
56 |
168 |
62 |
Smith (2001), A portrait monument for Julian and Theodosius at Aphrodisias
(See bibliography) |
125-136 |
20 |
Smith (2002), The Statue Monument of Oecumenius: A New Portrait of a Late Antique Governor from Aphrodisias
(See bibliography) |
134-156 |
31 |
Texier (1839-49), Description de l'Asie Mineure faite par ordre du Gouvernement Français, de 1833 à 1837, et publiée par le Ministère de l'Instruction
publique. Ouvrage Dédié au Roi
(See bibliography) |
1 |
19 |
156 |
117 |
156 |
118 |
2 |
22 |
3 |
141 |
Waddington (1870), Inscriptions grecques et latines receuillies en Grèce et en Asie Mineure
(See bibliography) |
1625 |
2 |
1626 |
19 |
1649 |
109 |
1650 |
209 |
593 |
22 |
594 |
22 |