Dates: Fifth century AD
All inscriptions sorted by date: few inscriptions are securely datable, most are therefore listed under the centuries in which they may have originated.
- Fifth century AD
- ?1.3. Prayer of the builders
- ?1.10. Names with gameboard s
- 1.11. Place inscription of Loukas, philoponus
- 1.12. Prayer of Theodoretos and Kyriakos
- 1.13. Prayer of donors, including Theodoretos and Kyriakos
- 1.14. Prayer of Anastasios, donor
- 1.15. Prayer of Anastasios, donor
- 1.16. Prayer of donor
- ?1.17. Fragment of donor's prayer
- ?1.18. Anatolios, donor
- 1.19. Prayer of Asterios
- 1.20. Prayer of Theodoros
- 1.21. Prayers on West Door of Temple-Church (south)
- 1.22. Prayers on West Door of Temple-Church (north)
- 1.23. Prayer of/to Michael
- 1.24. Name: Stephanos, subdeacon ( prayer/invocation )
- 1.25. Names: Stephanos and Leon (prayer/invocation)
- 1.26. Name, Philippos (prayer/invocation)
- 1.27. Name
- 1.28. Michael: name or invocation
- 1.29. Prayer of Leon
- ?1.30. Name: Onesimos ( prayer/invocation )
- 1.31. Invocation
- 1.32. Names
- 1.33. Graffiti: names and prayers
- 1.34. Graffiti: names and prayers
- ?1.35. Place inscription of Tryphon, chief decanus
- 1.36. Prayer on column: Temple-Church
- ?1.113. Revetment fragment, from Temple
- 1.116. Fragmentary honours from Temple
- 1.177. Honours for Zenon son of Zenon, wrestler
- ?1.192. Church donor's inscription
- 1.193. Warning against approaching the bema (verse); invocations
- 1.194. Graffiti: prayer/invocation
- ?1.195. Fragment of funerary verse
- ?1.196. Verse honours for Ioannes, leader of the Council
- 1.202. Eustochios, responsible for building work
- 1.301. i. Letter from a Roman official (a curator) to Aphrodisias. ii Place inscription of Kyriakos, trouser-maker
- ?1.302. Eustochios, responsible for building work
- 1.401. Graffito figure
- ?1.402. Place inscription of Heptamenios et al.
- 1.403. Acclamation of the Greens
- 1.404. Monogram acclamation of the Greens
- ?1.405. Prayer
- ?1.505. Fl. Epiphanios Hermias and others make a benefaction
- ?1.506. Place inscription of mydrostasia
- ?1.507. Building inscription
- 2.3. Graffiti: insults and acclamations
- 2.4. Graffiti on plaster
- 2.5. Graffiti on plaster
- 2.6. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block B
- 2.7. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block C
- 2.8. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block E
- 2.9. Seat inscriptions, loose Odeon seats
- 2.10. Graffiti on plaster
- 2.11. Graffiti on plaster
- 2.12. Graffito images
- 2.14. Numbering for steps, Odeon
- 2.18. Seat inscriptions, Odeon block D
- ?2.19. Ampelios, father of the city, restores the 'palaestra'
- 2.20. Epigram for Pytheas
- ?2.103. Sarcophagus fragment with mason's mark
- 2.112. Fragment of building inscription
- ?2.313. Storage jar of Polychronios: measurement
- ?2.314. Table/dish fragment
- ?2.315. Funerary verse for Arkimos
- 2.401. Gameboard and pavement designs, Bishop's Palace
- 2.402. Graffiti: Prayers and names
- 2.515. Fragment
- ?2.516. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
- 2.529. Table fragment
- ?2.530. Table/dish fragment
- 2.531. Table/dish fragment: Dedication
- ?3.4. i. Dedication to Patris by Zenon son of Euthymos and others; ii. The Phrygian Metropolis honours Alexandros, in verse
- ?3.5. Place inscription of Philippos
- 4.2. Graffito illustrating munera
- 4.5. Gameboard
- 4.6. Pavement designs and place inscriptions, South Agora pool
- ?4.7. i: Place inscription of Eugraphios phylarchos; ii: Place inscription of Zotikos
- 4.8. Place inscription of Kes
- ?4.9. Place inscription of Zotikos, peddlar
- 4.12. Acclamation of the sellophoroi
- 4.13. Acclamations of the Greens, the City and the Blues
- 4.14. Place inscription of Mos
- ?4.15. Place inscription of Kallinikos
- ?4.16. Place inscription of Theoktistos
- ?4.17. Place inscription of Theoktistos
- ?4.18. Place inscription of Ioannes
- ?4.19. Philippos, admirandissimus, pays for work in the South Agora
- ?4.202. Verse honours: i. for Ampelios, father of the city; ii. and iii. for Doulkitios, governor, on the Agora Gate
- 4.310. i. Verse honours for Anthemios; ii. Invocation
- 4.310. i. Verse honours for Anthemios; ii. Invocation
- 5.1. Pavement designs and an acclamation
- ?5.10. i. Honours for Marcus Antonius Popillius Andronikos; ii. Fl. Photios gives a gameboard
