- balustrade
92. Prayer of Theodoretos and Kyriakos
93. Prayer of donors, including Theodoretos and Kyriakos
94. Prayer of Anastasios, donor
95. Prayer of Anastasios, donor
96. Prayer of donor
105. Dedication from a church (building inscription)
107. Church donor's inscription
132. Graffiti: names and prayers
239. Donor prayer from a church
240. Donor prayer from a church
- base
?91. Theophylaktos, imperial judge, witnesses a document
?141. Invocation
325. Fragment of base from the Temple
327. Fragment of base from Temple
335. Fragment of base in Temple
347. Honours for Kastor son of Menekrates
348. Fragmentary honours from Temple
353. Dedication by Kallikles son of Kallikles via his brother Molossos
355. Honours for Panphilos Krokion
356. Honours for female stephanephorus
362. Fragment of honours from Temple
364. Fragment of a base from the walls
365. Honours for M. Antonius Zenon Ulpianos
406. Fragment (II cent)
409. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Antonius son of Attalos
413. Fragment, undated, from Temple
?417. Fragment, second to third century, from South Wall
421. Fragmentary honours, second/third century
422. Fragment of base capital, second/third century
425. Fragment , second century, stray find
429. Honours for Claudia Paulina
435. Fragment of dedication by Myre and . . .
526. Dedication to Aphrodite by Artemidoros
?703. Funerary inscription of Peritas, on base or altar;
806. Sculptor's signature of Menippos
816. Honours by People for Council
857. Honours for M. Aur. Cl. Ant. Dioskoros
902. Fragmentary honours from the Gerousia
1014. Posthumous honours for Dionysios son of Artemidoros
1017. Posthumous honours for Nikoteimos Hierax
1018. Posthumous honours for Adrastos son of Nikotimos
1019. Posthumous honours for Adrastos son of Nikotimos
1021. Posthumous honours for Theodotos son of Andronikos
1025. Posthumous honours for Aelius Claudius . . .
1026. Posthumous honours for Tiberius Cl(audius) Antonius [Am]mianos
1030. Posthumous honours for Zenon son of Zenon
1031. Posthumous honours for M. Fl. Antonius Lysimachos
1034. Honours for Aurelius Gaius, centurio frumentarius
1035. Honours, perhaps funerary, for Julianos and Flavia Apphia Iuliane
1036. Honours for anonymous
1038. Honours for Aurelia Kelesteina
1042. Honours for Zenas descendent of Apollonios
1043. Posthumous honours for Dionysios, and a foundation
1046. Posthumous honours for [ . . . ]nios, who has established a foundation
?1050. Honours for anonymous
1224. Votive to Asklepios
1247. Votive offering to a goddess (Aphrodite)
?1277. Dedication for Hadrian Soter
?1283. Title for image of Nero Drusus Augustus Caesar
1347. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Apolloniοs, chief doctor
1390. Grave platform ceded to Tryphon Hermes son of Hephaistion
1710. Honours for Molossos
1730. Fragment, Hellenistic
1748. Honours for M. Au[relius - ]
1750. Honours for anonymous
1751. Honours for anonymous
?1753. Honours for Dionysios son of Mo [ . . .
1805. Honours for anonymous
?1822. Fragmentary honours
1835. Dedication to a benefactor
1874. Honours for Attalos and Diogenes, brothers
1904. Fragmentary honours
1905. Honours for Tiberius Claudius Hierokles
1906. Honours for Marcus Antonius Popillios Agelaos
1918. Dedication by Antipatros son of Artemidoros
- base capital
7. Honours for T. Oppius Aelianus Asklepiodotos
?233. i. Fragment of verse. ii. Place inscription of Synodios
343. Honours for [...]
354. Heading to decree
367. Public honours for anonymous
?417. Fragment, second to third century, from South Wall
691. Honours for Aelius Aurelius Menandros
904. Honours for Lucius Antonius Ze[-
1745. Honours for anonymous
?1753. Honours for Dionysios son of Mo [ . . .
