- masonry block
?10. Dedication by Flavius Eusebios
?12. Dedication (post mortem) by Flavius Zenon
?15. Honours for an amicus principum
80. Acclamation of the sellophoroi
112. Warning against throwing earth
113. Prayer of Asterios
115. Prayer of Theodoros, 'the Bell'
122. Name, Philippos (prayer/invocation)
129. Warning against approaching the bema (verse); invocations
135. Invocation
136. Invocation
139. Invocations
153. Funerary verse for Claudia
154. Funerary verse for a girl, Thea[ . . .
157. Funerary verse for Euphemia
159. Fragment of funerary verse
165. Epitaph of Theopropios, bishop
167. Epitaph of bishop of Stratonicaea
171. Epitaph of Ioannes and others
206. Place inscription of Zotikos, peddlar
208. Place inscription of mydrostasia
209. Place inscription of Philotheos
210. Cross-monograms
211. Place inscriptions of Leon and Philippos
1162. Building dedication by Aristokles Molossos
1468. Funerary copy of a consolatory decree
1566. Funerary inscription for Publius Aelius Aurelius ?
1574. Funerary inscription for Aurelia Papiane and family
?1584. Funerary inscription for Hermolaos
?1593. Funerary inscription for anonymous
?1649. Funerary fragment or honours
?1767. Honours
1902. Honours for Sallustia Frontina and Titus Sallustius
- monumental base
366. Dedication of a foundation by Titus Aelius ... [—]dianos
- monumental block
1001. Honours for Mithridates son of Athenagoras
- mosaic
235. Building inscription by Fl. Constantius, governor
- moulding
407. Fragmentary honours (I cent)
408. Funerary fragment (I-II cent)
419. Fragment, second century, from SW Walls
420. Fragment, second century, from SW Walls
1080. Fragment
1117. Column dedication to Demos
1378. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1626. Funerary fragment
1810. Fragment
1861. Fragment