- ?5.11. Place inscription of Epiktetos, cloakroom-attendant
- ?5.12. i. Fragment of verse . ii. Place inscription of Synodios
- ?5.13. -getos, exceptor, gives a gameboard
- ?5.14. Fl. Photios gives a gameboard
- ?5.15. Flavius Photios gives a gameboard
- ?5.19. Ioannes undertakes restoration works in the Hadrianic Baths
- ?5.20. Building works in the Hadrianic Baths
- ?5.21. Flavius undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
- ?5.22. Flavius E undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
- ?5.23. Restoration work in the Hadrianic Baths
- ?5.24. Acclamations for imperial family, and a New Theodosius
- 5.122. Donor prayer from a church
- ?5.204. i. Honours for Pyrron son of Itharos; ii. Verse honours for Hermias, benefactor
- 5.218. Tatianos, governor, restores the statue of Tatianos, PPO; verse
- ?5.219. Dionysios, doctor, undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
- 5.303. Building inscription of Pytheas, in verse
- 6.3. Basilica, gameboard
- ?6.5. Verse honours for Ioannes, governor of Caria
- 7.1. Mason's mark
- ?7.16. Monogram capitals from the Triconch Church
- 8.1. i. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Demos; ii. Invocation to Ourania; iii. Acclamation for the City
- 8.6. Acclamation for Ourania
- 8.7. Acclamation for Ourania
- 8.8. Place inscription of Philistion
- 8.9. Place inscription of Pardalas, mimologos
- 8.10. Graffiti on Theatre stage building
- 8.11. Graffiti of a pyrrhic dancer
- 8.12. Graffiti on Theatre stage
- 8.13. Graffiti in doorway
- 8.15. Place inscription of archeologoi
- 8.16. Place inscription of Autolykos
- 8.17. Place inscription of Kapuras and Philologos
- 8.18. Place inscription of Neikanor
- 8.19. Place inscription of Bassos; invocation
- 8.20. Place inscriptions of Ioulianos and Bassos
- 8.21. Place inscription of Demetrios, homerist
- 8.22. Place inscription of a biologos
- 8.53. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block A
- 8.54. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block B
- 8.55. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block C
- 8.56. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block D
- 8.57. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block E
- 8.58. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block F
- 8.59. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block G
- 8.60. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block H
- 8.61. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block J
- 8.62. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block K
- 8.63. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Blocks K/L
- 8.64. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, Block L
- 8.65. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.66. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.67. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.68. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.69. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.70. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.71. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.72. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.73. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.74. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.75. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.76. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.77. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.78. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.79. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.80. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.81. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block
- 8.89. List of muses
- 8.90. Graffiti
- 8.91. Graffiti image
- 8.92. Graffiti
- 8.93. Graffiti
- 8.94. Graffiti
- 8.95. Graffiti
- 8.96. Graffiti
- 8.97. Lists of Muses
- 8.98. List of Muses
- 8.104. Acclamation for the Greens and their mimes
- 8.105. Acclamation for the Greens
- 8.106. Acclamation of city Tyche and the Greens
- 8.107. Seat inscriptions: Theatre, loose block: acclamation for the Greens
- ?8.109. Fragmentary acclamations
- 8.110. Invocation
- ?8.262. Dedication (building inscription), to a saint
- 8.265. Reserved benches for associations
- 8.266. Fragment of building inscription .