1780. Honours for M. Aurelius Ariston; establishment of a foundation by Aurelia Ammia
1907. Fragmentary honours
- beam
604. Acclamation for Ourania
- bench
212. Reserved benches for associations
1702. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Stephanos
- block
43. Ampelios, father of the city, restores the 'palaestra'
348. Fragmentary honours from Temple
372. Fragment
377. Funerary inscription for Elpides
379. Funerary inscriptions for Tatis and Herodotos (mother and child)
423. Fragment , second/third century, stray find
445. Official document or funerary text
455. Fragment from Hadrianic Baths
476. Dedication
478. Fragment from Theatre
482. Fragment from a funerary document
490. Fragment
506. Letter of Octavian to Plarasa/Aphrodisias
507. Triumviral decree
508. Senatus consultum de Aphrodisiensibus
525. Letter of Traianus Decius and Herennius Etruscus to Aphrodisias
530. Honours for an anonymous benefactor
533. Honours for Gaius Julius Zoilos
535. Boundary marker, set up by C. Julius Zoilos
541. Honours for an anonymous benefactor, ?Solon son of Demetrios
549. Letter from a proconsul to Aphrodisias
554. Dedication by M. Iulius Attalos, imperial freedman, to Aphrodite, the imperial house, and the Senate and People of Rome.
562. Report by a curator rei publicae concerning funds for contests
595. Gameboard
596. Gameboard
605. Acclamation for Ourania
614. Gladiator memorial for familia of Zenon Hypsikles
648. Honours for Papulos, contest-president
652. List of prizes for contests
653. List of prizes for a contest
688. Honours for C. Julius Longianos, poet
701. List of Jews and godfearers
702. Graffiti representing menoroth
710. Building dedication to Demos by Eupolemos son of Artemidoros
812. Fragment from Acropolis
813. Monumental fragments
821. Fragment from Theatre
866. Fragment of honours
877. Decree of honours for Pereitas
1002. Funerary honours by Artemeis for her brother Bacchios
1003. Funerary honours for Epainetos
1005. Honours for Chaireas
1006. Honours for Tryphe
1008. Funerary honours for Apphias and Hermias Glykon
1009. Funerary honours for Neaera and Metrodoros
1010. Funerary honours for Kallippos, Athenagoras and
1011. Posthumous honours for Attinas son of Theodoros
1012. Posthumous honours for Apphia daughter of Theodoros
1013. Posthumous honours for Attalos son of Makedon
1020. Posthumous honours for Papylos son of Iason
1022. Honours for Attalos son of Pytheas and Tatas daughter of Diodoros
1027. Posthumous honours for Tiberius Claudius Ktesias, who established a foundation
1035. Honours, perhaps funerary, for Julianos and Flavia Apphia Iuliane
1047. Honours for anonymous
1049. Posthumous honours for Ammia daughter of Attalos
1071. Fragment, ?funerary
1077. Funerary for Attalos son of Menippos
1078. Fragment
1134. Dedication of trapeza by Kallikrates son of Molossos
1154. Dedication of kamara to Aphrodite
1176. Fragment of building inscription, found in village
1212. Dedication of an image of Bellerophon
1213. Funerary verse for Eupeithios
?1228. Dedication by Euphron son of Archimedes
1231. Funerary verse
1235. Fragment
1243. Votive offering to an unnamed God
1246. Dedication to Aphrodite and Demos
1257. Building dedication under Domitian.
1261. Fragment of dedication
1273. Building dedication to emperors
?1283. Title for image of Nero Drusus Augustus Caesar
?1287. Funerary fragment
1341. Funerary fragment, I-II cent.
1343. Funerary verse
1344. Funerary for Chrysaphios the chief-doctor
1346. Funerary formula
1348. a: Funerary fragment from Bishop's Palace. b: Acclamation (graffito)
1353. Funerary for Publius Aelius Klaudius Smaragdos Julianos and his father
1363. Funerary verse
1383. Funerary inscription for Heraklide, Thyodora, and Meltine
1389. Funerary inscription for Ulpia Carminia Claudiane
1399. Funerary inscription for Menekles son of Dionysios son of Epainetos
1405. Funerary verse fragment; stray, undated
1409. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1421. Funerary inscription for Eutychos
