1.171. Honours for Lucius Antonius Karpion Aurelianos, who has established a foundation
- Description:
- Rectangular white marble statue base shaft, with moulded panels on all four sides in two large joining fragments (together W. 0.49 × H. 1.125 × D. 0.49) and one small fragment of ll. 14-16 (W. 0.165 × H. 0.21 × D. 0.10);
- Text:
- Inscribed on two adjacent faces. Face a, to the left, has broken moulding, and is broken down the left side. Face b is pitted to receive plaster. The moulding on face a survives at the upper edge; the text must therefore have begun on an upper feature. Traces of the plaster which covered the inscriptions when the stone was re-used are still adhering.
- Letters:
- Face a: 0.02; ligatured ΝΤ l.14, ΗΜ l.15, ΝΗ l.22, 23, ΤΕ l.23. Apex on ΥΙ, l.5. Circular stops. Face b: 0.025; Π with a vertical line through the cross-bar, presumably ΠΙ in ligature, line 3.
- Date:
- Second to third centuries A.D. (lettering, prosopography).
- Findspot:
- Temple/Church: re-used on the north side of the Byzantine chancel-barrier, third base from east.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot; small fragment in Museum (1978).
- History of discovery:
- Deering saw and copied side b (5v, no. 22); complete text, on both sides, recorded by the NYU expedition (Temple 3; SBI 90).
- Bibliography:
- Published by Leake, from Deering, 8, whence LBW 1628a whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 948.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds); Deering notebook. This edition Reynolds (2007).
- a
- 0 [(e.g.) ἥ βουλὴ καὶ ὁ δῆμος]
- 1ἐτείμησαν ταῖς
- 2καλλίσταις καὶ
- 3μεγίσταις τει -
- 4μαις Λούκιον Ἀν -
- 5τώνιον Ἑρμοῦ υἱ -
- 6ὸν Καρπιώνα Αὐ -
- 7[ρ]ηλιανὸν ἄνδρα
- 8[ἀ]π̣ὸ προγόνων εὐ -
- 9[γε]νῶν καὶ λειτουρ -
- 10[γῶ]ν stop λειτουργήσαν
- 11[τα] δ̣ὲ καὶ αὐτὸν πα -
- 12[σα]ς τὰς κατὰ δυνα -
- 13[μιν] ἀρχάς τε καὶ λι -
- 14[το]υρ̣γίας ζήσαντα
- 15[κο]σμίως καὶ αἰδημό -
- 16[ν]ως stop ἀναθέντα δὲ
- 17[τῇ ἱερ]ωτάτῃ βουλῇ
- 18[εἰς αἰών]ιον κλῆρον
- 19[τὰ δη]λ̣ούμενα διὰ
- 20[τῆς] γ̣εγονυίας ὑπὸ
- 21[αὐτ]ου ἀναθέσεως
- 22[γε]νομένης ἐπὶ στε -
- 23[φα]νηφόρου τὸ Ϛ´ Λου -
- 24[κίο]υ Ἀντωνίου Δομε -
- 25[τε]ίνου Διογένους
- 26 [? scroll ]μ̣ηνὸς Δείου scroll
- b
- 1 προθεσμία
- 2 κλήρου μηνὶ
- 3ι´ vv. ι´ ΠΙ
- 3a vacat
- a
- 0[························]
- 10[··]Ν stop ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΗΣΑΝ
- 16[·]ΩΣ stop ΑΝΑΘΕΝΤΑΔΕ
- 17[·····]ΩΤΑΤΗΒΟΥΛΗ
- 18[·······]ΙΟΝΚΛΗΡΟΝ
- 19[····]·ΟΥΜΕΝΑΔΙΑ
- 26[··]·ΗΝΟΣΔΕΙΟΥ scroll
- b
- 3Ι ΙΠΙ
- 3a vacat
a: [? The Council and the People] honoured with the finest and greatest honours Lucius Antonius Karpion Aureleianos, son of Hermas, a man whose ancestors were well-born and liturgists. He himself also undertook all the magistracies and liturgies ?that he could, and lived in a well-regulated and modest manner. Moreover he dedicated to the most sacred Council for the purpose of a permanent ?distribution the sum indicated in his act of dedication which was made in the sixth stephanephorate of Lucius Antomius Dometinos Diogenes, in the month Deios.
b: Announcement of the lottery in the tenth month, 10 (denarii), to 80 people?
The parallel with 11.110 suggests that the numbers in b.3 are to be read as numerals, to give the month, the size of the lot, and the number of the recipients. This would give a total of 800 denarii to be handed out.
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