- ?8.267. Graffiti representing menoroth
- ?8.268. Fragmentary acclamations
- 8.269. Invocation
- ?8.270. Funerary verse for Jordanes
- 8.271. Table/dish fragment with numerals
- ?8.272. Acclamations of Mardaetus and of the Pytheanitae ( gameboard )
- ?8.273. The city honours Bitianos, governor
- 8.401. Tetrastoon: pavement designs
- ?8.407. Verse honours for a governor
- ?8.408. Acclamations for governors
- ?8.409. Sundial
- 8.410. The city honours Fl. Palmatos, governor
- ?8.507. Place inscription of Heortasios
- ?8.508. Fragmentary acclamations
- 8.601. Pavement designs
- 8.605. Place inscription of Alexandros, barber
- 8.606. Place inscription of Theodoros
- ?8.607. Warning against theft
- ?8.608. i. Verse honours for Doulkitios from Balerianos; ii. Place inscription
- ?8.608. i. Verse honours for Doulkitios from Balerianos; ii. Place inscription
- 8.609. Ampelios, father of the city, undertakes restoration work in the Theatre Baths
- 8.610. Building inscription of Pytheas, in verse
- 8.710. Revetment panel fragment
- 8.902. Fragment from Acropolis
- ?8.905. Panel fragment: funerary
- 9.115. Gameboard
- 9.120. Revetment fragment
- ?9.123. Panel fragment: funerary
- ?9.124. Monogram of Theochares, donor
- ?9.125. Titles on philosopher portraits
- 10.1. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 21
- 10.2. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 20
- 10.3. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 19
- 10.4. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 18
- 10.4. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 18
- 10.5. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 16
- 10.6. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 15
- 10.7. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 14
- 10.8. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 13
- 10.9. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 12
- 10.10. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 11
- 10.11. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 10
- 10.12. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 9
- 10.13. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 8
- 10.14. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 7
- 10.15. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 6
- 10.16. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 5
- 10.17. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 4
- 10.18. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 2
- 10.19. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 1
- 10.20. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 40
- 10.21. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 37
- 10.22. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 38
- 10.23. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 36
- 10.24. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 34
- 10.25. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 33
- 10.26. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 32
- 10.27. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 30
- 10.28. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 29
- 10.29. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 28
- 10.30. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 27
- 10.31. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 25
- 10.32. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 26
- 10.33. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 23
- 10.34. Seat inscriptions: Stadium Block 22
- 10.35. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
- 10.36. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat, with image of a gladiator
- 10.37. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
- 10.38. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
- 10.39. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
- 10.40. Seat inscriptions: Stadium, loose seat
- 11.55. List of Jews and godfearers
- ?11.63. Acclamation for Scholastikios
- ?11.64. Prayer of Damocharis, cursor
- 11.67. Name
- 11.68. Verse posthumous honours, apparently , for Asclepiodotus
- 11.69. Funerary verse, for Asklepiodotos
- 11.70. Acclamation for Pytheas
- ?11.101. Storage jar: measurement
- 11.201. Pavement design
- ?11.225. Prayer of Theodoros, 'the Bell'
- ?11.309. Fragment of building inscription
- ?12.101. i. Honours for Flavius Constantius, governor, for building the wall; ii. Flavius Ampelios restores the gate
- 12.208. Gameboard
- 12.315. Gameboard
- ?12.328. Warning against throwing earth
- 12.401. Invocations
- ?12.540. Dedicator's prayer
- ?12.718. Place inscriptions of Leon and Philippos
- ?13.107. Jewish graffiti in a bath-building
- ?13.113. Epitaph of Theopropios, bishop
- ?13.114. Epitaph of Theopropios, bishop
- 13.144. Funerary fragment
- ?13.508. Heliodoros, builder or donor
- 14.16. Funerary verse for Stephanos
- 15.102. Invocation
- 15.103. Monumental fragment
- ?15.218. Circular fragment, stray
- 15.234. Fragment, Byzantine
- ?15.243. Fragment
- 15.264. Panel fragment
- 15.336. Revetment fragments
- ?15.347. Funerary verse for Claudia
- ?15.351. Anonymous, magnificentissimus, gives a gameboard
- ?15.352. Dedication from a church ( building inscription )
- 15.353. Invocation
- ?15.354. Funerary verse for Makedonios
- ?15.355. Epitaph of Charito
- ?15.356. Epitaph of Ioannes and others
- ?15.357. Epitaph of Eutychia
- ?15.358. Funerary inscription for Epiphanios, bull-rearer
- 15.359. Donor prayer from a church
- ?15.360. The Carians honour Palmatos, in verse
- 15.361. Funerary verse for Pytheas