1440. Sculptor's signature: Euplous
1467. Funerary inscription for Zenon
1477. Funerary inscription for Flavius ?
1481. Decree of honours for Aristokles Molossos
1497. Consolatory decree, on death of Apphia daughter of Timotheos
1498. Consolatory decree, on death of Titus Antonius Lysimachos Grypos
1509. Testament of Attalos Adrastos
1514. ?Posthumous honours
1515. Prohibition
1525. Funerary inscription for Aba
1526. Funerary inscription for Aelia Pauleina
1527. Funerary inscription for T. Aelius Epaphrodeitos
1528. Funerary inscription for Alypos
1529. Funerary inscription for Marcus Aurelius Molossos
1530. a: Funerary inscription and b: consolatory decree
1531. Funerary inscription for Neikomachos and others
1532. Funerary inscription for Artemidoros son of Artemidoros
1534. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Eumachos Apellas
1536. Funerary inscription for Chrezimos son of Hermias
1538. Funerary inscription for Hermas son of Nardos
1539. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Julius Glykon
1540. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Julius ?
1542. Funerary inscription for Tib. Cl. Anteros
1543. Funerary inscription for Claudius Tatianos
1545. Funerary inscription for Menandros
1546. Honours for Menekra[tes]
1549. Funerary text for ?Soteira
1550. Honours for Sokrates son of Theophrastos
1556. Funerary inscription for ? and Antonia Kalliniane
?1561. Funerary fragment
1574. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Papiane and family
1578. Funerary inscription for MMM. Aur. Cl. Kastor, Papylos and Dionysios
1581. Boundary marker, set up by C. Julius Zoilos
1583. Funerary inscription for Gaius . . .
1585. Funerary inscription for Julius Aurelius Charidemos Ioulianos
1586. Funerary inscription for ?Tib. Cl. Philo[ . . . ]
1590. Monumental fragment of building dedication
1591. Funerary inscription for Aurelius Hermes and family, establishing a foundation
1594. Funerary inscription for anonymous
?1596. Funerary inscription for Athiktos
1603. Funerary inscription for Heraklides, Alexandros, and Apollonios, sons of Zenon
1611. Funerary inscription for Aurelius
1615. Funerary inscription for Chares son of Zenon
1622. Consolatory decree for Tatia Attalis
1623. Decree of honours for anonymous
1624. Decree of honours for Attinas Meliton
1633. Funerary formula
1635. Funerary inscription for Tiberius Claudius Diadoumenos
1646. Funerary inscription of Alk[ . . .]
1658. Funerary inscription for Chrysanthos
1688. List of names or graffiti
1692. Funerary inscription for M. Aurelius Agathopous
1693. Funerary inscription
1694. Funerary fragment
1696. Funerary inscription and honours for Attalos son of Attalos
1701. Funerary inscription for Ti. Claudius Achilleus
1703. Funerary inscription for Liburnos son of Diotrephes
1704. Funerary inscription for Kallikrates
1705. Funerary fragment
1706. Funerary fragment
1715. Fragment
1717. Honours for Teimokles, son of Apollonios
1722. Warning against theft from the Baths
1728. Fragment from a consolatory text
1730. Fragment, Hellenistic
1732. Honours, for anonymous
?1768. Posthumous honours for Diogenes son of Menandros
1812. Monumental fragment
1819. Honours for Epigonos son of Glykon
1824. Fragment of honours
1839. Fragment
1850. Fragment of honours
?1851. Honours for Molossos, Ammia and Phanias
1852. Honours for Artemon
1884. List of names
1886. Honours for anonymous gymnasiarch, high priest, and stephanephoros
1888. Fragment
1899. Honours for anonymous
1916. Fragment from Agora
1917. Fragment (of honours) from city walls
1517. Text with names
- bust
251. Titles on philosopher portraits
1052. Sculptor's signature: [Kobla ]nos